+ QuasiQuotes
+ , UnicodeSyntax
+ #-}
+-- |The default extension map.
+module Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEType.DefaultExtensionMap
+ ( defaultExtensionMap
+ )
+ where
+import Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEType.Guess
+-- |'defaultExtensionMap' contains contains every possible pairs of an
+-- extension and a MIME Type.
+defaultExtensionMap :: ExtMap
+{-# NOINLINE defaultExtensionMap #-}
+defaultExtensionMap = [extMap|
# MIME type Extensions
application/andrew-inset ez
application/atom+xml atom
application/vnd.wap.wmlc wmlc
application/vnd.wap.wmlscriptc wmlsc
application/voicexml+xml vxml
-application/x-3gp 3gp
-application/x-ape ape
-application/x-ar a
+application/x-3gp 3gp
+application/x-ape ape
+application/x-ar a
application/x-bcpio bcpio
-application/x-bzip bz2 tbz
+application/x-bzip bz2 tbz
application/x-cdlink vcd
application/x-chess-pgn pgn
-application/x-compress Z
+application/x-compress Z
application/x-cpio cpio
application/x-csh csh
application/x-director dcr dir dxr
application/x-dvi dvi
application/x-futuresplash spl
application/x-gtar gtar
-application/x-gzip gz tgz
+application/x-gzip gz tgz
application/x-hdf hdf
application/x-javascript js
application/x-java-jnlp-file jnlp
application/x-koan skp skd skt skm
application/x-latex latex
-application/x-nar nar
+application/x-nar nar
application/x-netcdf nc cdf
-application/x-rar rar
+application/x-rar rar
application/x-sh sh
application/x-shar shar
application/x-shockwave-flash swf swfl
-application/x-spc spc
+application/x-spc spc
application/x-stuffit sit
application/x-sv4cpio sv4cpio
application/x-sv4crc sv4crc
application/xml-dtd dtd
application/zip zip
audio/basic au snd
-audio/iLBC-sh ilbc
+audio/iLBC-sh ilbc
audio/midi mid midi kar
audio/mp4a-latm m4a m4p
audio/mpeg mpga mp2 mp3
-audio/x-ac3 ac3
+audio/x-ac3 ac3
audio/x-aiff aif aiff aifc
-audio/x-ircam sf
-audio/x-flac flac
-audio/x-mod 669 amf dsm gdm far imf it med mod mtm okt sam s3m stm stx ult xm
+audio/x-ircam sf
+audio/x-flac flac
+audio/x-mod 669 amf dsm gdm far imf it med mod mtm okt sam s3m stm stx ult xm
audio/x-mpegurl m3u
-audio/x-musepack mpc
-audio/x-nist nist
-audio/x-paris paf
+audio/x-musepack mpc
+audio/x-nist nist
+audio/x-paris paf
audio/x-pn-realaudio ram ra
-audio/x-sds sds
-audio/x-shorten shn
-audio/x-sid sid
-audio/x-svx iff svx
-audio/x-ttafile tta
-audio/x-voc voc
-audio/x-w64 w64
+audio/x-sds sds
+audio/x-shorten shn
+audio/x-sid sid
+audio/x-svx iff svx
+audio/x-ttafile tta
+audio/x-voc voc
+audio/x-w64 w64
audio/x-wav wav
-audio/x-wavpack wv wvp
-audio/x-wavpack-correction wvc
+audio/x-wavpack wv wvp
+audio/x-wavpack-correction wvc
chemical/x-pdb pdb
chemical/x-xyz xyz
image/bmp bmp
image/x-sun-raster ras
image/x-macpaint pntg pnt mac
image/x-icon ico
-image/x-jng jng
+image/x-jng jng
image/x-portable-anymap pnm
image/x-portable-bitmap pbm
image/x-portable-graymap pgm
image/x-quicktime qtif qti qif
image/x-rgb rgb
image/x-xbitmap xbm
-image/x-xcf xcf
+image/x-xcf xcf
image/x-xpixmap xpm
image/x-xwindowdump xwd
model/iges igs iges
text/rtf rtf
text/sgml sgml sgm
text/tab-separated-values tsv
-text/uri-list uni unis uri uris
+text/uri-list uni unis uri uris
text/vnd.wap.wml wml
text/vnd.wap.wmlscript wmls
-text/x-c c h
-text/x-c++ cc cpp cxx hpp hxx
-text/x-cabal cabal
-text/x-haskell hs hsc lhs
+text/x-c c h
+text/x-c++ cc cpp cxx hpp hxx
+text/x-cabal cabal
+text/x-haskell hs hsc lhs
text/x-setext etx
video/mp4 mp4
video/mpeg mpeg mpg mpe
-video/mpeg4 m4v
-video/mpegts ts
+video/mpeg4 m4v
+video/mpegts ts
video/quicktime qt mov
video/vnd.mpegurl mxu m4u
video/x-dv dv dif
-video/x-fli flc fli
-video/x-flv flv
-video/x-matroska mkv mka
-video/x-ms-asf asf wm wma wmv
+video/x-fli flc fli
+video/x-flv flv
+video/x-matroska mkv mka
+video/x-ms-asf asf wm wma wmv
video/x-msvideo avi
-video/x-mng mng
-video/x-mve mve
-video/x-nuv nuv
+video/x-mng mng
+video/x-mve mve
+video/x-nuv nuv
video/x-sgi-movie movie
x-conference/x-cooltalk ice
- UnicodeSyntax
+ DeriveDataTypeable
+ , GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving
+ , TemplateHaskell
+ , UnicodeSyntax
+ , ViewPatterns
-- |Guessing MIME Types by file extensions. It's not always accurate
-- but simple and fast.
-- In general you don't have to use this module directly.
module Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEType.Guess
- ( ExtMap
+ ( ExtMap(..)
+ , extMap
+ , parseExtMap
, guessTypeByFileName
- , parseExtMapFile
- , serializeExtMap
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
+import Control.Monad.Unicode
+import Data.Ascii (Ascii)
import qualified Data.Ascii as A
import Data.Attoparsec.Char8 as P
-import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Lazy as LP
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as B
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Maybe
+import Data.Typeable
+import Data.Monoid
import Data.Monoid.Unicode
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
-import Language.Haskell.Exts.Build
-import Language.Haskell.Exts.Extension
-import Language.Haskell.Exts.Pretty
-import Language.Haskell.Exts.Syntax
+import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax
+import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEType
import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Parser
+import Network.HTTP.Lucu.Utils
import Prelude.Unicode
import System.FilePath
-- |A 'Map' from file extensions to 'MIMEType's.
-type ExtMap = Map Text MIMEType
+newtype ExtMap
+ = ExtMap (Map Text MIMEType)
+ deriving (Eq, Show, Read, Monoid, Typeable)
--- |Guess the MIME Type of a file.
-guessTypeByFileName ∷ ExtMap → FilePath → Maybe MIMEType
-guessTypeByFileName em fpath
- = case takeExtension fpath of
- [] → Nothing
- (_:ext) → M.lookup (T.pack ext) em
+instance Lift ExtMap where
+ lift (ExtMap m)
+ = [| ExtMap $(liftMap liftText lift m) |]
--- |Read an Apache mime.types and parse it.
-parseExtMapFile ∷ FilePath → IO ExtMap
-parseExtMapFile fpath
- = do file ← B.readFile fpath
- case LP.parse (finishOff extMap) file of
- LP.Done _ xs
- → case compile xs of
- Right m → return m
- Left e → fail (concat [ "Duplicate extension \""
- , show e
- , "\" in: "
- , fpath
- ])
- LP.Fail _ _ e
- → fail ("Failed to parse: " ⧺ fpath ⧺ ": " ⧺ e)
+-- |'QuasiQuoter' for 'ExtMap' reading Apache @mime.types@.
+-- @
+-- m :: 'ExtMap'
+-- m = ['extMap'|
+-- # MIME Type Extensions
+-- application/xhtml+xml xhtml
+-- image/jpeg jpeg jpg
+-- image/png png
+-- image/svg+xml svg
+-- text/html html
+-- text/plain txt
+-- |]
+-- @
+extMap ∷ QuasiQuoter
+extMap = QuasiQuoter {
+ quoteExp = (lift ∘ parseExtMap =≪) ∘ toAscii
+ , quotePat = const unsupported
+ , quoteType = const unsupported
+ , quoteDec = const unsupported
+ }
+ where
+ toAscii ∷ Monad m ⇒ String → m Ascii
+ toAscii (A.fromChars → Just a) = return a
+ toAscii _ = fail "Malformed extension map"
+ unsupported ∷ Monad m ⇒ m α
+ unsupported = fail "Unsupported usage of extMap quasi-quoter."
-extMap ∷ Parser [ (MIMEType, [Text]) ]
-extMap = catMaybes <$> P.many (try comment <|> try validLine <|> emptyLine)
+-- |Parse Apache @mime.types@.
+parseExtMap ∷ Ascii → ExtMap
+parseExtMap src
+ = case parseOnly (finishOff extMapP) $ A.toByteString src of
+ Right xs → case compile xs of
+ Right m → ExtMap m
+ Left e → error ("Duplicate extension: " ⧺ show e)
+ Left err → error ("Unparsable extension map: " ⧺ err)
+extMapP ∷ Parser [(MIMEType, [Text])]
+extMapP = catMaybes <$> P.many (try comment <|> try validLine <|> emptyLine)
isSpc ∷ Char → Bool
isSpc c = c ≡ '\x20' ∨ c ≡ '\x09'
f ∷ k → v → v → v
f _ _ = id
--- |@'serializeExtMap' extMap moduleName variableName@ generates a
--- Haskell source code which contains the following things:
--- * A definition of module named @moduleName@.
--- * @variableName :: 'ExtMap'@ whose content is the serialised
--- @extMap@.
--- The module "Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEType.DefaultExtensionMap" is
--- surely generated using this function.
-serializeExtMap ∷ ExtMap → String → String → String
-serializeExtMap em moduleName variableName
- = let hsModule = Module (⊥) (ModuleName moduleName) modPragma
- Nothing (Just exports) imports decls
- modPragma = [ LanguagePragma (⊥) [ name (show OverloadedStrings) ] ]
- exports = [ EVar (UnQual (name variableName)) ]
- imports = [ ImportDecl (⊥) (ModuleName "Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEType")
- False False Nothing Nothing Nothing
- , ImportDecl (⊥) (ModuleName "Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEType.Guess")
- False False Nothing Nothing Nothing
- , ImportDecl (⊥) (ModuleName "Data.Ascii")
- False False Nothing Nothing (Just (False, []))
- , ImportDecl (⊥) (ModuleName "Data.Map")
- True False Nothing (Just (ModuleName "M")) Nothing
- ]
- decls = [ TypeSig (⊥) [name variableName]
- (TyCon (UnQual (name "ExtMap")))
- , nameBind (⊥) (name variableName) extMapExp
- , InlineSig (⊥) False AlwaysActive (UnQual (name variableName))
- ]
- comment = concat [ "{- !!! WARNING !!!\n"
- , " This file is automatically generated.\n"
- ]
- extMapExp = qvar (ModuleName "M") (name "fromList") `app` listE records
- in
- comment ⧺ prettyPrint hsModule ⧺ "\n"
- where
- records ∷ [Exp]
- records = map record $ M.assocs em
- record ∷ (Text, MIMEType) → Exp
- record (ext, mime)
- = tuple [ strE (T.unpack ext)
- , function "parseMIMEType" `app` strE (mimeToString mime)
- ]
- mimeToString ∷ MIMEType → String
- mimeToString = A.toString ∘ A.fromAsciiBuilder ∘ printMIMEType
+-- |Guess the MIME Type of a file.
+guessTypeByFileName ∷ ExtMap → FilePath → Maybe MIMEType
+guessTypeByFileName (ExtMap m) fpath
+ = case takeExtension fpath of
+ [] → Nothing
+ (_:ext) → M.lookup (T.pack ext) m