import Prelude hiding (filter, foldr, lookup, null)
import Prelude.Unicode
--- |FIXME: docs
+-- |Class of maps from 'Host' to 'ResourceMap' to provide name-based
+-- virtual hosts.
+-- Note that Lucu currently does not implement neither RFC 2817
+-- connection upgrading (<>) nor RFC
+-- 3546 server name indication
+-- (<>) so you won't be
+-- able to host more than one SSL virtual host on the same port
+-- without using wildcard certificates
+-- (<>).
-- Minimal complete definition: 'findResourceMap'
class HostMapper α where
+ -- |Find a repository of resources for the given host name if any.
findResourceMap ∷ Host → α → MaybeT IO ResourceMap
+ -- |Wrap an instance of 'HostMapper' in a monoidal, homogeneous
+ -- container.
hostMap ∷ α → HostMap
{-# INLINE hostMap #-}
hostMap = HMap
-- |Container type for the 'HostMapper' type class.
data HostMap = ∀α. HostMapper α ⇒ HMap α
--- |FIXME: docs
+-- |Class of maps from resource 'Path' to 'Resource'.
-- Minimal complete definition: 'findResource'
class ResourceMapper α where
+ -- |Find a resource handler for the given resource path, along
+ -- with the path where the said handler was found. The found path
+ -- is usually the same as the queried path, but there are
+ -- situations where the found path is just a prefix of the queried
+ -- path. See 'greedy'.
findResource ∷ Path → α → MaybeT IO (Path, Resource)
+ -- |Wrap an instance of 'ResourceMapper' in a monoidal,
+ -- homogeneous container.
resourceMap ∷ α → ResourceMap
{-# INLINE resourceMap #-}
resourceMap = RMap