--- /dev/null
+#include <bindings.dsl.h>
+#include <rrd.h>
+-- |<http://oss.oetiker.ch/rrdtool/doc/librrd.en.html>
+module Bindings.Librrd where
+import Bindings.Posix.Time
+import System.Posix.Types
+-- Formerly rrd_nan_inf.h
+#cinline DNAN, IO CDouble
+#cinline DINF, IO CDouble
+#ccall rrd_set_to_DNAN, IO CDouble
+#ccall rrd_set_to_DINF, IO CDouble
+-- Transplanted from rrd_format.h
+#synonym_t rrd_value_t, CDouble
+-- Information about an rrd file
+#starttype struct rrd_file_t
+#field header_len, COff
+#field file_len , COff
+#field pos , COff
+#field pvt , Ptr ()
+-- information used for the conventional file access methods
+#starttype struct rrd_simple_file_t
+#field fd , CInt
+#field file_start, Ptr CChar
+#field mm_prot , CInt
+#field mm_flags , CInt
+-- rrd info interface
+#starttype struct rrd_blob_t
+#field size, CULong
+#field ptr , Ptr CUChar
+#integral_t rrd_info_type_t
+#num RD_I_VAL
+#num RD_I_CNT
+#num RD_I_STR
+#num RD_I_INT
+#num RD_I_BLO
+#starttype union rrd_infoval
+#union_field u_cnt, CULong
+#union_field u_val, <rrd_value_t>
+#union_field u_str, CString
+#union_field u_int, CInt
+#union_field u_blo, <rrd_blob_t>
+#synonym_t rrd_infoval_t, <rrd_infoval>
+#starttype struct rrd_info_t
+#field key , CString
+#field type , <rrd_info_type_t>
+#field value, <rrd_infoval_t>
+#field next , Ptr <rrd_info_t>
+{-|The correct type for this callback should be @'Ptr' a -> 'CSize'
+ -> 'Ptr' b -> 'IO' 'CSize'@ but that's impossible because of
+ bindings-DSL restriction.
+ -}
+#callback rrd_output_callback_t, Ptr () -> CSize -> Ptr () -> IO CSize
+-- main function blocks
+#ccall rrd_create , CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_info , CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO (Ptr <rrd_info_t>)
+#cinline rrd_info_push , Ptr <rrd_info_t> -> CString -> <rrd_info_type_t> -> Ptr <rrd_infoval_t> -> IO (Ptr <rrd_info_t>)
+#ccall rrd_info_print , Ptr <rrd_info_t> -> IO ()
+#ccall rrd_info_free , Ptr <rrd_info_t> -> IO ()
+#ccall rrd_update , CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_update_v , CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO (Ptr <rrd_info_t>)
+#ccall rrd_graph , CInt -> Ptr CString -> Ptr (Ptr CString) -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CFile -> Ptr CDouble -> Ptr CDouble -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_graph_v , CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO (Ptr <rrd_info_t>)
+#ccall rrd_fetch , CInt -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CTime -> Ptr CTime -> Ptr CULong -> Ptr CULong -> Ptr (Ptr CString) -> Ptr (Ptr <rrd_value_t>) -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_restore , CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_dump , CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_tune , CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_last , CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CTime
+#ccall rrd_lastupdate , CInt -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CTime -> Ptr CULong -> Ptr (Ptr CString) -> Ptr (Ptr CString) -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_first , CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CTime
+#ccall rrd_resize , CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_strversion , IO CString
+#ccall rrd_version , IO CDouble
+#ccall rrd_xport , CInt -> Ptr CString -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CTime -> Ptr CTime -> Ptr CULong -> Ptr CULong -> Ptr (Ptr CString) -> Ptr (Ptr <rrd_value_t>) -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_flushcached , CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_freemem , Ptr a -> IO ()
+-- thread-safe (hopefully)
+#ccall rrd_create_r , CString -> CULong -> CTime -> CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt
+-- NOTE: rrd_update_r are only thread-safe if no at-style time
+-- specifications get used!!!
+#ccall rrd_info_r , CString -> IO (Ptr <rrd_info_t>)
+#ccall rrd_update_r , CString -> CString -> CInt -> Ptr CString -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_fetch_r , CString -> CString -> Ptr CTime -> Ptr CTime -> Ptr CULong -> Ptr CULong -> Ptr (Ptr CString) -> Ptr (Ptr <rrd_value_t>) -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_dump_r , CString -> CString -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_last_r , CString -> IO CTime
+#ccall rrd_lastupdate_r, CString -> Ptr CTime -> Ptr CULong -> Ptr (Ptr CString) -> Ptr (Ptr CString) -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_first_r , CString -> CInt -> IO CTime
+#ccall rrd_dump_cb_r , CString -> CInt -> <rrd_output_callback_t> -> Ptr b -> IO CInt
+-- Transplanted from rrd_parsetime.h
+#integral_t rrd_timetype_t
+#pointer TIME_OK
+#starttype struct rrd_time_value
+#field type , <rrd_timetype_t>
+#field offset, CLong
+#field tm , <tm>
+#synonym_t rrd_time_value_t, <rrd_time_value>
+#ccall rrd_parsetime, CString -> Ptr <rrd_time_value_t> -> IO CString
+#starttype struct rrd_context
+#array_field lib_errstr, CChar
+#array_field rrd_error , CChar
+#synonym_t rrd_context_t, <rrd_context>
+-- returns the current per-thread rrd_context
+#ccall rrd_get_context, IO (Ptr <rrd_context_t>)
+#ccall rrd_proc_start_end, Ptr <rrd_time_value_t> -> Ptr <rrd_time_value_t> -> Ptr CTime -> Ptr CTime -> IO CInt
+-- rrd_set_error() is unavailable as it uses C varargs.
+#ccall rrd_clear_error, IO ()
+#ccall rrd_test_error , IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_get_error , IO CString
+-- rrd_strerror is thread safe, but still it uses a global buffer (but
+-- one per thread), thus subsequent calls within a single thread
+-- overwrite the same buffer
+#ccall rrd_strerror , CInt -> IO CString
+#ccall rrd_new_context , IO (Ptr <rrd_context_t>)
+#ccall rrd_free_context, Ptr <rrd_context_t> -> IO ()
+#ccall rrd_random , IO CLong
+#ccall rrd_add_ptr , Ptr (Ptr (Ptr a)) -> Ptr CSize -> Ptr a -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_add_strdump, Ptr (Ptr CString) -> Ptr CSize -> CString -> IO CInt
+#ccall rrd_free_ptrs , Ptr (Ptr (Ptr a)) -> CSize -> IO ()
+#ccall rrd_mkdir_p , CString -> CMode -> IO CInt
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+# -*- makefile-gmake -*-
+# Variables:
+# CONFIGURE_ARGS :: arguments to be passed to ./Setup configure
+# default: --disable-optimization
+# RUN_COMMAND :: command to be run for "make run"
+GHC ?= ghc
+FIND ?= find
+RM_RF ?= rm -rf
+SUDO ?= sudo
+AUTOCONF ?= autoconf
+HLINT ?= hlint
+CONFIGURE_ARGS ?= --disable-optimization
+SETUP_FILE := $(wildcard Setup.*hs)
+CABAL_FILE := $(wildcard *.cabal)
+ifeq ($(shell ls configure.ac 2>/dev/null),configure.ac)
+ AUTOCONF_AC_FILE := configure.ac
+ AUTOCONF_FILE := configure
+ ifeq ($(shell ls configure.in 2>/dev/null),configure.in)
+ AUTOCONF_AC_FILE := configure.in
+ AUTOCONF_FILE := configure
+ else
+ endif
+BUILDINFO_IN_FILE := $(wildcard *.buildinfo.in)
+all: build
+build: setup-config build-hook
+ ./Setup build
+ifeq ($(RUN_COMMAND),)
+ @echo "cabal-package.mk: No command to run."
+ @echo "cabal-package.mk: If you want to run something, define RUN_COMMAND variable."
+run: build
+ @echo ".:.:. Let's go .:.:."
+setup-config: dist/setup-config setup-config-hook $(BUILDINFO_FILE)
+dist/setup-config: $(CABAL_FILE) Setup $(AUTOCONF_FILE)
+ ./Setup configure $(CONFIGURE_ARGS)
+ ./Setup configure $(CONFIGURE_ARGS)
+Setup: $(SETUP_FILE)
+ $(GHC) --make Setup
+clean: clean-hook
+ $(RM_RF) dist Setup *.o *.hi .setup-config *.buildinfo
+ $(FIND) . -name '*~' -exec rm -f {} \;
+doc: setup-config
+ ./Setup haddock
+install: build
+ $(SUDO) ./Setup install
+sdist: setup-config
+ ./Setup sdist
+test: build
+ ./Setup test
+ $(HLINT) . --report \
+ --ignore="Use string literal" \
+ --ignore="Use concatMap"
+.PHONY: build build-hook setup-config setup-config-hook run clean clean-hook install doc sdist test lint