]> gitweb @ CieloNegro.org - time-http.git/commitdiff
Data.Time.RFC822 now fully works
authorPHO <pho@cielonegro.org>
Wed, 17 Mar 2010 04:35:25 +0000 (13:35 +0900)
committerPHO <pho@cielonegro.org>
Wed, 17 Mar 2010 04:35:25 +0000 (13:35 +0900)
Data/Time/HTTP/Common.hs [new file with mode: 0644]
Data/Time/RFC822/Parsec.hs [new file with mode: 0644]

diff --git a/Data/Time/HTTP/Common.hs b/Data/Time/HTTP/Common.hs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..1ea61de
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+module Data.Time.HTTP.Common
+    ( shortWeekDayName
+    , shortWeekDayNameP
+    , longWeekDayName
+    , longWeekDayNameP
+    , shortMonthName
+    , shortMonthNameP
+    , show2
+    , show4
+    , read2
+    , read4
+    )
+    where
+import Control.Monad
+import Text.Parsec
+shortWeekDayName :: Int -> String
+shortWeekDayName 1 = "Mon"
+shortWeekDayName 2 = "Tue"
+shortWeekDayName 3 = "Wed"
+shortWeekDayName 4 = "Thu"
+shortWeekDayName 5 = "Fri"
+shortWeekDayName 6 = "Sat"
+shortWeekDayName 7 = "Sun"
+shortWeekDayName n = error ("shortWeekDayName: unknown day number: " ++ show n)
+shortWeekDayNameP :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Int
+    = choice [ string "Mon" >> return 1
+             , char 'T'
+               >> choice [ string "ue" >> return 2
+                         , string "hu" >> return 4
+                         ]
+             , string "Wed" >> return 3
+             , string "Fri" >> return 5
+             , char 'S'
+               >> choice [ string "at" >> return 6
+                         , string "un" >> return 7
+                         ]
+             ]
+longWeekDayName :: Int -> String
+longWeekDayName 1 = "Monday"
+longWeekDayName 2 = "Tuesday"
+longWeekDayName 3 = "Wednesday"
+longWeekDayName 4 = "Thursday"
+longWeekDayName 5 = "Friday"
+longWeekDayName 6 = "Saturday"
+longWeekDayName 7 = "Sunday"
+longWeekDayNameP :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Int
+    = choice [ string "Monday" >> return 1
+             , char 'T'
+               >> choice [ string "uesday"  >> return 2
+                         , string "hursday" >> return 4
+                         ]
+             , string "Wednesday" >> return 3
+             , string "Friday"    >> return 5
+             , char 'S'
+               >> choice [ string "aturday" >> return 6
+                         , string "unday"   >> return 7
+                         ]
+             ]
+shortMonthName :: Int -> String
+shortMonthName  1 = "Jan"
+shortMonthName  2 = "Feb"
+shortMonthName  3 = "Mar"
+shortMonthName  4 = "Apr"
+shortMonthName  5 = "May"
+shortMonthName  6 = "Jun"
+shortMonthName  7 = "Jul"
+shortMonthName  8 = "Aug"
+shortMonthName  9 = "Sep"
+shortMonthName 10 = "Oct"
+shortMonthName 11 = "Nov"
+shortMonthName 12 = "Dec"
+shortMonthName  n = error ("shortMonthName: unknown month number: " ++ show n)
+shortMonthNameP :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Int
+    = choice [ char 'J'
+               >> choice [ string "an" >> return 1
+                         , char 'u'
+                           >> choice [ char 'n' >> return 6
+                                     , char 'l' >> return 7
+                                     ]
+                         ]
+             , string "Feb" >> return 2
+             , string "Ma"
+               >> choice [ char 'r' >> return 3
+                         , char 'y' >> return 5
+                         ]
+             , char 'A'
+               >> choice [ string "pr" >> return 4
+                         , string "ug" >> return 8
+                         ]
+             , string "Sep" >> return 9
+             , string "Oct" >> return 10
+             , string "Nov" >> return 11
+             , string "Dec" >> return 12
+             ]
+show4 :: Integral i => i -> String
+show4 i
+    | i >= 0 && i < 10    = "000" ++ show i
+    | i >= 0 && i < 100   = "00"  ++ show i
+    | i >= 0 && i < 1000  = "0"   ++ show i
+    | i >= 0 && i < 10000 = show i
+    | otherwise          = error ("show4: the integer i must satisfy 0 <= i < 10000: " ++ show i)
+show2 :: Integral i => i -> String
+show2 i
+    | i >= 0 && i < 10  = "0" ++ show i
+    | i >= 0 && i < 100 = show i
+    | otherwise         = error ("show2: the integer i must satisfy 0 <= i < 100: " ++ show i)
+read4 :: (Stream s m Char, Num n) => ParsecT s u m n
+read4 = do n1 <- digit'
+           n2 <- digit'
+           n3 <- digit'
+           n4 <- digit'
+           return (n1 * 1000 + n2 * 100 + n3 * 10 + n4)
+read2 :: (Stream s m Char, Num n) => ParsecT s u m n
+read2 = do n1 <- digit'
+           n2 <- digit'
+           return (n1 * 10 + n2)
+digit' :: (Stream s m Char, Num n) => ParsecT s u m n
+digit' = liftM fromC digit
+fromC :: Num n => Char -> n
+fromC '0' = 0
+fromC '1' = 1
+fromC '2' = 2
+fromC '3' = 3
+fromC '4' = 4
+fromC '5' = 5
+fromC '6' = 6
+fromC '7' = 7
+fromC '8' = 8
+fromC '9' = 9
+fromC _   = undefined
index 72e3b28f2634b2ce39416b35d3b70b19244b4cd3..4b3d91cf8799714e45eb15c1dfe16e5b77c72d22 100644 (file)
@@ -1,4 +1,91 @@
 module Data.Time.RFC822
-    (
+    ( format
+    , parse
+import qualified Text.Parsec as P
+import Data.Time
+import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
+import Data.Time.HTTP.Common
+import Data.Time.RFC822.Parsec
+     date-time   =  [ day "," ] date time        ; dd mm yy
+                                                 ;  hh:mm:ss zzz
+     day         =  "Mon"  / "Tue" /  "Wed"  / "Thu"
+                 /  "Fri"  / "Sat" /  "Sun"
+     date        =  1*2DIGIT month 2DIGIT        ; day month year
+                                                 ;  e.g. 20 Jun 82
+     month       =  "Jan"  /  "Feb" /  "Mar"  /  "Apr"
+                 /  "May"  /  "Jun" /  "Jul"  /  "Aug"
+                 /  "Sep"  /  "Oct" /  "Nov"  /  "Dec"
+     time        =  hour zone                    ; ANSI and Military
+     hour        =  2DIGIT ":" 2DIGIT [":" 2DIGIT]
+                                                 ; 00:00:00 - 23:59:59
+     zone        =  "UT"  / "GMT"                ; Universal Time
+                                                 ; North American : UT
+                 /  "EST" / "EDT"                ;  Eastern:  - 5/ - 4
+                 /  "CST" / "CDT"                ;  Central:  - 6/ - 5
+                 /  "MST" / "MDT"                ;  Mountain: - 7/ - 6
+                 /  "PST" / "PDT"                ;  Pacific:  - 8/ - 7
+                 /  1ALPHA                       ; Military: Z = UT;
+                                                 ;  A:-1; (J not used)
+                                                 ;  M:-12; N:+1; Y:+12
+                 / ( ("+" / "-") 4DIGIT )        ; Local differential
+                                                 ;  hours+min. (HHMM)
+format :: ZonedTime -> String
+format zonedTime
+    = let localTime          = zonedTimeToLocalTime zonedTime
+          timeZone           = zonedTimeZone zonedTime
+          (year, month, day) = toGregorian (localDay localTime)
+          (_, _, week)       = toWeekDate  (localDay localTime)
+          timeOfDay          = localTimeOfDay localTime
+      in
+        concat [ shortWeekDayName week
+               , ", "
+               , show2 day
+               , " "
+               , shortMonthName month
+               , " "
+               , show2 (year `mod` 100)
+               , " "
+               , show2 (todHour timeOfDay)
+               , ":"
+               , show2 (todMin timeOfDay)
+               , ":"
+               , show2 (floor (todSec timeOfDay))
+               , " "
+               , showTZ timeZone
+               ]
+showTZ :: TimeZone -> String
+showTZ tz
+    = case timeZoneMinutes tz of
+        offset | offset <  0 -> '-' : showTZ' (negate offset)
+               | otherwise   -> '+' : showTZ' offset
+    where
+      showTZ' offset
+          = let h = offset `div` 60
+                m = offset - h * 60
+            in
+              concat [show2 h, show2 m]
+parse :: String -> Maybe ZonedTime
+parse src = case P.parse p "" src of
+              Right zt -> Just zt
+              Left  _  -> Nothing
+    where
+      p = do zt <- parser
+             _  <- P.eof
+             return zt
diff --git a/Data/Time/RFC822/Parsec.hs b/Data/Time/RFC822/Parsec.hs
new file mode 100644 (file)
index 0000000..f80633e
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
+module Data.Time.RFC822.Parsec
+    ( parser
+    )
+    where
+import Control.Monad
+import Data.Fixed
+import Data.Time
+import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
+import Data.Time.HTTP.Common
+import Text.Parsec
+parser :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m ZonedTime
+parser = dateTime
+dateTime :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m ZonedTime
+dateTime = do weekDay <- optionMaybe $
+                         do w <- shortWeekDayNameP
+                            _ <- string ", "
+                            return w
+              gregDay <- date
+              case weekDay of
+                Nothing
+                    -> return () -- No day in week exists.
+                Just givenWD
+                    -> let (_, _, correctWD) = toWeekDate gregDay
+                       in
+                         if correctWD == givenWD then
+                             return () -- Correct day in the week.
+                         else
+                             let (year, month, day) = toGregorian gregDay
+                             in
+                               fail $ concat [ "Gregorian day "
+                                             , show year
+                                             , "-"
+                                             , show month
+                                             , "-"
+                                             , show day
+                                             , " is "
+                                             , longWeekDayName correctWD
+                                             , ", not "
+                                             , longWeekDayName givenWD
+                                             ]
+              (tod, timeZone) <- time
+              return ZonedTime {
+                           zonedTimeToLocalTime = LocalTime {
+                                                    localDay       = gregDay
+                                                  , localTimeOfDay = tod
+                                                  }
+                         , zonedTimeZone        = timeZone
+                         }
+date :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m Day
+date = do day   <- read2
+          _     <- char ' '
+          month <- shortMonthNameP
+          _     <- char ' '
+          year  <- liftM (+ 1900) read2
+          _     <- char ' '
+          case fromGregorianValid (toInteger year) month day of
+            Nothing
+                -> fail $ concat [ "Invalid gregorian day: "
+                                 , show year
+                                 , "-"
+                                 , show month
+                                 , "-"
+                                 , show day
+                                 ]
+            Just gregDay
+                -> return gregDay
+time :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m (TimeOfDay, TimeZone)
+time = do tod <- hour
+          _   <- char ' '
+          tz  <- zone
+          return (tod, tz)
+hour :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m TimeOfDay
+hour = do hour   <- read2
+          minute <- char ':' >> read2
+          second <- option 0 (char ':' >> read2)
+          case makeTimeOfDayValid hour minute second of
+            Nothing
+                -> fail $ concat [ "Invalid time of day: "
+                                 , show hour
+                                 , ":"
+                                 , show minute
+                                 , ":"
+                                 , showFixed True second
+                                 ]
+            Just tod
+                -> return tod
+zone :: Stream s m Char => ParsecT s u m TimeZone
+zone = choice [ string "UT"  >> return (TimeZone 0 False "UT" )
+              , string "GMT" >> return (TimeZone 0 False "GMT")
+              , char 'E'
+                >> choice [ string "ST" >> return (TimeZone ((-5) * 60) False "EST")
+                          , string "DT" >> return (TimeZone ((-4) * 60) True  "EDT")
+                          ]
+              , char 'C'
+                >> choice [ string "ST" >> return (TimeZone ((-6) * 60) False "CST")
+                          , string "DT" >> return (TimeZone ((-5) * 60) True  "CDT")
+                          ]
+              , char 'M'
+                >> choice [ string "ST" >> return (TimeZone ((-7) * 60) False "MST")
+                          , string "DT" >> return (TimeZone ((-6) * 60) True  "MDT")
+                          , return (TimeZone ((-12) * 60) False "M")
+                          ]
+              , char 'P'
+                >> choice [ string "ST" >> return (TimeZone ((-8) * 60) False "PST")
+                          , string "DT" >> return (TimeZone ((-7) * 60) True  "PDT")
+                          ]
+              , char 'Z' >> return (TimeZone 0           False "Z")
+              , char 'A' >> return (TimeZone ((-1) * 60) False "A")
+              , char 'N' >> return (TimeZone (  1  * 60) False "N")
+              , char 'Y' >> return (TimeZone ( 12  * 60) False "Y")
+              , do sign   <- (char '+' >> return 1)
+                             <|>
+                             (char '-' >> return (-1))
+                   hour   <- read2
+                   minute <- read2
+                   let tz = TimeZone {
+                              timeZoneMinutes    = (sign * (hour * 60 + minute))
+                            , timeZoneSummerOnly = False
+                            , timeZoneName       = timeZoneOffsetString tz
+                            }
+                   return tz
+              ]
index 68bcc1f67c9a04121c4cd4dc6bc7fbd70f040aca..6ec5f3d30db71f64bca6552f6d030e60187c4778 100644 (file)
@@ -22,8 +22,15 @@ Source-Repository head
+        Data.Time.RFC822.Parsec
+    Other-modules:
+        Data.Time.HTTP.Common
         base >= 4.2 && < 4.3,
         parsec >= 3.0 && < 3.1,
         time >= 1.1 && < 1.2
+    Extensions:
+        FlexibleContexts
\ No newline at end of file