{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns , OverloadedStrings , UnboxedTuples , UnicodeSyntax #-} module Network.HTTP.Lucu.DefaultPage ( getDefaultPage , writeDefaultPage , mkDefaultPage ) where import Control.Arrow import Control.Arrow.ArrowList import Control.Arrow.Unicode import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Monad import qualified Data.Ascii as A import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as C8 import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Sequence as S import qualified Data.Text as T import Data.Text.Encoding import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Config import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Format import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Headers import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Interaction import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Request import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Response import Network.URI hiding (path) import System.IO.Unsafe import Prelude.Unicode import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.WriteDocument import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlArrow import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState import Text.XML.HXT.DOM.TypeDefs getDefaultPage ∷ Config → Maybe Request → Response → String getDefaultPage !conf !req !res = let msgA = getMsg req res in unsafePerformIO $ do [xmlStr] ← runX ( mkDefaultPage conf (resStatus res) msgA ⋙ writeDocumentToString [ withIndent True ] ) return xmlStr writeDefaultPage ∷ Interaction → STM () writeDefaultPage !itr -- Content-Type が正しくなければ補完できない。 = do res ← readItr itr itrResponse id when (getHeader "Content-Type" res == Just defaultPageContentType) $ do reqM ← readItr itr itrRequest id let conf = itrConfig itr page = T.pack $ getDefaultPage conf reqM res writeTVar (itrBodyToSend itr) (S.singleton (encodeUtf8 page)) mkDefaultPage ∷ (ArrowXml a) ⇒ Config → StatusCode → a b XmlTree → a b XmlTree {-# INLINEABLE mkDefaultPage #-} mkDefaultPage !conf !status !msgA = let (# sCode, sMsg #) = statusCode status sig = concat [ C8.unpack (cnfServerSoftware conf) , " at " , C8.unpack (cnfServerHost conf) ] in ( eelem "/" += ( eelem "html" += sattr "xmlns" "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" += ( eelem "head" += ( eelem "title" += txt (fmtDec 3 sCode ⧺ " " ⧺ C8.unpack sMsg) )) += ( eelem "body" += ( eelem "h1" += txt (C8.unpack sMsg) ) += ( eelem "p" += msgA ) += eelem "hr" += ( eelem "address" += txt sig )))) getMsg ∷ (ArrowXml a) ⇒ Maybe Request → Response → a b XmlTree {-# INLINEABLE getMsg #-} getMsg !req !res = case resStatus res of -- 1xx は body を持たない -- 2xx の body は補完しない -- 3xx MovedPermanently → txt ("The resource at " ⧺ path ⧺ " has been moved to ") <+> eelem "a" += sattr "href" loc += txt loc <+> txt " permanently." Found → txt ("The resource at " ⧺ path ⧺ " is currently located at ") <+> eelem "a" += sattr "href" loc += txt loc <+> txt ". This is not a permanent relocation." SeeOther → txt ("The resource at " ⧺ path ⧺ " can be found at ") <+> eelem "a" += sattr "href" loc += txt loc <+> txt "." TemporaryRedirect → txt ("The resource at " ⧺ path ⧺ " is temporarily located at ") <+> eelem "a" += sattr "href" loc += txt loc <+> txt "." -- 4xx BadRequest → txt "The server could not understand the request you sent." Unauthorized → txt ("You need a valid authentication to access " ⧺ path) Forbidden → txt ("You don't have permission to access " ⧺ path) NotFound → txt ("The requested URL " ⧺ path ⧺ " was not found on this server.") Gone → txt ("The resource at " ⧺ path ⧺ " was here in past times, but has gone permanently.") RequestEntityTooLarge → txt ("The request entity you sent for " ⧺ path ⧺ " was too large to accept.") RequestURITooLarge → txt "The request URI you sent was too large to accept." -- 5xx InternalServerError → txt ("An internal server error has occured during the process of your request to " ⧺ path) ServiceUnavailable → txt "The service is temporarily unavailable. Try later." _ → none where path ∷ String path = let uri = reqURI $ fromJust req in uriPath uri loc ∷ String loc = A.toString $ fromJust $ getHeader "Location" res