+-- #prune
-- |This is the Resource Monad; monadic actions to define the behavior
-- of each resources. The 'Resource' Monad is a kind of IO Monad thus
-- it implements MonadIO class. It is also a state machine.
, getRequestURI
, getResourcePath
, getPathInfo
+ , getQueryForm
, getHeader
, getAccept
, getContentType
-- rsrcPath の長さの分だけ削除すれば良い。
return $ drop (length rsrcPath) reqPath
+-- | Assume the query part of request URI as
+-- application\/x-www-form-urlencoded, and parse it. This action
+-- doesn't parse the request body. See 'inputForm'.
+getQueryForm :: Resource [(String, String)]
+getQueryForm = do reqURI <- getRequestURI
+ return $ parseWWWFormURLEncoded $ uriQuery reqURI
-- |Get a value of given request header. Comparison of header name is
-- case-insensitive. Note that this action is not intended to be used
--- so frequently: there should be an action like 'getContentType' for
+-- so frequently: there should be actions like 'getContentType' for
-- every common headers.
getHeader :: String -> Resource (Maybe String)
getHeader name = do itr <- ask
driftTo GettingBody
--- |Computation of @'foundNoEntity' mStr@ tell the system that the
+-- | Computation of @'foundNoEntity' mStr@ tells the system that the
-- 'Resource' found no entity for the request URI. @mStr@ is an
-- optional error message to be replied to the client.
{- GettingBody 時に使用するアクション群 -}
+-- | Computation of @'input' limit@ attempts to read the request body
+-- up to @limit@ bytes, and then make the 'Resource' transit to
+-- /Deciding Header/ state. When the actual size of body is larger
+-- than @limit@ bytes, computation of 'Resource' immediately aborts
+-- with status \"413 Request Entity Too Large\". When the request has
+-- no body, 'input' returns an empty string.
+-- @limit@ may be less than or equal to zero. In this case, the
+-- default limitation value
+-- ('Network.HTTP.Lucu.Config.cnfMaxEntityLength') is used. See
+-- 'defaultLimit'.
+-- Note that 'inputBS' is more efficient than 'input' so you should
+-- use it whenever possible.
input :: Int -> Resource String
input limit = inputBS limit >>= return . B.unpack
--- 多くとも limit バイトまでのリクエストボディ全體を受信する。limit が
--- 零以下なら Config で設定されたデフォルトのボディ長により制限される。
+-- | This is mostly the same as 'input' but is more
+-- efficient. 'inputBS' returns a lazy ByteString but it's not really
+-- lazy: reading from the socket just happens at the computation of
+-- 'inputBS', not at the lazy evaluation of the ByteString. The same
+-- goes for 'inputChunkBS'.
inputBS :: Int -> Resource ByteString
inputBS limit
= do driftTo GettingBody
$ Just ("Request body must be smaller than "
++ show lim ++ " bytes.")
+-- | Computation of @'inputChunk' limit@ attempts to read a part of
+-- request body up to @limit@ bytes. You can read any large request by
+-- repeating computation of this action. When you've read all the
+-- request body, 'inputChunk' returns an empty string and then make
+-- the 'Resource' transit to /Deciding Header/ state.
+-- @limit@ may be less than or equal to zero. In this case, the
+-- default limitation value
+-- ('Network.HTTP.Lucu.Config.cnfMaxEntityLength') is used. See
+-- 'defaultLimit'.
+-- Note that 'inputChunkBS' is more efficient than 'inputChunk' so you
+-- should use it whenever possible.
inputChunk :: Int -> Resource String
inputChunk limit = inputChunkBS limit >>= return . B.unpack
--- 多くとも limit バイトまでのリクエストボディの一部を受信する。limit
--- が 0 以下なら Config で設定されたデフォルトのボディ長により制限され
--- る。これ以上ボディが殘ってゐなければ空文字列を返す。
+-- | This is mostly the same as 'inputChunk' but is more
+-- efficient. See 'inputBS'.
inputChunkBS :: Int -> Resource ByteString
inputChunkBS limit
= do driftTo GettingBody
$ driftTo DecidingHeader
return chunk
--- application/x-www-form-urlencoded または multipart/form-data をパー
--- スする。もし Content-Type が無かったら BadRequest で終了し、未對應の
--- タイプであったら UnsupportedMediaType で終了する。
+-- | Computation of @'inputForm' limit@ attempts to read the request
+-- body with 'input' and parse it as
+-- application\/x-www-form-urlencoded. If the request header
+-- \"Content-Type\" is not application\/x-www-form-urlencoded,
+-- 'inputForm' makes 'Resource' abort with status \"415 Unsupported
+-- Media Type\". If the request has no \"Content-Type\", it aborts
+-- with \"400 Bad Request\".
+-- This action should also support multipart\/form-data somehow, but
+-- it is not (yet) done.
inputForm :: Int -> Resource [(String, String)]
inputForm limit
= do cTypeM <- getContentType
= do src <- input limit
- return $ do pairStr <- splitBy (\ c -> c == ';' || c == '&') src
- let pair = break (== '=') pairStr
- return ( unEscapeString $ fst pair
- , unEscapeString $ snd pair
- )
+ return $ parseWWWFormURLEncoded src
readMultipartFormData -- FIXME: 未對應
= abort UnsupportedMediaType []
(Just $ "Sorry, inputForm does not currently support multipart/form-data.")
+-- | This is just a constant -1. It's better to say @'input'
+-- 'defaultLimit'@ than to say @'input' (-1)@ but these are exactly
+-- the same.
defaultLimit :: Int
defaultLimit = (-1)
{- DecidingHeader 時に使用するアクション群 -}
+-- | Set the response status code. If you omit to compute this action,
+-- the status code will be defaulted to \"200 OK\".
setStatus :: StatusCode -> Resource ()
setStatus code
= do driftTo DecidingHeader
-- | Set a value of given resource header. Comparison of header name
-- is case-insensitive. Note that this action is not intended to be
--- used so frequently: there should be an action like 'setContentType'
+-- used so frequently: there should be actions like 'setContentType'
-- for every common headers.
-- Some important headers (especially \"Content-Length\" and
--- \"Transfer-Encoding\") may be silently deleted or overwritten by
+-- \"Transfer-Encoding\") may be silently dropped or overwritten by
-- the system not to corrupt the interaction with client at the
--- viewpoint of HTTP protocol. For instance, if we are keeping
--- connection alive, for an obvious reason it causes a catastrophe to
--- send header \"Content-Length: 10\" and actually sending body of 20
--- bytes long.
+-- viewpoint of HTTP protocol layer. For instance, if we are keeping
+-- the connection alive, without this process it causes a catastrophe
+-- to send a header \"Content-Length: 10\" and actually send a body of
+-- 20 bytes long. In this case the client shall only accept the first
+-- 10 bytes of response body and thinks that the residual 10 bytes is
+-- a part of header of the next response.
setHeader :: String -> String -> Resource ()
setHeader name value
= driftTo DecidingHeader >> setHeader' name value
$ updateItr itr itrResponse
$ H.setHeader name value
+-- | Computation of @'redirect' code uri@ sets the response status to
+-- @code@ and \"Location\" header to @uri@. @code@ must satisfy
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Response.isRedirection' or it causes an error.
redirect :: StatusCode -> URI -> Resource ()
redirect code uri
= do when (code == NotModified || not (isRedirection code))
setStatus code
setHeader "Location" (uriToString id uri $ "")
+-- | Computation of @'setContentType' mType@ sets the response header
+-- \"Content-Type\" to @mType@.
setContentType :: MIMEType -> Resource ()
setContentType mType
= setHeader "Content-Type" $ show mType
{- DecidingBody 時に使用するアクション群 -}
+-- | Computation of @'output' str@ writes @str@ as a response body,
+-- and then make the 'Resource' transit to /Done/ state. It is safe to
+-- apply 'output' to an infinite string, such as a lazy stream of
+-- \/dev\/random.
+-- Note that 'outputBS' is more efficient than 'output' so you should
+-- use it whenever possible.
output :: String -> Resource ()
output = outputBS . B.pack
+-- | This is mostly the same as 'output' but is more efficient.
outputBS :: ByteString -> Resource ()
outputBS str = do outputChunkBS str
driftTo Done
+-- | Computation of @'outputChunk' str@ writes @str@ as a part of
+-- response body. You can compute this action multiple times to write
+-- a body little at a time. It is safe to apply 'outputChunk' to an
+-- infinite string.
+-- Note that 'outputChunkBS' is more efficient than 'outputChunk' so
+-- you should use it whenever possible.
outputChunk :: String -> Resource ()
outputChunk = outputChunkBS . B.pack
-{- チャンクの大きさは Config で制限されてゐる。もし例へば /dev/zero を
- B.readFile して作った ByteString をそのまま ResponseWriter に渡した
- りすると大變な事が起こる。何故なら ResponseWriter は
- Transfer-Encoding: chunked の時、ヘッダを書く爲にチャンクの大きさを
- 測るから、その時に起こるであらう事は言ふまでも無い。 -}
+-- | This is mostly the same as 'outputChunk' but is more efficient.
outputChunkBS :: ByteString -> Resource ()
outputChunkBS str
= do driftTo DecidingBody
$ liftIO $ atomically $
writeItr itr itrBodyIsNull False
+ {- チャンクの大きさは Config で制限されてゐる。もし例へば
+ /dev/zero を B.readFile して作った ByteString をそのまま
+ ResponseWriter に渡したりすると大變な事が起こる。何故なら
+ ResponseWriter はTransfer-Encoding: chunked の時、ヘッダを書く
+ 爲にチャンクの大きさを測るから、その時に起こるであらう事は言ふ
+ までも無い。 -}
sendChunks :: ByteString -> Int -> Resource ()
sendChunks str limit
| B.null str = return ()
+-- | Handling static files on the filesystem.
module Network.HTTP.Lucu.StaticFile
( staticFile
, handleStaticFile
import Text.Printf
+-- | @'staticFile' fpath@ is a
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Tree.ResourceDef' which serves the file
+-- at @fpath@ on the filesystem.
staticFile :: FilePath -> ResourceDef
staticFile path
= ResourceDef {
, resDelete = Nothing
+-- | Computation of @'handleStaticFile' fpath@ serves the file at
+-- @fpath@ on the filesystem. The
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Resource' must be in the /Examining
+-- Request/ state before the computation. It will be in the /Done/
+-- state after the computation.
+-- If you just want to place a static file on the
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Tree.ResTree', you had better use
+-- 'staticFile' instead of this.
handleStaticFile :: FilePath -> Resource ()
handleStaticFile path
= do isFile <- liftIO $ doesFileExist path
foundNoEntity Nothing
--- |Computation @'generateETagFromFile' fpath@ generates a strong
+-- |Computation of @'generateETagFromFile' fpath@ generates a strong
-- entity tag from a file. The file doesn't necessarily have to be a
-- regular file; it may be a FIFO or a device file. The tag is made of
-- inode ID, size and modification time.
lastmod = fromEnum $ modificationTime stat
return $ strongETag $ printf "%x-%x-%x" inode size lastmod
+-- | @'staticDir' dir@ is a
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Tree.ResourceDef' which maps all files
+-- in @dir@ and its subdirectories on the filesystem to the
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Tree.ResTree'.
staticDir :: FilePath -> ResourceDef
staticDir path
= ResourceDef {
, resDelete = Nothing
+-- | Computation of @'handleStaticDir' dir@ maps all files in @dir@
+-- and its subdirectories on the filesystem to the
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Tree.ResTree'. The
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Resource' must be in the /Examining
+-- Request/ state before the computation. It will be in the /Done/
+-- state after the computation.
+-- If you just want to place a static directory tree on the
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Tree.ResTree', you had better use
+-- 'staticDir' instead of this.
handleStaticDir :: FilePath -> Resource ()
handleStaticDir basePath
= do extraPath <- getPathInfo