# ego.
!worthless weapons:blade of chaos
weapons:blade of chaos
-shields:mirror shield#%all!k
+weapons:falcon sword
weapons:poison needle
+shields:mirror shield#%all!k
scroll of teleport level#!k!s!r
scroll of monster confusion#!k@r2
-scroll of identify#@r8
+~scroll of identify#@r8
scroll of *identify*#!r
# Players may be relying on Rod of Recall. If they aren't collecting
# Pick useful ones.
identified:ring of nether resistance#%all
-identified:ring of speed#!k
+identified:ring of speed#!k!s!d
ring of extra#!k
# Ring of teleportation is a bad item.
# Some amulets are totally worthless, like Amulet of Strength [-5].
+# Amulet of Charisma may be worth selling in the early game, but soon
+# becomes completely worthless.
+?:[GEQ $MONEY 10000]
+!amulet of charisma
amulet of resistance#%all
~amulet of resist
~amulet of charisma
second realm's fourth spellbooks#@mh!k
# We want to pick up expensive unreadable books for money. Note that
-# Arcane ones are cheap.
+# Arcane and Kendo ones are cheap.
!unreadable first spellbooks
!unreadable second spellbooks
!unreadable third spellbooks:arcane
+!unreadable third spellbooks:kendo
unreadable third spellbooks
~unreadable fourth spellbooks:arcane
+~unreadable fourth spellbooks:kendo
unreadable fourth spellbooks
;; midnight
(require-if-present 'midnight)
-;; color-theme
-(require-if-present 'color-theme)
-(if (featurep 'color-theme)
- (progn
- (color-theme-initialize)
- (color-theme-subtle-hacker)))
;; multi-term
(autoload 'multi-term "multi-term"
"Create new term buffer.
(autoload 'navi2ch "navi2ch" "Navigator for 2ch for Emacs" t)
;; migemo
-(require-if-present 'migemo)
-(setq migemo-isearch-enable-p nil)
+;(require-if-present 'migemo)
+;(setq migemo-isearch-enable-p nil)
;; tiarra-conf
(setq load-path (cons (expand-file-name "~/sandbox/Tiarra") load-path))
(".svn/" "CVS/" ".o" "~" ".bin" ".lbin" ".so" ".a" ".ln" ".blg" ".bbl" ".elc" ".lof" ".glo" ".idx" ".lot" ".dvi" ".fmt" ".tfm" ".pdf" ".class" ".fas" ".lib" ".mem" ".x86f" ".sparcf" ".fasl" ".ufsl" ".fsl" ".dxl" ".pfsl" ".dfsl" ".lo" ".la" ".gmo" ".mo" ".toc" ".aux" ".cp" ".fn" ".ky" ".pg" ".tp" ".vr" ".cps" ".fns" ".kys" ".pgs" ".tps" ".vrs" ".pyc" ".pyo" ".hi")))
'(cperl-merge-trailing-else nil)
'(csv-align-style (quote auto))
+ '(custom-enabled-themes (quote (gnome2)))
+ '(custom-safe-themes
+ (quote
+ ("64affc3597b4271ba6b0b428777d616cfb20d8f7f147dbd00f1de220b2b59bbf" "06e0662b31a2ae8da5c6b5e9a05b25fabd1dc8dd3c3661ac194201131cafb080" default)))
((tool-bar-lines . 0)
("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/"))))
- (elscreen elscreen-multi-term projectile elixir-mode flycheck-haskell flycheck-inline flycheck-rust undo-tree auto-complete typescript-mode cargo toml-mode rust-mode)))
+ (color-theme-modern elscreen elscreen-multi-term projectile elixir-mode flycheck-haskell flycheck-inline flycheck-rust undo-tree auto-complete typescript-mode cargo toml-mode rust-mode)))
'(rcirc-server-alist (quote (("irc1.ymir.jp" :nick "PHO`cons" nil nil))))
'(riece-layout "default")
'(diff-added ((t (:inherit diff-changed :foreground "medium spring green" :weight extra-bold))))
'(diff-removed ((t (:foreground "gold3" :weight extra-bold))))
'(flyspell-incorrect ((t (:foreground "OrangeRed" :overline t))))
- '(font-lock-function-name-face ((t (:foreground "sky blue" :weight bold))))
'(jaspace-highlight-tab-face ((((class color) (background dark)) (:foreground "gray70" :underline t))))
'(navi2ch-bm-new-unread-face ((t (:foreground "PaleGreen" :weight bold))))
'(navi2ch-bm-updated-cache-face ((t (:foreground "CornflowerBlue" :weight bold))))