-- |A port ID to listen to HTTP clients.
, cnfServerPort :: !PortID
+ -- |Local IPv4 address to listen to HTTP clients. Set this to
+ -- @('Just' "")@ if you want to accept any IPv4
+ -- connections. Set this to 'Nothing' to disable IPv4.
+ , cnfServerV4Addr :: !(Maybe HostName)
+ -- |Local IPv6 address to listen to HTTP clients. Set this to
+ -- @('Just' "::")@ if you want to accept any IPv6 connections. Set
+ -- this to 'Nothing' to disable IPv6. Note that there is currently
+ -- no way to assign separate ports to IPv4 and IPv6 server
+ -- sockets.
+ , cnfServerV6Addr :: !(Maybe HostName)
-- |Configuration for HTTPS connections. Set this 'Nothing' to
-- disable HTTPS.
, cnfSSLConfig :: !(Maybe SSLConfig)
-- |Configuration record for HTTPS connections.
data SSLConfig
= SSLConfig {
- -- |A port ID to listen to HTTPS clients.
+ -- |A port ID to listen to HTTPS clients. Local addresses
+ -- (both for IPv4 and IPv6) will be derived from the parent
+ -- 'Config'.
sslServerPort :: !PortID
-- |An SSL context for accepting connections.
, sslContext :: !SSLContext
cnfServerSoftware = C8.pack "Lucu/1.0"
, cnfServerHost = C8.pack (unsafePerformIO getHostName)
, cnfServerPort = Service "http"
+ , cnfServerV4Addr = Just ""
+ , cnfServerV6Addr = Just "::"
, cnfSSLConfig = Nothing
, cnfMaxPipelineDepth = 100
, cnfMaxEntityLength = 16 * 1024 * 1024 -- 16 MiB