, exp2
, countBits
+ , b2n
import Data.Int
-- signed character version for storage in metadata. The weights are
-- clipped here in the case they are outside that range.
packWeight ∷ Int16 → Word8
+{-# INLINEABLE packWeight #-}
packWeight !w
= let !w' | w > 1024 = 1024
| w < -1024 = -1024
-- > unpackWeight . packWeight = id
unpackWeight ∷ Word8 → Int16
+{-# INLINEABLE unpackWeight #-}
unpackWeight !w
= let w' ∷ Int8
w' = fromIntegral w
-- input values are valid and the return values are in the range of
-- +/-8192.
log2s ∷ Int32 → Int16
+{-# INLINE log2s #-}
log2s !n
| n < 0 = fromIntegral $ negate $ log2 $ fromIntegral $ negate n
| otherwise = fromIntegral $ log2 $ fromIntegral n
-- value. The maximum value allowed is about 0xff800000 and returns
-- 8447.
log2 ∷ Word32 → Word16
+{-# INLINEABLE log2 #-}
log2 !n
| n' < (1 `shiftL` 8)
= let dbits ∷ Word16
- dbits = fromIntegral $ getNBits $ fromIntegral n'
+ !dbits = getNBits $ fromIntegral n'
!index = (n' `shiftL` fromIntegral (9 - dbits)) .&. 0xFF
- !log2n = fromIntegral $ getLog2 $ fromIntegral index
+ !log2n = getLog2 $ fromIntegral index
(dbits `shiftL` 8) + log2n
| otherwise
= let dbits ∷ Word16
- dbits | n' < (1 `shiftL` 16)
- = fromIntegral (getNBits $ fromIntegral $ n' `shiftR` 8) + 8
- | n' < (1 `shiftL` 24)
- = fromIntegral (getNBits $ fromIntegral $ n' `shiftR` 16) + 16
- | otherwise
- = fromIntegral (getNBits $ fromIntegral $ n' `shiftR` 24) + 24
+ !dbits | n' < (1 `shiftL` 16)
+ = (getNBits $ fromIntegral $ n' `shiftR` 8) + 8
+ | n' < (1 `shiftL` 24)
+ = (getNBits $ fromIntegral $ n' `shiftR` 16) + 16
+ | otherwise
+ = (getNBits $ fromIntegral $ n' `shiftR` 24) + 24
!index = (n' `shiftR` fromIntegral (dbits - 9)) .&. 0xFF
- !log2n = fromIntegral $ getLog2 $ fromIntegral index
+ !log2n = getLog2 $ fromIntegral index
(dbits `shiftL` 8) + log2n
-- since a full 32-bit value is returned this can be used for unsigned
-- conversions as well (i.e. the input range is -8192 to +8447).
exp2s ∷ Int16 → Int32
+{-# INLINE exp2s #-}
exp2s !l
| l < 0 = fromIntegral $ negate $ exp2 $ fromIntegral $ negate l
| otherwise = fromIntegral $ exp2 $ fromIntegral l
-- | Return the original integer represented by the supplied logarithm
-- (at least within the provided accuracy).
exp2 ∷ Word16 → Word32
+{-# INLINEABLE exp2 #-}
exp2 !l
= let exp2l ∷ Word32
- exp2l = fromIntegral (getExp2 $ fromIntegral $ l .&. 0xFF) .|. 0x100
+ exp2l = (getExp2 $ fromIntegral $ l .&. 0xFF) .|. 0x100
l' ∷ Word32
l' = fromIntegral $ l `shiftR` 8
-- | 'countBits' @av@ returns the number of bits that is required to
-- represent @av@.
-countBits ∷ Word32 → Word8
+countBits ∷ Num a ⇒ Word32 → a
+{-# INLINEABLE countBits #-}
countBits av
| av < (1 `shiftL` 8) = getNBits (fromIntegral av)
| av < (1 `shiftL` 16) = getNBits (fromIntegral (av `shiftR` 8)) + 8
| av < (1 `shiftL` 24) = getNBits (fromIntegral (av `shiftR` 16)) + 16
| otherwise = getNBits (fromIntegral (av `shiftR` 24)) + 24
-getNBits ∷ Word8 → Word8
-getNBits = UV.unsafeIndex nbitsTable ∘ fromIntegral
+-- | Return 0 for 'False' and 1 for 'True'.
+b2n ∷ Num a ⇒ Bool → a
+{-# INLINE b2n #-}
+b2n True = 1
+b2n False = 0
+getNBits ∷ Num a ⇒ Word8 → a
+{-# INLINE getNBits #-}
+getNBits = fromIntegral ∘ UV.unsafeIndex nbitsTable ∘ fromIntegral
nbitsTable ∷ UV.Vector Word8
, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8 -- 240 - 255
-getLog2 ∷ Word8 → Word8
-getLog2 = UV.unsafeIndex log2Table ∘ fromIntegral
+getLog2 ∷ Num n ⇒ Word8 → n
+{-# INLINE getLog2 #-}
+getLog2 = fromIntegral ∘ UV.unsafeIndex log2Table ∘ fromIntegral
log2Table ∷ UV.Vector Word8
, 0xF4, 0xF5, 0xF6, 0xF7, 0xF7, 0xF8, 0xF9, 0xF9, 0xFa, 0xFB, 0xFC, 0xFC, 0xFD, 0xFE, 0xFF, 0xFF
-getExp2 ∷ Word8 → Word8
-getExp2 = UV.unsafeIndex exp2Table ∘ fromIntegral
+getExp2 ∷ Num n ⇒ Word8 → n
+{-# INLINE getExp2 #-}
+getExp2 = fromIntegral ∘ UV.unsafeIndex exp2Table ∘ fromIntegral
exp2Table ∷ UV.Vector Word8
--- /dev/null
+ BangPatterns
+ , UnicodeSyntax
+ #-}
+module Codec.Audio.WavPack.Unpack
+ (
+ )
+ where
+import Codec.Audio.WavPack.Internal
+import Data.Bits
+import Data.Bitstream.Generic (Bitstream)
+import qualified Data.Bitstream.Generic as B
+import Data.Word
+-- Read a single unsigned value from the specified bitstream with a
+-- value from 0 to maxCode. If there are exactly a power of two number
+-- of possible codes then this will read a fixed number of bits;
+-- otherwise it reads the minimum number of bits and then determines
+-- whether another bit is needed to define the code.
+readCode ∷ Bitstream bs ⇒ bs → Word32 → (Word32, bs)
+{-# INLINEABLE readCode #-}
+readCode bs 0 = (0, bs)
+readCode bs 1 = (b2n $ B.head bs, B.tail bs)
+readCode bs maxCode
+ = let !bitCount = countBits maxCode
+ !extras = (1 `shiftL` bitCount) - maxCode - 1
+ in
+ error "unk"
\ No newline at end of file