]> gitweb @ CieloNegro.org - Lucu.git/blob - Network/HTTP/Lucu/RequestReader.hs
hPutLBS is no longer used.
[Lucu.git] / Network / HTTP / Lucu / RequestReader.hs
2     DoAndIfThenElse
3   , RecordWildCards
4   , ScopedTypeVariables
5   , UnicodeSyntax
6   #-}
7 module Network.HTTP.Lucu.RequestReader
8     ( requestReader
9     )
10     where
11 import Control.Applicative
12 import Control.Concurrent.STM
13 import Control.Exception
14 import Control.Monad
15 import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Lazy as LP
16 import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as Lazy
17 import Data.Maybe
18 import qualified Data.Sequence as S
19 import Data.Sequence.Unicode
20 import Data.Text (Text)
21 import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Config
22 import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Chunk
23 import Network.HTTP.Lucu.HandleLike
24 import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Interaction
25 import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Postprocess
26 import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Preprocess
27 import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Request
28 import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Response
29 import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Tree
30 import Network.Socket
31 import Network.URI
32 import Prelude.Unicode
33 import System.IO (hPutStrLn, stderr)
35 data Context h
36     = Context {
37         cConfig    ∷ !Config
38       , cResTree   ∷ !ResTree
39       , cFallbacks ∷ ![FallbackHandler]
40       , cHandle    ∷ !h
41       , cPort      ∷ !PortNumber
42       , cAddr      ∷ !SockAddr
43       , cQueue     ∷ !InteractionQueue
44       }
46 requestReader ∷ HandleLike h
47               ⇒ Config
48               → ResTree
49               → [FallbackHandler]
50               → h
51               → PortNumber
52               → SockAddr
53               → InteractionQueue
54               → IO ()
55 requestReader cnf tree fbs h port addr tQueue
56     = do input ← hGetLBS h
57          acceptRequest (Context cnf tree fbs h port addr tQueue) input
58       `catches`
59       [ Handler $ \ (_ ∷ IOException)        → return ()
60       , Handler $ \ e → case e of
61                            ThreadKilled      → return ()
62                            _                 → hPutStrLn stderr (show e)
63       , Handler $ \ BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM → hPutStrLn stderr "requestReader: blocked indefinitely"
64       , Handler $ \ (e ∷ SomeException)      → hPutStrLn stderr (show e)
65       ]
67 acceptRequest ∷ HandleLike h ⇒ Context h → Lazy.ByteString → IO ()
68 acceptRequest ctx@(Context {..}) input
69     -- キューに最大パイプライン深度以上のリクエストが溜まってゐる時は、
70     -- それが限度以下になるまで待つ。
71     = do atomically $
72              do queue ← readTVar cQueue
73                 when (S.length queue ≥ cnfMaxPipelineDepth cConfig) $
74                     retry
75          -- リクエストを讀む。パースできない場合は直ちに 400 Bad
76          -- Request 應答を設定し、それを出力してから切斷するやうに
77          -- ResponseWriter に通知する。
78          case LP.parse requestP input of
79            LP.Done input' req → acceptParsableRequest ctx req input'
80            LP.Fail _ _ _      → acceptNonparsableRequest ctx BadRequest
82 acceptNonparsableRequest ∷ HandleLike h ⇒ Context h → StatusCode → IO ()
83 acceptNonparsableRequest ctx@(Context {..}) sc
84     = do itr ← newInteraction cConfig cPort cAddr Nothing (Left sc)
85          atomically $
86              do writeTVar (itrState itr) Done
87                 postprocess itr
88                 enqueue ctx itr
90 acceptParsableRequest ∷ HandleLike h
91                       ⇒ Context h
92                       → Request
93                       → Lazy.ByteString
94                       → IO ()
95 acceptParsableRequest ctx@(Context {..}) req input
96     = do cert ← hGetPeerCert cHandle
97          itr  ← newInteraction cConfig cPort cAddr cert (Right req)
98          join $ atomically
99               $ do isErr ← (isError ∘ resStatus) <$> readTVar (itrResponse itr)
100                    if isErr then
101                        acceptSemanticallyInvalidRequest ctx itr input
102                    else
103                        return $ acceptSemanticallyValidRequest ctx itr (reqURI req) input
105 acceptSemanticallyInvalidRequest ∷ HandleLike h
106                                  ⇒ Context h
107                                  → Interaction
108                                  → Lazy.ByteString
109                                  → STM (IO ())
110 acceptSemanticallyInvalidRequest ctx itr input
111     = do writeTVar (itrState itr) Done
112          postprocess itr
113          enqueue ctx itr
114          return $ acceptRequest ctx input
116 acceptSemanticallyValidRequest ∷ HandleLike h
117                                ⇒ Context h
118                                → Interaction
119                                → URI
120                                → Lazy.ByteString
121                                → IO ()
122 acceptSemanticallyValidRequest ctx@(Context {..}) itr uri input
123     = do rsrcM ← findResource cResTree cFallbacks uri
124          case rsrcM of
125            Nothing
126                → acceptRequestForNonexistentResource ctx itr input
127            Just (rsrcPath, rsrcDef)
128                → acceptRequestForExistentResource ctx itr input rsrcPath rsrcDef
130 acceptRequestForNonexistentResource ∷ HandleLike h
131                                     ⇒ Context h
132                                     → Interaction
133                                     → Lazy.ByteString
134                                     → IO ()
135 acceptRequestForNonexistentResource ctx itr input
136     = do atomically $
137              do setResponseStatus itr NotFound
138                 writeTVar (itrState itr) Done
139                 postprocess itr
140                 enqueue ctx itr
141          acceptRequest ctx input
143 acceptRequestForExistentResource ∷ HandleLike h
144                                  ⇒ Context h
145                                  → Interaction
146                                  → Lazy.ByteString
147                                  → [Text]
148                                  → ResourceDef
149                                  → IO ()
150 acceptRequestForExistentResource ctx oldItr input rsrcPath rsrcDef
151     = do let itr = oldItr { itrResourcePath = Just rsrcPath }
152          atomically $ enqueue ctx itr
153          do _ ← runResource rsrcDef itr
154             if reqMustHaveBody $ fromJust $ itrRequest itr then
155                 observeRequest ctx itr input
156             else
157                 acceptRequest ctx input
159 observeRequest ∷ HandleLike h
160                ⇒ Context h
161                → Interaction
162                → Lazy.ByteString
163                → IO ()
164 observeRequest ctx itr input
165     = case fromJust $ itrReqBodyLength itr of
166         Chunked
167             → observeChunkedRequest ctx itr input 0
168         Fixed len
169             → observeNonChunkedRequest ctx itr input len
171 observeChunkedRequest ∷ HandleLike h
172                       ⇒ Context h
173                       → Interaction
174                       → Lazy.ByteString
175                       → Int
176                       → IO ()
177 observeChunkedRequest ctx itr input remaining
178     = join $
179       atomically $
180       do isOver ← readTVar $ itrReqChunkIsOver itr
181          if isOver then
182              return $ acceptRequest ctx input
183          else
184              do wanted ← readTVar $ itrReqBodyWanted itr
185                 case wanted of
186                   0 → do wasteAll ← readTVar $ itrReqBodyWasteAll itr
187                          if wasteAll then
188                              return $ wasteCurrentChunk ctx itr input remaining
189                          else
190                              retry
191                   _ → return $ readCurrentChunk ctx itr input wanted remaining
193 wasteCurrentChunk ∷ HandleLike h
194                   ⇒ Context h
195                   → Interaction
196                   → Lazy.ByteString
197                   → Int
198                   → IO ()
199 wasteCurrentChunk ctx itr input len
200     | len > 0
201         = let input' = Lazy.drop (fromIntegral len) input
202           in
203             case LP.parse chunkFooterP input' of
204               LP.Done input'' _
205                   → observeChunkedRequest ctx itr input'' 0
206               LP.Fail _ _ _
207                   → chunkWasMalformed itr
208     | otherwise
209         = seekNextChunk ctx itr input
211 readCurrentChunk ∷ HandleLike h
212                  ⇒ Context h
213                  → Interaction
214                  → Lazy.ByteString
215                  → Int
216                  → Int
217                  → IO ()
218 readCurrentChunk ctx itr input wanted remaining
219     | remaining > 0
220         = do let bytesToRead     = fromIntegral $ min wanted remaining
221                  (chunk, input') = Lazy.splitAt bytesToRead input
222                  actualReadBytes = fromIntegral $ Lazy.length chunk
223                  newWanted       = wanted - actualReadBytes
224                  newRemaining    = remaining - actualReadBytes
225                  chunk'          = S.fromList $ Lazy.toChunks chunk
226                  updateStates    = atomically $
227                                    do writeTVar (itrReqBodyWanted itr) newWanted
228                                       oldBody    ← readTVar $ itrReceivedBody    itr
229                                       oldBodyLen ← readTVar $ itrReceivedBodyLen itr
230                                       writeTVar (itrReceivedBody    itr) $ oldBody ⋈ chunk'
231                                       writeTVar (itrReceivedBodyLen itr) $ oldBodyLen + actualReadBytes
232              if newRemaining ≡ 0 then
233                  case LP.parse chunkFooterP input' of
234                    LP.Done input'' _
235                        → do updateStates
236                             observeChunkedRequest ctx itr input'' 0
237                    LP.Fail _ _ _
238                        → chunkWasMalformed itr
239              else
240                  do updateStates
241                     observeChunkedRequest ctx itr input' newRemaining
242     | otherwise
243         = seekNextChunk ctx itr input
245 seekNextChunk ∷ HandleLike h
246               ⇒ Context h
247               → Interaction
248               → Lazy.ByteString
249               → IO ()
250 seekNextChunk ctx itr input
251     = case LP.parse chunkHeaderP input of
252         LP.Done input' len
253             | len ≡ 0 -- Final chunk
254                 → case LP.parse chunkTrailerP input' of
255                      LP.Done input'' _
256                          → do atomically $
257                                   writeTVar (itrReqChunkIsOver itr) True
258                               acceptRequest ctx input''
259                      LP.Fail _ _ _
260                          → chunkWasMalformed itr
261             | otherwise -- Non-final chunk
262                 → observeChunkedRequest ctx itr input' len
263         LP.Fail _ _ _
264                 → chunkWasMalformed itr
266 chunkWasMalformed ∷ Interaction → IO ()
267 chunkWasMalformed itr
268     = atomically $
269       do setResponseStatus itr BadRequest
270          writeTVar (itrWillClose itr) True
271          writeTVar (itrState     itr) Done
272          postprocess itr
274 observeNonChunkedRequest ∷ HandleLike h
275                          ⇒ Context h
276                          → Interaction
277                          → Lazy.ByteString
278                          → Int
279                          → IO ()
280 observeNonChunkedRequest ctx itr input remaining
281     = join $
282       atomically $
283       do wanted ← readTVar $ itrReqBodyWanted itr
284          case wanted of
285            0 → do wasteAll ← readTVar $ itrReqBodyWasteAll itr
286                   if wasteAll then
287                       return $ wasteNonChunkedRequestBody ctx itr input remaining
288                   else
289                       retry
290            _ → return $ readNonChunkedRequestBody ctx itr input wanted remaining
292 wasteNonChunkedRequestBody ∷ HandleLike h
293                            ⇒ Context h
294                            → Interaction
295                            → Lazy.ByteString
296                            → Int
297                            → IO ()
298 wasteNonChunkedRequestBody ctx itr input remaining
299     = do let input' = Lazy.drop (fromIntegral remaining) input
300          atomically $ writeTVar (itrReqChunkIsOver itr) True
301          acceptRequest ctx input'
303 readNonChunkedRequestBody ∷ HandleLike h
304                           ⇒ Context h
305                           → Interaction
306                           → Lazy.ByteString
307                           → Int
308                           → Int
309                           → IO ()
310 readNonChunkedRequestBody ctx itr input wanted remaining
311     = do let bytesToRead     = min wanted remaining
312              (chunk, input') = Lazy.splitAt (fromIntegral bytesToRead) input
313              actualReadBytes = fromIntegral $ Lazy.length chunk
314              newWanted       = wanted - actualReadBytes
315              newRemaining    = remaining - actualReadBytes
316              isOver          = actualReadBytes < bytesToRead ∨ newRemaining ≡ 0
317              chunk'          = S.fromList $ Lazy.toChunks chunk
318          atomically $
319              do writeTVar (itrReqChunkIsOver  itr) isOver
320                 writeTVar (itrReqBodyWanted   itr) newWanted
321                 writeTVar (itrReceivedBody    itr) chunk'
322                 writeTVar (itrReceivedBodyLen itr) actualReadBytes
323          if isOver then
324              acceptRequest ctx input'
325          else
326              observeNonChunkedRequest ctx itr input' newRemaining
328 enqueue ∷ HandleLike h ⇒ Context h → Interaction → STM ()
329 enqueue (Context {..}) itr
330     = do queue ← readTVar cQueue
331          writeTVar cQueue (itr ⊲ queue)