--- /dev/null
+module Network.DNS.Named
+ ( ZoneFinder(..)
+ , Zone(..)
+ , runNamed
+ , defaultRootZone
+ )
+ where
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Control.Exception
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Binary
+import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
+import Data.Maybe
+import Network.Socket
+import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as NB
+import Network.DNS.Message
+import Network.DNS.Named.Config
+import System.Posix.Signals
+class ZoneFinder a where
+ findZone :: a -> DomainName -> IO Zone
+instance ZoneFinder (DomainName -> Zone) where
+ findZone = (return .)
+instance ZoneFinder (DomainName -> IO Zone) where
+ findZone = id
+instance ZoneFinder (DomainName -> Maybe Zone) where
+ findZone = ((return . fromMaybe defaultRootZone) .)
+instance ZoneFinder (DomainName -> IO (Maybe Zone)) where
+ findZone = (fmap (fromMaybe defaultRootZone) .)
+data Zone
+ = Zone {
+ zoneName :: !DomainName
+ }
+defaultRootZone :: Zone
+defaultRootZone = error "FIXME: defaultRootZone is not implemented yet"
+runNamed :: ZoneFinder zf => Config -> zf -> IO ()
+runNamed cnf zf
+ = withSocketsDo $
+ do installHandler sigPIPE Ignore Nothing
+ _tcpListenerTID <- forkIO $ tcpListen
+ udpListen
+ where
+ udpListen :: IO ()
+ udpListen = do -- FIXME: we should support IPv6 when the network package supports it.
+ so <- socket AF_INET Datagram defaultProtocol
+ print cnf
+ bindSocket so $ cnfServerAddress cnf
+ udpLoop so
+ udpLoop :: Socket -> IO ()
+ udpLoop so
+ = do (packet, cameFrom) <- NB.recvFrom so 512
+ _handlerTID <- forkIO $ udpHandler so packet cameFrom
+ udpLoop so
+ tcpListen :: IO ()
+ tcpListen = putStrLn "FIXME: tcpListen is not implemented yet."
+ udpHandler :: Socket -> BS.ByteString -> SockAddr -> IO ()
+ udpHandler so packet cameFrom
+ = do msg <- evaluate $ unpackMessage packet
+ msg' <- handleMessage msg
+ `onException`
+ NB.sendTo so (packMessage $ makeServerFailure msg) cameFrom
+ _sent <- NB.sendTo so (packMessage $ msg' ) cameFrom
+ return ()
+ handleMessage :: Message -> IO Message
+ handleMessage msg
+ = fail (show msg) -- FIXME
+packMessage :: Message -> BS.ByteString
+packMessage = BS.concat . LBS.toChunks . encode
+unpackMessage :: BS.ByteString -> Message
+unpackMessage = decode . LBS.fromChunks . return
+makeServerFailure :: Message -> Message
+makeServerFailure msg
+ = let header = msgHeader msg
+ msg' = msg {
+ msgHeader = header {
+ hdMessageType = Response
+ , hdIsAuthoritativeAnswer = False
+ , hdIsTruncated = False
+ , hdIsRecursionAvailable = False
+ , hdResponseCode = ServerFailure
+ }
+ }
+ in
+ msg'
Cabal-Version: >= 1.2
Build-Type: Simple
+ ExampleDNSServer.hs
+Flag build-examples
+ Description: Build example executables.
+ Default: False
Flag build-test-suite
Description: Build the test suite.
Default: False
- base, binary, binary-strict, bytestring, containers, network
+ base, binary, binary-strict, bytestring, containers, network,
+ network-bytestring, unix
+ Network.DNS.Named
+ Network.DNS.Named.Config
- Network.DNS.Server
+Executable ExampleDNSServer
+ if flag(build-examples)
+ Buildable: True
+ else
+ Buildable: False
+ Main-Is:
+ ExampleDNSServer.hs
+ Extensions:
+ DeriveDataTypeable, ExistentialQuantification,
+ FlexibleInstances, FunctionalDependencies,
+ MultiParamTypeClasses, ScopedTypeVariables,
+ TypeSynonymInstances, UndecidableInstances,
+ IncoherentInstances
+ GHC-Options:
+ -Wall
\ No newline at end of file