import Language.Haskell.TH.Ppr
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
import Prelude hiding ( concat, concatMap, exp, filter
- , foldl, foldr, foldl1, foldr1, null)
+ , foldl, foldr, foldl1, foldr1
+ , lookup, null
+ )
import Prelude.Unicode
type Deriver = Q Cxt → Q Type → Q Exp → Q Exp → Q Dec
inspectInstance (AppT (AppT (AppT (ConT classTy) wrapperTy) _) _)
| classTy ≡ ''Indexed
= return (wrapperTy, deriveIndexed)
+ | classTy ≡ ''Map
+ = return (wrapperTy, deriveMap)
inspectInstance ty
= fail $ "deriveInstance: unsupported type: " ⧺ pprint ty
| otherwise
= fail $ "deriveIndexed: unknown method: " ⧺ pprint name
+deriveMap ∷ Q Cxt → Q Type → Q Exp → Q Exp → Q Dec
+deriveMap c ty wrap unwrap
+ = do names ← methodNames ''Map
+ instanceD c ty $ concatMap (pointfreeMethod exp) names
+ where
+ exp ∷ Name → Q Exp
+ exp name
+ | name ≡ 'delete
+ = [| ($wrap ∘) ∘ (∘ $unwrap) ∘ delete |]
+ | name ≡ 'member
+ = [| (∘ $unwrap) ∘ member |]
+ | name ≡ 'union
+ = [| ($wrap ∘) ∘ (∘ $unwrap) ∘ union ∘ $unwrap |]
+ | name ≡ 'intersection
+ = [| ($wrap ∘) ∘ (∘ $unwrap) ∘ intersection ∘ $unwrap |]
+ | name ≡ 'difference
+ = [| ($wrap ∘) ∘ (∘ $unwrap) ∘ difference ∘ $unwrap |]
+ | name ≡ 'isSubset
+ = [| (∘ $unwrap) ∘ isSubset ∘ $unwrap |]
+ | name ≡ 'isProperSubset
+ = [| (∘ $unwrap) ∘ isProperSubset ∘ $unwrap |]
+ | name ≡ 'lookup
+ = [| (∘ $unwrap) ∘ lookup |]
+ | name ≡ 'alter
+ = [| (($wrap ∘) ∘) ∘ flip flip $unwrap ∘ ((∘) ∘) ∘ alter |]
+ | name ≡ 'insertWith
+ = [| ((($wrap ∘) ∘) ∘) ∘ flip flip $unwrap ∘ ((flip ∘ ((∘) ∘)) ∘) ∘ insertWith |]
+ | name ≡ 'fromFoldableWith
+ = [| ($wrap ∘) ∘ fromFoldableWith |]
+ | name ≡ 'foldGroups
+ = [| (($wrap ∘) ∘) ∘ foldGroups |]
+ | name ≡ 'mapWithKey
+ = [| ($wrap ∘) ∘ (∘ $unwrap) ∘ mapWithKey |]
+ | name ≡ 'unionWith
+ = [| (($wrap ∘) ∘) ∘ flip flip $unwrap ∘ ((∘) ∘) ∘ (∘ $unwrap) ∘ unionWith |]
+ | name ≡ 'intersectionWith
+ = [| (($wrap ∘) ∘) ∘ flip flip $unwrap ∘ ((∘) ∘) ∘ (∘ $unwrap) ∘ intersectionWith |]
+ | name ≡ 'differenceWith
+ = [| (($wrap ∘) ∘) ∘ flip flip $unwrap ∘ ((∘) ∘) ∘ (∘ $unwrap) ∘ differenceWith |]
+ | name ≡ 'isSubmapBy
+ = [| flip flip $unwrap ∘ ((∘) ∘) ∘ (∘ $unwrap) ∘ isSubmapBy |]
+ | name ≡ 'isProperSubmapBy
+ = [| flip flip $unwrap ∘ ((∘) ∘) ∘ (∘ $unwrap) ∘ isProperSubmapBy |]
+ | otherwise
+ = fail $ "deriveMap: unknown method: " ⧺ pprint name
deriveSortingCollection ∷ Q Cxt → Q Type → Q Exp → Q Exp → Q Dec
deriveSortingCollection c ty wrap unwrap
= do names ← methodNames ''SortingCollection
+ Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEParams.Internal
, TypeSynonymInstances
, UnicodeSyntax
-{-# OPTIONS_GHC -ddump-splices #-} -- FIXME
--- THINKME: GHC 7.0.3 gives us a false warning.
+{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-methods #-}
-- |Parsing and printing MIME parameter values
-- (<>).
import Data.Collections.BaseInstances ()
import qualified Data.Collections.Newtype.TH as C
import qualified Data.Map as M (Map)
-import Data.Monoid
import Data.Monoid.Unicode
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
import Data.Text.Encoding.Error
-import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word
+import Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEParams.Internal
import Network.HTTP.Lucu.OrphanInstances ()
import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Parser.Http
import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Utils
-import Prelude hiding (concat, filter, foldr, lookup, mapM, null, takeWhile)
+import Prelude hiding (concat, lookup, mapM, takeWhile)
import Prelude.Unicode
--- |A 'Map' from MIME parameter attributes to values. Attributes are
--- always case-insensitive according to RFC 2045
--- (<>).
-newtype MIMEParams
- = MIMEParams (M.Map CIAscii Text)
- deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Monoid, Typeable)
C.derive [d| instance Unfoldable MIMEParams (CIAscii, Text)
instance Foldable MIMEParams (CIAscii, Text)
instance Collection MIMEParams (CIAscii, Text)
instance Indexed MIMEParams CIAscii Text
- -- instance Map MIMEParams CIAscii Text
+ instance Map MIMEParams CIAscii Text
instance SortingCollection MIMEParams (CIAscii, Text)
--- FIXME: auto-derive
-instance Map MIMEParams CIAscii Text where
- {-# INLINE lookup #-}
- lookup k (MIMEParams m) = lookup k m
- {-# INLINE mapWithKey #-}
- mapWithKey f (MIMEParams m)
- = MIMEParams $ mapWithKey f m
- {-# INLINE unionWith #-}
- unionWith f (MIMEParams α) (MIMEParams β)
- = MIMEParams $ unionWith f α β
- {-# INLINE intersectionWith #-}
- intersectionWith f (MIMEParams α) (MIMEParams β)
- = MIMEParams $ intersectionWith f α β
- {-# INLINE differenceWith #-}
- differenceWith f (MIMEParams α) (MIMEParams β)
- = MIMEParams $ differenceWith f α β
- {-# INLINE isSubmapBy #-}
- isSubmapBy f (MIMEParams α) (MIMEParams β)
- = isSubmapBy f α β
- {-# INLINE isProperSubmapBy #-}
- isProperSubmapBy f (MIMEParams α) (MIMEParams β)
- = isProperSubmapBy f α β
-- |Convert MIME parameter values to an 'AsciiBuilder'.
printMIMEParams ∷ MIMEParams → AsciiBuilder
{-# INLINEABLE printMIMEParams #-}
--- /dev/null
+ DeriveDataTypeable
+ , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
+ #-}
+module Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEParams.Internal
+ ( MIMEParams(..)
+ )
+ where
+import Data.Ascii (CIAscii)
+import qualified Data.Map as M (Map)
+import Data.Monoid
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Typeable
+-- |A 'Map' from MIME parameter attributes to values. Attributes are
+-- always case-insensitive according to RFC 2045
+-- (<>).
+newtype MIMEParams
+ = MIMEParams (M.Map CIAscii Text)
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Monoid, Typeable)
putBuilder ∷ Builder → Resource ()
putBuilder b = liftIO ∘ atomically ∘ go =≪ getInteraction
+ -- FIXME: should see if resCanHaveBody.
go ∷ NormalInteraction → STM ()
go ni@(NI {..})
= do driftTo' ni SendingBody