import Control.Arrow
import Control.Arrow.ArrowList
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Unsafe as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LS
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L8
import Data.List
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
+import Magic
import Network.HTTP.Lucu
import Network.URI
import Prelude.Unicode
import System.IO.Unsafe
yesOrNo ∷ Bool → String
yesOrNo True = "yes"
yesOrNo False = "no"
trueOrFalse ∷ Bool → String
trueOrFalse True = "true"
trueOrFalse False = "false"
-parseYesOrNo ∷ ArrowChoice a => a String Bool
+parseYesOrNo ∷ ArrowChoice a ⇒ a String Bool
= proc str → do case str of
- "yes" → returnA -< True
- "no" → returnA -< False
- _ → returnA -< error ("Expected yes or no: " ⧺ str)
+ "yes" → returnA ⤙ True
+ "no" → returnA ⤙ False
+ _ → returnA ⤙ error ("Expected yes or no: " ⧺ str)
-maybeA ∷ (ArrowList a, ArrowChoice a) => a b c → a b (Maybe c)
+maybeA ∷ (ArrowList a, ArrowChoice a) ⇒ a b c → a b (Maybe c)
maybeA a = listA a
proc xs → case xs of
- [] → returnA -< Nothing
- (x:_) → returnA -< Just x
+ [] → returnA ⤙ Nothing
+ (x:_) → returnA ⤙ Just x
-deleteIfEmpty ∷ (ArrowList a, ArrowChoice a) => a String String
+deleteIfEmpty ∷ (ArrowList a, ArrowChoice a) ⇒ a String String
= proc str → do case str of
- "" → none -< ()
- _ → returnA -< str
+ "" → none ⤙ ()
+ _ → returnA ⤙ str
chomp ∷ String → String
-chomp = reverse . snd . break (/= '\n') . reverse
+{-# INLINE chomp #-}
+chomp = reverse . snd . break (≢ '\n') . reverse
guessMIMEType ∷ LS.ByteString → MIMEType
-guessMIMEType = read . unsafePerformIO . magicString magic . L8.unpack
+{-# INLINEABLE guessMIMEType #-}
+guessMIMEType = read
+ ∘ unsafePerformIO
+ ∘ flip BS.unsafeUseAsCStringLen (magicCString magic)
+ ∘ BS.concat
+ ∘ LS.toChunks
magic ∷ Magic
+ {-# NOINLINE magic #-}
magic = unsafePerformIO
- $ do m <- magicOpen [MagicMime]
+ $ do m ← magicOpen [MagicMime]
magicLoadDefault m
return m
isSafeChar ∷ Char → Bool
+{-# INLINEABLE isSafeChar #-}
isSafeChar c
- | c ≡ '/' = True
- | isReserved c = False
- | isUnreserved c = True
- | otherwise = False
+ | c ≡ '/' = True
+ | isReserved c = False
+ | isUnreserved c = True
+ | otherwise = False
mkQueryString ∷ [(T.Text, T.Text)] → String
{-# INLINEABLE mkQueryString #-}