--- /dev/null
+module Network.DNS.DomainMap
+ ( DomainMap
+ , empty
+ , null
+ , singleton
+ , size
+ , fromList
+ , toList
+ , toListBy
+ , nearest
+ , lookup
+ , insert
+ , delete
+ )
+ where
+import qualified Data.List as L hiding (null)
+import Data.Maybe
+import qualified Data.Trie as T
+import Data.Trie (Trie)
+import Network.DNS.Message
+import Prelude hiding (null, lookup)
+newtype DomainMap a = DM (Node a)
+data Node a = Node (Maybe a) (Trie (Node a))
+empty :: DomainMap a
+empty = DM emptyNode
+emptyNode :: Node a
+emptyNode = Node Nothing T.empty
+null :: DomainMap a -> Bool
+null (DM n) = nodeNull n
+nodeNull :: Node a -> Bool
+nodeNull (Node (Just _) _) = False
+nodeNull (Node Nothing t) = all nodeNull $ T.toListBy (\ _ a -> a) t
+singleton :: DomainName -> a -> DomainMap a
+singleton key value
+ = insert key value empty
+size :: forall a. DomainMap a -> Int
+size (DM n) = nodeSize n
+nodeSize :: Node a -> Int
+nodeSize (Node m t)
+ = let x = if isJust m then
+ 1
+ else
+ 0
+ xs = map nodeSize $ T.toListBy (\ _ a -> a) t
+ in
+ L.foldl' (+) x xs
+fromList :: forall a. [(DomainName, a)] -> DomainMap a
+fromList [] = empty
+fromList ((k, v) : xs) = insert k v $ fromList xs
+toList :: forall a. DomainMap a -> [(DomainName, a)]
+toList (DM root) = toList' rootName root
+ where
+ toList' :: DomainName -> Node a -> [(DomainName, a)]
+ toList' soFar (Node m t)
+ = let x = case m of
+ Just v -> [(soFar, v)]
+ Nothing -> []
+ xs = concat $ map toList'' $ T.toList t
+ in
+ x ++ xs
+ where
+ toList'' :: (DomainLabel, Node a) -> [(DomainName, a)]
+ toList'' (l, n) = toList' (consLabel l soFar) n
+toListBy :: forall a b. DomainMap a -> (DomainName -> a -> b) -> [b]
+toListBy dm f = map (uncurry f) $ toList dm
+nearest :: forall a. DomainName -> DomainMap a -> Maybe a
+nearest key (DM root) = nearest' key' root
+ where
+ key' :: [DomainLabel]
+ key' = reverse $ nameToLabels key
+ nearest' :: [DomainLabel] -> Node a -> Maybe a
+ nearest' [] _ = error ("Illegal key: " ++ show key)
+ nearest' (_:[]) (Node m _) = m
+ nearest' (x:xs) (Node m t) = let nearer = do subNode' <- T.lookup x t
+ nearest' xs subNode'
+ in
+ if isJust nearer then
+ nearer
+ else
+ m
+lookup :: forall a. DomainName -> DomainMap a -> Maybe a
+lookup key (DM root) = lookup' key' root
+ where
+ key' :: [DomainLabel]
+ key' = reverse $ nameToLabels key
+ lookup' :: [DomainLabel] -> Node a -> Maybe a
+ lookup' [] _ = error ("Illegal key: " ++ show key)
+ lookup' (_:[]) (Node m _) = m
+ lookup' (x:xs) (Node _ t) = do subNode' <- T.lookup x t
+ lookup' xs subNode'
+insert :: forall a. DomainName -> a -> DomainMap a -> DomainMap a
+insert key value (DM root) = DM $ insert' key' root
+ where
+ key' :: [DomainLabel]
+ key' = reverse $ nameToLabels key
+ insert' :: [DomainLabel] -> Node a -> Node a
+ insert' [] _ = error ("Illegal key: " ++ show key)
+ insert' (_:[]) (Node _ t) = Node (Just value) t
+ insert' (x:xs) (Node m t) = let subNode' = case T.lookup x t of
+ Just subNode -> insert' xs subNode
+ Nothing -> insert' xs emptyNode
+ trie' = T.insert x subNode' t
+ in
+ Node m trie'
+delete :: forall a. DomainName -> DomainMap a -> DomainMap a
+delete key (DM root) = DM $ delete' key' root
+ where
+ key' :: [DomainLabel]
+ key' = reverse $ nameToLabels key
+ delete' :: [DomainLabel] -> Node a -> Node a
+ delete' [] _ = error ("Illegal key: " ++ show key)
+ delete' (_:[]) (Node _ t) = Node Nothing t
+ delete' (x:xs) (Node m t) = let subNode' = case T.lookup x t of
+ Just subNode -> delete' xs subNode
+ Nothing -> emptyNode
+ trie' = if nodeNull subNode' then
+ T.delete x t
+ else
+ T.insert x subNode' t
+ in
+ Node m trie'