set toolbars=addons,noboookmarks,menu,nonavigation,notabs
set editor=/usr/pkg/bin/emacsclient
-" Unmap "bmark" from A.
+" Reload the rc
+map <C-r> :mapc<CR>:cmapc<CR>:imapc<CR>:source .vimperatorrc<CR>
+" Copying URL
+map y :copy %URL%<CR>
+map <C-y> :copy %TITLE% :: %URL%<CR>
+" Unmap "bmark" from A
map a <nop>
+" Switch tabs
map h <C-p>
map l <C-n>
+" Commands
map <C-x><C-r> :rfc
command! -nargs=1 -description="Open an RFC with the given number" rfc tabopen<args>
map <C-x><C-t> :ghctrac
command! -nargs=1 -description="Open an issue in the GHC Trac" ghctrac tabopen<args>
+map <C-x><C-w> :wayback<CR>
+command! -description="Way back the current page" wayback open javascript:(location.href="*/"+location.href)
" multi_requester
map ma :mr alc
map mg :mr goo
" Securities
qmark s
-map <C-r> :mapc<CR>:cmapc<CR>:imapc<CR>:source .vimperatorrc<CR>
-map y :copy %URL%<CR>
-map <C-y> :copy %TITLE% :: %URL%<CR>
" vim: set ft=vimperator: