import Rakka.Utils
import Rakka.Wiki.Engine
import System.FilePath
-import Text.HyperEstraier
+import Text.HyperEstraier hiding (getText)
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.Namespace
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlArrow
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlNodeSet
-defaultResultsPerPage :: Int
-defaultResultsPerPage = 20
+resultsPerSection :: Int
+resultsPerSection = 10
+maxSectionWindowSize :: Int
+maxSectionWindowSize = 10
let query = UTF8.decodeString $ fromMaybe "" $ lookup "q" params
from = fromMaybe 0
$ fmap read $ lookup "from" params
- to = fromMaybe defaultResultsPerPage
+ to = fromMaybe (from + resultsPerSection)
$ fmap read $ lookup "to" params
cond <- liftIO $ mkCond query from to
+= ( getXPathTreesInDoc "/searchResult/page"
- eelem "div"
- += sattr "class" "searchResult"
- += ( eelem "a"
- += attr "href" ( getAttrValue "name"
- >>>
- arr (\ x -> uriToString id (mkPageURI baseURI x) "")
- >>>
- mkText
- )
- += (getAttrValue "name" >>> mkText)
- )
- += ( eelem "p"
- += ( getChildren
- >>>
- choiceA [ isText :-> this
- , hasName "boundary" :-> txt " ... "
- , hasName "hit" :-> ( eelem "span"
- += sattr "class" "highlighted"
- += getChildren
- )
- ]
- )
- )
+ formatItem baseURI
+ )
+ += ( ( ( getXPathTreesInDoc "/searchResult/@query/text()"
+ >>>
+ getText
+ )
+ &&&
+ ( getXPathTreesInDoc "/searchResult/@from/text()"
+ >>>
+ getText
+ >>>
+ arr ((`div` resultsPerSection) . read)
+ )
+ &&&
+ ( getXPathTreesInDoc "/searchResult/@total/text()"
+ >>>
+ getText
+ >>>
+ arr ((+ 1) . (`div` resultsPerSection) . read)
+ )
+ )
+ >>>
+ ( ((> 1) . snd . snd)
+ `guardsP`
+ formatPager baseURI
+ )
) ) -<< tree
+ where
+ formatItem :: (ArrowXml a, ArrowChoice a) => URI -> a XmlTree XmlTree
+ formatItem baseURI
+ = ( eelem "div"
+ += sattr "class" "searchResult"
+ += ( eelem "a"
+ += attr "href" ( getAttrValue "name"
+ >>>
+ arr (\ x -> uriToString id (mkPageURI baseURI x) "")
+ >>>
+ mkText
+ )
+ += (getAttrValue "name" >>> mkText)
+ )
+ += ( eelem "p"
+ += ( getChildren
+ >>>
+ choiceA [ isText :-> this
+ , hasName "boundary" :-> txt " ... "
+ , hasName "hit" :-> ( eelem "span"
+ += sattr "class" "highlighted"
+ += getChildren
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ formatPager :: (ArrowChoice a, ArrowXml a) => URI -> a (String, (Int, Int)) XmlTree
+ formatPager baseURI
+ = ( eelem "div"
+ += sattr "class" "pager"
+ += txt "Page."
+ += ( ( arr fst
+ &&&
+ arr (fst . snd)
+ &&&
+ ( arr snd
+ >>>
+ mkSectionWindow
+ )
+ )
+ >>>
+ proc (query, (currentSection, section))
+ -> if currentSection == section then
+ ( txt " "
+ <+>
+ eelem "span"
+ += sattr "class" "currentSection"
+ += (arr show >>> mkText)
+ ) -< section
+ else
+ ( txt " "
+ <+>
+ eelem "a"
+ += attr "href" ( mkSectionURI baseURI
+ >>>
+ uriToText
+ )
+ += (arr (show . snd) >>> mkText)
+ ) -< (query, section)
+ )
+ )
+ mkSectionWindow :: ArrowList a => a (Int, Int) Int
+ mkSectionWindow
+ = proc (currentSection, totalSections)
+ -> let windowWidth = min maxSectionWindowSize totalSections
+ windowBegin = currentSection - (windowWidth `div` 2)
+ (begin, end) = if windowBegin < 0 then
+ -- 左に溢れた
+ (0, windowWidth - 1)
+ else
+ if windowBegin + windowWidth >= totalSections then
+ -- 右に溢れた
+ (totalSections - windowWidth, totalSections - 1)
+ else
+ -- どちらにも溢れない
+ (windowBegin, windowBegin + windowWidth - 1)
+ in
+ arrL id -< [begin .. end]
+ mkSectionURI :: Arrow a => URI -> a (String, Int) URI
+ mkSectionURI baseURI
+ = arr $ \ (query, section)
+ -> baseURI {
+ uriPath = uriPath baseURI </> "search"
+ , uriQuery = '?' : mkQueryString [ ("q" , query)
+ , ("from", show $ section * resultsPerSection)
+ , ("to" , show $ (section + 1) * resultsPerSection - 1)
+ ]
+ }
+ uriToText :: ArrowXml a => a URI XmlTree
+ uriToText = arr (\ uri -> uriToString id uri "") >>> mkText
+ mkQueryString :: [(String, String)] -> String
+ mkQueryString [] = ""
+ mkQueryString ((k, v) : xs) = encode k ++ "=" ++ encode v ++
+ if xs == [] then
+ ""
+ else
+ ';' : mkQueryString(xs)
+ encode :: String -> String
+ encode = escapeURIString isSafeChar . UTF8.encodeString
readSubPage :: (ArrowXml a, ArrowChoice a, ArrowIO a) =>