deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
-empty :: W3CDateTime
-empty = W3CDateTime {
- w3cYear = 0
- , w3cMonth = Nothing
- , w3cDay = Nothing
- , w3cHour = Nothing
- , w3cMinute = Nothing
- , w3cSecond = Nothing
- , w3cTimeZone = Nothing
- }
instance Convertible Day W3CDateTime where
safeConvert day
= case toGregorian day of
- (y, m, d) -> return empty {
- w3cYear = y
- , w3cMonth = Just m
- , w3cDay = Just d
- }
+ (y, m, d) -> return W3CDateTime {
+ w3cYear = y
+ , w3cMonth = Just m
+ , w3cDay = Just d
+ , w3cHour = Nothing
+ , w3cMinute = Nothing
+ , w3cSecond = Nothing
+ , w3cTimeZone = Nothing
+ }
+fetch :: (Show a, Typeable a, Typeable b) =>
+ String
+ -> (a -> Maybe b)
+ -> a
+ -> ConvertResult b
+fetch name f a
+ = case f a of
+ Nothing -> convError ("No " ++ name ++ " information in the given value") a
+ Just b -> return b
instance Convertible W3CDateTime Day where
safeConvert w3c
= do let y = w3cYear w3c
- m <- case w3cMonth w3c of
- Just m -> return m
- Nothing -> convError "No month info" w3c
- d <- case w3cDay w3c of
- Just d -> return d
- Nothing -> convError "No day info" w3c
- return $ fromGregorian y m d
\ No newline at end of file
+ m <- fetch "month" w3cMonth w3c
+ d <- fetch "day" w3cDay w3c
+ return (fromGregorian y m d)
+instance Convertible UTCTime W3CDateTime where
+ safeConvert u
+ = let (y, m, d) = toGregorian (utctDay u)
+ hms = timeToTimeOfDay (utctDayTime u)
+ in
+ return W3CDateTime {
+ w3cYear = y
+ , w3cMonth = Just m
+ , w3cDay = Just d
+ , w3cHour = Just (todHour hms)
+ , w3cMinute = Just (todMin hms)
+ , w3cSecond = Just (todSec hms)
+ , w3cTimeZone = Just utc
+ }
+instance Convertible W3CDateTime UTCTime where
+ safeConvert w3c
+ = do day <- safeConvert w3c
+ tod <- do h <- fetch "hour" w3cHour w3c
+ m <- fetch "minute" w3cMinute w3c
+ s <- fetch "second" w3cSecond w3c
+ case makeTimeOfDayValid h m s of
+ Just tod -> return tod
+ Nothing -> convError "Invalid time of day" w3c
+ tz <- fetch "timezone" w3cTimeZone w3c
+ let lt = LocalTime day tod
+ return (localTimeToUTC tz lt)