--- /dev/null
+module Data.HList
+ ( HList
+ , HNil(..)
+ , hNil
+ , HCons(..)
+ , hCons
+ , HExtendable(..)
+ , HAppendable(..)
+ , (:*:)
+ , (.*.)
+ )
+ where
+import Data.Typeable
+-- HList
+class HList l
+-- HNil
+data HNil
+ = HNil
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Typeable)
+instance HList HNil
+hNil :: HNil
+hNil = HNil
+-- HCons
+data HCons e l
+ = HCons e l
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Read, Typeable)
+instance HList l => HList (HCons e l)
+hCons :: HList l => e -> l -> HCons e l
+hCons = HCons
+-- HExtendable
+class HExtendable e l where
+ type HExtend e l
+ hExtend :: e -> l -> HExtend e l
+instance HExtendable e HNil where
+ type HExtend e HNil = HCons e HNil
+ hExtend e nil = hCons e nil
+instance HList l => HExtendable e (HCons e' l) where
+ type HExtend e (HCons e' l) = HCons e (HCons e' l)
+ hExtend e (HCons e' l) = hCons e (hCons e' l)
+-- HAppendable
+class HAppendable l l' where
+ type HAppend l l'
+ hAppend :: l -> l' -> HAppend l l'
+instance HList l => HAppendable HNil l where
+ type HAppend HNil l = l
+ hAppend _ l = l
+instance (HAppendable l l',
+ HList (HAppend l l')) => HAppendable (HCons e l) l' where
+ type HAppend (HCons e l) l' = HCons e (HAppend l l')
+ hAppend (HCons e l) l' = hCons e (hAppend l l')
+-- :*:
+infixr 2 :*:
+infixr 2 .*.
+type e :*: l = HCons e l
+(.*.) :: HExtendable e l => e -> l -> HExtend e l
+e .*. l = hExtend e l
module Database.RRDtool
( DataSource(..)
+ , MentionedVars(..)
, Expr
, CommonExpr
, IterativeExpr
, CommonExprSet
, Constant(..)
+ , VarName(..)
, Variable(..)
+ , VariableSet
, CommonUnaryOp(..)
, CommonBinaryOp(..)
, CommonTrinaryOp(..)
, dsExpr = AverageOf (Const 100 .*. Const 200 .*. HNil)
+class VariableSet (MentionedVarsOf a) => MentionedVars a where
+ type MentionedVarsOf a
class (Show e, Eq e) => Expr e
class Expr e => CommonExpr e
class Expr e => IterativeExpr e
class Expr e => AggregativeExpr e
instance CommonExpr e => IterativeExpr e
---class MentionedVars
class (Show es, Eq es, HList es) => ExprSet es
instance ExprSet HNil
instance (Expr e, ExprSet es) => ExprSet (HCons e es)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Expr Constant
instance CommonExpr Constant
+instance MentionedVars Constant where
+ type MentionedVarsOf Constant = HNil
-class (Show a, Eq a) => Variable a where
+class (Show a, Eq a, Ord a) => VarName a where
varName :: a -> String
-instance Variable a => Expr a
-instance Variable a => CommonExpr a
+data Variable vn
+ = Variable !vn
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+instance VarName vn => Expr (Variable vn)
+instance VarName vn => CommonExpr (Variable vn)
+instance VarName vn => MentionedVars (Variable vn) where
+ type MentionedVarsOf (Variable vn) = vn :*: HNil
+class HList vs => VariableSet vs
+instance VariableSet HNil
+instance (VarName vn, VariableSet vs) => VariableSet (HCons vn vs)
-- Common operators
data CommonUnaryOp a
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
instance Expr a => Expr (CommonUnaryOp a)
instance CommonExpr a => CommonExpr (CommonUnaryOp a)
+instance VariableSet (MentionedVarsOf a) => MentionedVars (CommonUnaryOp a) where
+ type MentionedVarsOf (CommonUnaryOp a) = MentionedVarsOf a
data CommonBinaryOp a b
= !a :<: !b
| AddNaN !a !b
| AtanXY !a !b
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-instance (Expr a, Expr b)
- => Expr (CommonBinaryOp a b)
-instance (CommonExpr a, CommonExpr b)
- => CommonExpr (CommonBinaryOp a b)
+instance (Expr a, Expr b) =>
+ Expr (CommonBinaryOp a b)
+instance (CommonExpr a, CommonExpr b) =>
+ CommonExpr (CommonBinaryOp a b)
+instance (VariableSet (MentionedVarsOf a),
+ VariableSet (MentionedVarsOf b),
+ VariableSet (HAppend (MentionedVarsOf a) (MentionedVarsOf b))) =>
+ MentionedVars (CommonBinaryOp a b) where
+ type MentionedVarsOf (CommonBinaryOp a b)
+ = HAppend (MentionedVarsOf a) (MentionedVarsOf b)
data CommonTrinaryOp a b c
= If !a !b !c
instance ExprSet es => Expr (CommonSetOp es)
instance CommonExprSet es => CommonExpr (CommonSetOp es)
-data TrendOp v a
- = Trend !v !a
- | TrendNan !v !a
+data TrendOp vn a
+ = Trend !(Variable vn) !a
+ | TrendNan !(Variable vn) !a
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-instance (Variable v, Expr a) => Expr (TrendOp v a)
-instance (Variable v, CommonExpr a) => CommonExpr (TrendOp v a)
+instance (VarName vn, Expr a) => Expr (TrendOp vn a)
+instance (VarName vn, CommonExpr a) => CommonExpr (TrendOp vn a)
-data VariableShiftPredictOp ss w v
- = VariableShiftPredictAverage !ss !w !v
- | VariableShiftPredictSigma !ss !w !v
+data VariableShiftPredictOp ss w vn
+ = VariableShiftPredictAverage !ss !w !(Variable vn)
+ | VariableShiftPredictSigma !ss !w !(Variable vn)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-instance (ExprSet ss, Expr w, Variable v)
- => Expr (VariableShiftPredictOp ss w v)
-instance (CommonExprSet ss, CommonExpr w, Variable v)
- => CommonExpr (VariableShiftPredictOp ss w v)
-data FixedShiftPredictOp sm w v
- = FixedShiftPredictAverage !sm !w !v
- | FixedShiftPredictSigma !sm !w !v
+instance (ExprSet ss, Expr w, VarName vn)
+ => Expr (VariableShiftPredictOp ss w vn)
+instance (CommonExprSet ss, CommonExpr w, VarName vn)
+ => CommonExpr (VariableShiftPredictOp ss w vn)
+data FixedShiftPredictOp sm w vn
+ = FixedShiftPredictAverage !sm !w !(Variable vn)
+ | FixedShiftPredictSigma !sm !w !(Variable vn)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-instance (Expr sm, Expr w, Variable v)
- => Expr (FixedShiftPredictOp sm w v)
-instance (CommonExpr sm, CommonExpr w, Variable v)
- => CommonExpr (FixedShiftPredictOp sm w v)
+instance (Expr sm, Expr w, VarName vn)
+ => Expr (FixedShiftPredictOp sm w vn)
+instance (CommonExpr sm, CommonExpr w, VarName vn)
+ => CommonExpr (FixedShiftPredictOp sm w vn)
-- Common special values
data CommonValue
instance Expr IterativeValue
instance IterativeExpr IterativeValue
-data IterativeValueOf v
- = PreviousOf !v
+data IterativeValueOf vn
+ = PreviousOf !(Variable vn)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-instance Variable v => Expr (IterativeValueOf v)
-instance Variable v => IterativeExpr (IterativeValueOf v)
+instance VarName vn => Expr (IterativeValueOf vn)
+instance VarName vn => IterativeExpr (IterativeValueOf vn)
-- Aggregative operators (fairly restricted due to rrdtool's
-- restriction)
-data AggregativeUnaryOp v
- = Maximum !v
- | Minimum !v
- | Average !v
- | StandardDeviation !v
- | First !v
- | Last !v
- | Total !v
- | Percent !v !Constant
- | PercentNan !v !Constant
- | LSLSlope !v
- | LSLInt !v
- | LSLCorrel !v
+data AggregativeUnaryOp vn
+ = Maximum !(Variable vn)
+ | Minimum !(Variable vn)
+ | Average !(Variable vn)
+ | StandardDeviation !(Variable vn)
+ | First !(Variable vn)
+ | Last !(Variable vn)
+ | Total !(Variable vn)
+ | Percent !(Variable vn) !Constant
+ | PercentNan !(Variable vn) !Constant
+ | LSLSlope !(Variable vn)
+ | LSLInt !(Variable vn)
+ | LSLCorrel !(Variable vn)
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-instance Variable v => Expr (AggregativeUnaryOp v)
-instance Variable v => AggregativeExpr (AggregativeUnaryOp v)
+instance VarName vn => Expr (AggregativeUnaryOp vn)
+instance VarName vn => AggregativeExpr (AggregativeUnaryOp vn)
-- |The 'createRRD' function lets you set up new Round Robin Database
-- (RRD) files. The file is created at its final, full size and filled