-import Data.Generics
import Network.URI
import Rakka.Page
data Element
= Block !BlockElement
| Inline !InlineElement
- deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
type Attribute = (String, String)
| Div ![Attribute] ![Element]
| EmptyBlock
| BlockCmd !BlockCommand
- deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
data InlineElement
| Input ![Attribute]
| EmptyInline
| InlineCmd !InlineCommand
- deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
data ListType
= Bullet
| Numbered
- deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
type ListItem = [Element]
defTerm :: ![InlineElement]
, defDesc :: ![InlineElement]
- deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
data CommandType
, bCmdAttributes :: ![Attribute]
, bCmdContents :: ![BlockElement]
- deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
data InlineCommand
, iCmdAttributes :: ![Attribute]
, iCmdContents :: ![InlineElement]
- deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Data)
+ deriving (Eq, Show)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
import Data.Encoding
import Data.Encoding.UTF8
-import Data.Generics
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Maybe
, ctxSysConf = sysConf
- ( arrIO (everywhereM' (mkM $ interpBlockCmd ctx))
- >>>
- arrIO (everywhereM' (mkM $ interpInlineCmd ctx))
- ) -<< targetWiki
+ arrIO2 (mapM . interpBlock) -< (ctx, targetWiki)
- interpBlockCmd :: InterpreterContext -> BlockElement -> IO BlockElement
- interpBlockCmd ctx (BlockCmd cmd) = interpBlockCmd' ctx cmd
- interpBlockCmd _ others = return others
- interpBlockCmd' :: InterpreterContext -> BlockCommand -> IO BlockElement
- interpBlockCmd' ctx cmd
+ interpElem :: InterpreterContext -> Element -> IO Element
+ interpElem ctx (Block b) = interpBlock ctx b >>= return . Block
+ interpElem ctx (Inline i) = interpInline ctx i >>= return . Inline
+ interpBlock :: InterpreterContext -> BlockElement -> IO BlockElement
+ interpBlock ctx (List lType lItems) = mapM (interpListItem ctx) lItems >>= return . List lType
+ interpBlock ctx (DefinitionList defs) = mapM (interpDefinition ctx) defs >>= return . DefinitionList
+ interpBlock ctx (Preformatted inlines) = mapM (interpInline ctx) inlines >>= return . Preformatted
+ interpBlock ctx (Paragraph inlines) = mapM (interpInline ctx) inlines >>= return . Paragraph
+ interpBlock ctx (Div attrs elems) = mapM (interpElem ctx) elems >>= return . Div attrs
+ interpBlock ctx (BlockCmd bcmd) = interpBlockCommand ctx bcmd
+ interpBlock _ x = return x
+ interpInline :: InterpreterContext -> InlineElement -> IO InlineElement
+ interpInline ctx (Italic inlines) = mapM (interpInline ctx) inlines >>= return . Italic
+ interpInline ctx (Bold inlines) = mapM (interpInline ctx) inlines >>= return . Bold
+ interpInline ctx (Span attrs inlines) = mapM (interpInline ctx) inlines >>= return . Span attrs
+ interpInline ctx (Anchor attrs inlines) = mapM (interpInline ctx) inlines >>= return . Anchor attrs
+ interpInline ctx (InlineCmd icmd) = interpInlineCommand ctx icmd
+ interpInline _ x = return x
+ interpListItem :: InterpreterContext -> ListItem -> IO ListItem
+ interpListItem = mapM . interpElem
+ interpDefinition :: InterpreterContext -> Definition -> IO Definition
+ interpDefinition ctx (Definition term desc)
+ = do term' <- mapM (interpInline ctx) term
+ desc' <- mapM (interpInline ctx) desc
+ return (Definition term' desc')
+ interpBlockCommand :: InterpreterContext -> BlockCommand -> IO BlockElement
+ interpBlockCommand ctx cmd
= case M.lookup (bCmdName cmd) interpTable of
-> fail ("no such interpreter: " ++ bCmdName cmd)
Just interp
-> bciInterpret interp ctx cmd
+ >>=
+ interpBlock ctx
- interpInlineCmd :: InterpreterContext -> InlineElement -> IO InlineElement
- interpInlineCmd ctx (InlineCmd cmd) = interpInlineCmd' ctx cmd
- interpInlineCmd _ others = return others
- interpInlineCmd' :: InterpreterContext -> InlineCommand -> IO InlineElement
- interpInlineCmd' ctx cmd
+ interpInlineCommand :: InterpreterContext -> InlineCommand -> IO InlineElement
+ interpInlineCommand ctx cmd
= case M.lookup (iCmdName cmd) interpTable of
-> fail ("no such interpreter: " ++ iCmdName cmd)
Just interp
-> iciInterpret interp ctx cmd
+ >>=
+ interpInline ctx
makeDraft :: (ArrowXml a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowIO a) => InterpTable -> a XmlTree Document
-- wikify して興味のある部分を addText する。
-> do arrIO2 (flip setAttribute "rakka:isFeed") -< (doc, pIsFeed)
wikiPage <- wikifyPage interpTable -< tree
- arrIO0 (everywhereM' (mkM (addBlockText doc)) wikiPage) -<< ()
- arrIO0 (everywhereM' (mkM (addInlineText doc)) wikiPage) -<< ()
- returnA -< ()
+ arrIO2 (mapM_ . addBlockText) -< (doc, wikiPage)
MIMEType _ _ _
-> returnA -< ()
returnA -< doc
- addBlockText :: Document -> BlockElement -> IO BlockElement
- addBlockText doc b
- = do case b of
- Heading _ text
- -> addText doc text
- _ -> return ()
- return b
- addInlineText :: Document -> InlineElement -> IO InlineElement
- addInlineText doc i
- = do case i of
- Text text
- -> addText doc text
- ObjectLink page Nothing
- -> addText doc page
- ObjectLink page (Just text)
- -> do addHiddenText doc page
- addText doc text
- PageLink page fragment Nothing
- -> addText doc (fromMaybe "" page ++
- fromMaybe "" fragment)
- PageLink page fragment (Just text)
- -> do addHiddenText doc (fromMaybe "" page ++
- fromMaybe "" fragment)
- addText doc text
- ExternalLink uri Nothing
- -> addText doc (uriToString id uri "")
- ExternalLink uri (Just text)
- -> do addHiddenText doc (uriToString id uri "")
- addText doc text
- _ -> return ()
- return i
--- Perform monadic transformation in top-down order.
-everywhereM' :: Monad m => GenericM m -> GenericM m
-everywhereM' f x = f x >>= gmapM (everywhereM' f)
+ addElemText :: Document -> Element -> IO ()
+ addElemText doc (Block b) = addBlockText doc b
+ addElemText doc (Inline i) = addInlineText doc i
+ addBlockText :: Document -> BlockElement -> IO ()
+ addBlockText doc (Heading _ text) = addText doc text
+ addBlockText _ HorizontalLine = return ()
+ addBlockText doc (List _ items) = mapM_ (addListItemText doc) items
+ addBlockText doc (DefinitionList defs) = mapM_ (addDefinitionText doc) defs
+ addBlockText doc (Preformatted inlines) = mapM_ (addInlineText doc) inlines
+ addBlockText doc (Paragraph inlines) = mapM_ (addInlineText doc) inlines
+ addBlockText doc (Div _ elems) = mapM_ (addElemText doc) elems
+ addBlockText _ EmptyBlock = return ()
+ addBlockText doc (BlockCmd bcmd) = addBlockCmdText doc bcmd
+ addInlineText :: Document -> InlineElement -> IO ()
+ addInlineText doc (Text text) = addText doc text
+ addInlineText doc (Italic inlines) = mapM_ (addInlineText doc) inlines
+ addInlineText doc (Bold inlines) = mapM_ (addInlineText doc) inlines
+ addInlineText doc (ObjectLink page Nothing) = addText doc page
+ addInlineText doc (ObjectLink page (Just text)) = addHiddenText doc page
+ >> addText doc text
+ addInlineText doc (PageLink page fragm Nothing) = addText doc (fromMaybe "" page ++ fromMaybe "" fragm)
+ addInlineText doc (PageLink page fragm (Just text)) = addHiddenText doc (fromMaybe "" page ++ fromMaybe "" fragm)
+ >> addText doc text
+ addInlineText doc (ExternalLink uri Nothing) = addText doc (uriToString id uri "")
+ addInlineText doc (ExternalLink uri (Just text)) = addHiddenText doc (uriToString id uri "")
+ >> addText doc text
+ addInlineText _ (LineBreak _) = return ()
+ addInlineText doc (Span _ inlines) = mapM_ (addInlineText doc) inlines
+ addInlineText doc (Image src alt) = do case src of
+ Left uri -> addHiddenText doc (uriToString id uri "")
+ Right page -> addHiddenText doc page
+ case alt of
+ Just text -> addHiddenText doc text
+ Nothing -> return ()
+ addInlineText doc (Anchor attrs inlines) = mapM_ (addInlineText doc) inlines
+ addInlineText _ (Input _) = return ()
+ addInlineText _ EmptyInline = return ()
+ addInlineText doc (InlineCmd icmd) = addInlineCmdText doc icmd
+ addListItemText :: Document -> ListItem -> IO ()
+ addListItemText = mapM_ . addElemText
+ addDefinitionText :: Document -> Definition -> IO ()
+ addDefinitionText doc (Definition term desc)
+ = do mapM_ (addInlineText doc) term
+ mapM_ (addInlineText doc) desc
+ addBlockCmdText :: Document -> BlockCommand -> IO ()
+ addBlockCmdText doc (BlockCommand _ _ blocks) = mapM_ (addBlockText doc) blocks
+ addInlineCmdText :: Document -> InlineCommand -> IO ()
+ addInlineCmdText doc (InlineCommand _ _ inlines) = mapM_ (addInlineText doc) inlines
wikifyParseError :: Arrow a => a ParseError WikiPage