var INFO = xml` teramako MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1 :copy :copy label

copy the argument replaced some certain string.

:copy! :copy! expr

evaluate the argument(javascript code) and copy the result.

copy-keyword copy-keyword

replaces following keywords

to the title of the current page
to the currenet URL
to the string of selection
to the html string of selection
to the hostname of the current location
to the pathname of the current location
to the host of the current location
to the port of the current location
to the protocol of the current location
to the search(?...) of the curernt location
to the hash(anchor #..) of the current location
copy-template copy-template

you can set your own template using inline JavaScript

%TITLE%' }, { label: 'selanchor', value: '%SEL%' }, { label: 'htmlblockquote', value: '
' }, { label: 'ASIN', value: 'copy ASIN code from Amazon', custom: function(){return content.document.getElementById('ASIN').value;} }, ]; EOM ]]>
template name which is command argument
copy string. copy-keyword is replaced
key map lhs (optional)
function or Array (optional)
execute the function and copy return value, if specified
replace to the value by normal way at first. then replace words matched Array[0] in the repalced string to Array[1].
String or RegExp
String or Function
copy-option copy-option liberator.globalVariables.copy_use_wedata = false; // false by default

true に設定すると wedata からテンプレートを読込みます。

liberator.globalVariables.copy_wedata_include_custom = true; // false by default

custom が設定された wedata を読込みます。 SandBox でなく、window.eval を利用してオブジェクトする為、 セキュリティ上の理由で初期設定は false になっています。 true に設定する場合は、動作を理解したうえ自己責任でご利用ください。

liberator.globalVariables.copy_wedata_exclude_labels = ['pathtraqnormalize', ];

wedata から読込まない label のリストを定義します。

`; liberator.plugins.exCopy = (function(){ var excludeLabelsMap = {}; var copy_templates = []; if (!liberator.globalVariables.copy_templates){ liberator.globalVariables.copy_templates = [ { label: 'titleAndURL', value: '%TITLE%\n%URL%' }, { label: 'title', value: '%TITLE%' }, { label: 'anchor', value: '%TITLE%' }, { label: 'selanchor', value: '%SEL%' }, { label: 'htmlblockquote', value: '
' } ]; } copy_templates ={ return { label: t.label, value: t.value, custom: t.custom, map: } }); copy_templates.forEach(function(template){ if (typeof == 'string') addUserMap(template.label, []); else if ( instanceof Array) addUserMap(template.label,; }); const REPLACE_TABLE = { get TITLE () buffer.title, get URL () buffer.URL, get SEL () { var sel = ''; var win = new XPCNativeWrapper(window.content.window); var selection = win.getSelection(); if (selection.rangeCount < 1) return ''; for (var i=0, c=selection.rangeCount; i/g, function(all, close, tag, attr){ return "<" + close + tag.toLowerCase() + attr + ">"; }); }, get CLIP () { return util.readFromClipboard(); } }; 'hostname pathname host port protocol search hash'.split(' ').forEach(function (name){ REPLACE_TABLE[name.toUpperCase()] = function () content.location && content.location[name]; }); // used when argument is none //const defaultValue = templates[0].label; commands.addUserCommand(['copy'],'Copy to clipboard', function(args){ liberator.plugins.exCopy.copy(args.literalArg, args.bang, !!args["-append"]); },{ completer: function(context, args){ if (args.bang){ completion.javascript(context); return; } context.title = ['Template','Value']; var templates = [template.label, liberator.modules.util.escapeString(template.value, '"')] ); if (!context.filter){ context.completions = templates; return; } var candidates = []; var filter = context.filter.toLowerCase(); context.completions = templates.filter(function(template) template[0].toLowerCase().indexOf(filter) == 0); }, literal: 0, bang: true, options: [ [["-append","-a"], commands.OPTION_NOARG] ] }, true ); function addUserMap(label, map){ mappings.addUserMap([modes.NORMAL,modes.VISUAL], map, label, function(){ liberator.plugins.exCopy.copy(label); }, { rhs: label } ); } function getCopyTemplate(label){ var ret = null; copy_templates.some(function(template) template.label == label ? (ret = template) && true : false); return ret; } function replaceVariable(str){ if (!str) return ''; function replacer(orig, name){ //{{{ if (name == '') return '%'; if (!REPLACE_TABLE.hasOwnProperty(name)) return orig; let value = REPLACE_TABLE[name]; if (typeof value == 'function') return value(); else return value.toString(); return orig; } //}}} return str.replace(/%([A-Z]*)%/g, replacer); } function wedataRegister(item){ var libly = liberator.plugins.libly; var logger = libly.$U.getLogger("copy"); item =; if (excludeLabelsMap[item.label]) return; if (item.custom && item.custom.toLowerCase().indexOf('function') != -1) { if (!liberator.globalVariables.copy_wedata_include_custom || item.label == 'test') { logger.log('skip: ' + item.label); return; } let custom = (function(item){ return function(value, value2){ var STORE_KEY = 'plugins-copy-ok-func'; var store = storage.newMap(STORE_KEY, {store: true}); var check = store.get(item.label); var ans; if (!check){ ans = window.confirm( 'warning!!!: execute "' + item.label + '" ok ?\n' + '(this function is working with unsafe sandbox.)\n\n' + '----- execute code -----\n\n' + 'value: ' + item.value + '\n' + 'function: ' + item.custom ); } else { if (item.value == check.value && item.custom == check.custom && =={ ans = true; } else { ans = window.confirm( 'warning!!!: "' + item.label + '" was changed when you registered the function.\n' + '(this function is working with unsafe sandbox.)\n\n' + '----- execute code -----\n\n' + 'value: ' + item.value + '\n' + 'function: ' + item.custom ); } } if (!ans) return; store.set(item.label, item);; var func; try{ func = window.eval('(' + item.custom + ')'); } catch (e){ logger.echoerr(e); logger.log(item.custom); return; } return func(value, value2); }; })(item); exCopyManager.add(item.label, item.value, custom,; } else { exCopyManager.add(item.label, item.value, null,; } } var exCopyManager = { add: function(label, value, custom, map){ var template = {label: label, value: value, custom: custom, map: map}; copy_templates.unshift(template); if (map) addUserMap(label, map); return template; }, get: function(label){ return getCopyTemplate(label); }, copy: function(arg, special, appendMode){ var copyString = ''; var isError = false; if (special && arg){ try { copyString = liberator.eval(arg); switch (typeof copyString){ case 'object': copyString = copyString === null ? 'null' : copyString.toSource(); break; case 'function': copyString = copyString.toString(); break; case 'number': case 'boolean': copyString = '' + copyString; break; case 'undefined': copyString = 'undefined'; break; } } catch (e){ isError = true; copyString = e.toString(); } } else { if (!arg) arg = copy_templates[0].label; var template = getCopyTemplate(arg) || {value: arg}; if (typeof template.custom == 'function'){ copyString =, template.value, replaceVariable(template.value)); } else if (template.custom instanceof Array){ copyString = replaceVariable(template.value).replace(template.custom[0], template.custom[1]); } else { copyString = replaceVariable(template.value); } } if (appendMode){ copyString = util.readFromClipboard() + copyString; } if (copyString) util.copyToClipboard(copyString); if (isError){ liberator.echoerr('CopiedErrorString: `' + copyString + "'"); } else { liberator.echomsg('CopiedString: `' + util.escapeHTML(copyString || '') + "'"); } } }; if (liberator.globalVariables.copy_use_wedata){ function loadWedata(){ if (!liberator.plugins.libly){ liberator.echomsg("need a _libly.js when use wedata."); return; } var libly = liberator.plugins.libly; copy_templates.forEach(function(item) excludeLabelsMap[item.label] = item.value); if (liberator.globalVariables.copy_wedata_exclude_labels) liberator.globalVariables.copy_wedata_exclude_labels.forEach(function(item) excludeLabelsMap[item] = 1); var wedata = new libly.Wedata("vimp copy"); wedata.getItems(24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, wedataRegister); } loadWedata(); } return exCopyManager; })(); // vim: set fdm=marker sw=4 ts=4 et: