]> gitweb @ CieloNegro.org - Rakka.git/blob - Rakka.cabal
fixed the compilation breakage with newer HXT
[Rakka.git] / Rakka.cabal
1 Name:          Rakka
2 Synopsis:      Wiki engine with Subversion backend
3 Description:
4     Rakka is a wiki engine with Subversion backend. Its syntax is
5     similar to MediaWiki.
6 Version:       0.1
7 License:       PublicDomain
8 Author:        PHO <pho at cielonegro dot org>
9 Maintainer:    PHO <pho at cielonegro dot org>
10 Stability:     experimental
11 Homepage:      http://rakka.cielonegro.org/
12 Category:      Web
13 Tested-With:   GHC == 6.6.1
14 Cabal-Version: >= 1.2
16 Data-Files:
17     defaultPages/Feed.xml
18     defaultPages/Help/SampleImage/Large.xml
19     defaultPages/Help/SampleImage/Small.xml
20     defaultPages/Help/Syntax.xml
21     defaultPages/MainPage.xml
22     defaultPages/PageTitle.xml
23     defaultPages/SideBar/Left.xml
24     defaultPages/SideBar/Right.xml
25     defaultPages/StyleSheet/CieloNegro/Logo.xml
26     defaultPages/StyleSheet/CieloNegro/Moon.xml
27     defaultPages/StyleSheet/CieloNegro.xml
28     defaultPages/StyleSheet/Default.xml
29     schemas/rakka-page-1.0.rng
31 Extra-Source-Files:
32     Rakka.buildinfo.in
33     configure
34     configure.ac
35     js/Makefile
36     js/base.js
37     js/base64.js
38     js/editPage.js
39     js/jquery-1.2.2.js
40     js/jquery-dom.js
41     js/localFile.js
42     js/login.js
43     js/screen.js
44     js/search.js
45     js/uri.js
46     tests/RakkaUnitTest.hs
47     tests/WikiParserTest.hs
49 Flag build-test-suite
50     Description: Build the test suite.
51     Default:     False
53 Flag enable-profiling
54     Description: Enable profiling of the executable
55     Default:     False
57 Flag hardest-optimization
58     Description: Make the executable as fast as possible
59     Default:     False
61 Executable rakka
62     Build-Depends:
63         FileManip, HTTP, HUnit, HsHyperEstraier, HsOpenSSL, HsSVN >=
64         0.3.2, Lucu, base, bytestring, containers, dataenc, directory,
65         utf8-string, filepath, hslogger, hxt, magic, mtl, network,
66         parsec, stm, time, unix, zlib
67     Main-Is:
68         Main.hs
69     Other-Modules:
70         Rakka.Attachment
71         Rakka.Authorization
72         Rakka.Environment
73         Rakka.Page
74         Rakka.Resource
75         Rakka.Resource.CheckAuth
76         Rakka.Resource.DumpRepos
77         Rakka.Resource.Index
78         Rakka.Resource.JavaScript
79         Rakka.Resource.Object
80         Rakka.Resource.PageEntity
81         Rakka.Resource.Render
82         Rakka.Resource.Search
83         Rakka.Resource.SystemConfig
84         Rakka.Resource.TrackBack
85         Rakka.Storage
86         Rakka.Storage.DefaultPage
87         Rakka.Storage.Repos
88         Rakka.Storage.Types
89         Rakka.Storage.Impl
90         Rakka.SystemConfig
91         Rakka.TrackBack
92         Rakka.Utils
93         Rakka.Validation
94         Rakka.W3CDateTime
95         Rakka.Wiki
96         Rakka.Wiki.Interpreter
97         Rakka.Wiki.Interpreter.Base
98         Rakka.Wiki.Interpreter.Image
99         Rakka.Wiki.Interpreter.PageList
100         Rakka.Wiki.Interpreter.Trackback
101         Rakka.Wiki.Interpreter.Outline
102         Rakka.Wiki.Engine
103         Rakka.Wiki.Formatter
104         Rakka.Wiki.Parser
105     Extensions:
106         Arrows, ExistentialQuantification, ScopedTypeVariables, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances
107     if flag(enable-profiling)
108         GHC-Options:
109             -Wall -O2 -fvia-C -prof -auto-all
110     else
111         if flag(hardest-optimization)
112             GHC-Options:
113                 -Wall -O2 -fvia-C -funbox-strict-fields -threaded
114         else
115             GHC-Options:
116                 -Wall -threaded
118 Executable RakkaUnitTest
119     if flag(build-test-suite)
120         Buildable: True
121     else
122         Buildable: False
123     Main-Is:
124         RakkaUnitTest.hs
125     Hs-Source-Dirs:
126         ., tests
127     Other-Modules:
128         WikiParserTest
129     Extensions:
130         Arrows
131     GHC-Options:
132         -Wall -Werror