+++ /dev/null
- BangPatterns
- , UnboxedTuples
- , UnicodeSyntax
- #-}
--- | Lazy bitstrings based on 'L.ByteString' which treats a byte
--- stream as a bit sequence in the same way as WavPack's manner.
-module Codec.Audio.WavPack.BitString
- ( -- * The BitString Type
- BitString
- -- * Construction
- , (∅)
- , empty
- , singleton
- -- * Basic Interface
- , cons
- , snoc
- , head
- , uncons
- , tail
- , null
- , length
- -- * Conversion from/to 'L.ByteString'
- , fromByteString
- , toByteString
- -- * Substrings
- , take
- , drop
- , splitAt
- )
- where
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L
-import Data.Bits
-import Data.Int
-import qualified Data.Strict as S
-import Data.Word
-import Prelude hiding (drop, head, length, null, splitAt, tail, take)
-import Prelude.Unicode
--- | The BitString Type.
-data BitString
- = BitString {
- leftRem ∷ !Remnant
- , leftBytes ∷ !L.ByteString
- -- | reversed
- , rightBytes ∷ !L.ByteString
- , rightRem ∷ !Remnant
- }
- deriving Show
--- | /O(n)/ The bitstrings must have finite lengths to test the
--- equality.
-instance Eq BitString where
- a == b = leftRem a' ≡ leftRem b' ∧
- leftBytes a' ≡ leftBytes b' ∧
- rightRem a' ≡ rightRem b'
- where
- a' = normalise a
- b' = normalise b
-normalise ∷ BitString → BitString
-normalise bs
- | remLen (leftRem bs) ≡ 8
- = normalise $ bs {
- leftRem = remEmpty
- , leftBytes = L.cons (remByte $ leftRem bs) $ leftBytes bs
- }
- | remLen (rightRem bs) ≡ 8
- = normalise $ bs {
- rightBytes = L.cons (remByte $ rightRem bs) $ rightBytes bs
- , rightRem = remEmpty
- }
- | otherwise
- = bs {
- leftBytes = leftBytes bs `L.append` (L.reverse $ rightBytes bs)
- , rightBytes = L.empty
- }
-data Remnant
- = Remnant {
- -- | bit length from 0 to 8
- remLen ∷ !Int
- -- | current byte @(0 <= remByte <= (1 `'shiftL'` 'remLen') - 1)@
- , remByte ∷ !Word8
- }
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-remEmpty ∷ Remnant
-remEmpty = Remnant 0 0
-remNull ∷ Remnant → Bool
-remNull = (0 ≡) ∘ remLen
-remSingleton ∷ Bool -> Remnant
-remSingleton b = Remnant {
- remLen = 1
- , remByte = if b then 1 else 0
- }
-byteToRem ∷ Word8 → Remnant
-byteToRem w = Remnant {
- remLen = 8
- , remByte = w
- }
-remToStr ∷ Remnant → L.ByteString
-remToStr r
- | remNull r = L.empty
- | otherwise = L.singleton $ remByte r
-consRem ∷ Bool → Remnant → (# Remnant, S.Maybe Word8 #)
-consRem b r
- | remLen r ≡ 8 = (# remSingleton b, S.Just $ remByte r #)
- | remLen r ≡ 7 = (# remEmpty, S.Just w' #)
- | otherwise = let !r' = r {
- remLen = remLen r + 1
- , remByte = w'
- }
- in
- (# r', S.Nothing #)
- where
- w' = (remByte r `shiftL` 1)
- .|.
- if b then 1 else 0
-snocRem ∷ Remnant → Bool → (# S.Maybe Word8, Remnant #)
-snocRem r b
- | remLen r ≡ 8 = (# S.Just $ remByte r, remSingleton b #)
- | remLen r ≡ 7 = (# S.Just w', remEmpty #)
- | otherwise = let !r' = r {
- remLen = remLen r + 1
- , remByte = w'
- }
- in
- (# S.Nothing, r' #)
- where
- w' | b = bit (remLen r) .|. remByte r
- | otherwise = remByte r
-unconsRem ∷ Remnant → (# S.Maybe Bool, Remnant #)
-unconsRem r
- | remNull r = (# S.Nothing, remEmpty #)
- | otherwise = let !b = remByte r `testBit` 0
- !r' = Remnant {
- remLen = remLen r - 1
- , remByte = remByte r `shiftR` 1
- }
- in
- (# S.Just b, r' #)
-unconsBytes ∷ L.ByteString → (# S.Maybe Remnant, L.ByteString #)
-unconsBytes bs
- = case L.uncons bs of
- Just (!w, bs')
- → (# S.Just (byteToRem w), bs' #)
- Nothing
- → (# S.Nothing, L.empty #)
-appendRem ∷ Remnant → Remnant → Remnant
-appendRem a b = Remnant {
- remLen = remLen a + remLen b
- , remByte = (remByte a `shiftL` remLen b) .|. remByte b
- }
-splitRemAt ∷ Integral n ⇒ n → Remnant → (# S.Maybe Remnant, Remnant #)
-splitRemAt n r
- | remLen r ≥ fromIntegral n
- = let !h = Remnant {
- remLen = fromIntegral n
- , remByte = remByte r .&. ((1 `shiftL` fromIntegral n) - 1)
- }
- !r' = Remnant {
- remLen = remLen r - fromIntegral n
- , remByte = remByte r `shiftR` fromIntegral n
- }
- in
- (# S.Just h, r' #)
- | otherwise
- = (# S.Nothing, remEmpty #)
--- | /O(1)/ The same as 'empty'.
-(∅) ∷ BitString
-(∅) = empty
--- | /O(1)/ The empty 'BitString'.
-empty ∷ BitString
-empty = BitString {
- leftRem = remEmpty
- , leftBytes = L.empty
- , rightBytes = L.empty
- , rightRem = remEmpty
- }
--- | /O(1)/ Convert a 'Bool' into a 'BitString'.
-singleton ∷ Bool → BitString
-singleton b = BitString {
- leftRem = remSingleton b
- , leftBytes = L.empty
- , rightBytes = L.empty
- , rightRem = remEmpty
- }
--- | /O(1)/ Prepend a bit to the beginning of a 'BitString'.
-cons ∷ Bool → BitString → BitString
-cons b bs
- = case consRem b $ leftRem bs of
- (# lr', S.Just w #)
- → bs {
- leftRem = lr'
- , leftBytes = L.cons' w $ leftBytes bs
- }
- (# lr', S.Nothing #)
- → bs { leftRem = lr' }
--- | /O(1)/ Append a bit to the end of a 'BitString'.
-snoc ∷ BitString → Bool → BitString
-snoc bs b
- = case snocRem (rightRem bs) b of
- (# S.Just w, rr' #)
- → bs {
- rightBytes = L.cons' w $ rightBytes bs
- , rightRem = rr'
- }
- (# S.Nothing, rr' #)
- → bs { rightRem = rr' }
--- | /amortized O(1)/ Extract the first bit of a 'BitString', which
--- must be non-empty.
-head ∷ BitString → Bool
-head bs = case uncons bs of
- Just (b, _ )
- → b
- Nothing
- → error "head: empty BitString"
--- | /amortized O(1)/ Extract the bits after the head of a
--- 'BitString', which must be non-empty.
-tail ∷ BitString → BitString
-tail bs = case uncons bs of
- Just (_, bs')
- → bs'
- Nothing
- → error "tail: empty BitString"
--- | /amortized O(1)/ Extract the the head and tail of a 'BitString',
--- returning 'Nothing' if it's empty.
-uncons ∷ BitString → Maybe (Bool, BitString)
-uncons bs
- = case unconsRem $ leftRem bs of
- (# S.Just b, lr' #)
- → Just (b, bs { leftRem = lr' })
- (# S.Nothing, _ #)
- → case unconsBytes $ leftBytes bs of
- (# S.Just lr, lb' #)
- → let !bs' = bs { leftRem = lr
- , leftBytes = lb'
- }
- in
- uncons bs'
- (# S.Nothing, _ #)
- → if L.null $ rightBytes bs then
- case unconsRem $ rightRem bs of
- (# S.Just b, rr' #)
- → Just (b, bs { rightRem = rr' })
- (# S.Nothing, _ #)
- → Nothing
- else
- let !bs' = bs { leftBytes = L.reverse
- $ rightBytes bs
- }
- in
- uncons bs'
--- | /O(1)/ Test whether a 'BitString' is empty.
-null ∷ BitString → Bool
-null bs
- = remNull (leftRem bs)
- ∧
- L.null (leftBytes bs)
- ∧
- L.null (rightBytes bs)
- ∧
- remNull (rightRem bs)
--- | /O(n)/ @'length' bs@ returns the number of bits in @bs@. @bs@
--- must have a finite length.
-length ∷ Integral n ⇒ BitString → n
-length bs
- = fromIntegral $ ( fromIntegral (remLen $ leftRem bs)
- +
- L.length (leftBytes bs) ⋅ 8
- +
- L.length (rightBytes bs) ⋅ 8
- +
- fromIntegral (remLen $ rightRem bs)
- )
-{-# SPECIALISE length ∷ BitString → Int64 #-}
--- | /O(1)/ Convert a 'L.ByteString' into a 'BitString'.
-fromByteString ∷ L.ByteString → BitString
-fromByteString bs = BitString {
- leftRem = remEmpty
- , leftBytes = bs
- , rightBytes = L.empty
- , rightRem = remEmpty
- }
--- | /O(n)/ @'toByteString' bs@ converts @bs@ into 'L.ByteString',
--- padding incomplete bytes to single bytes with necessary 0's at
--- their MSB. Thus the following equation does not hold when the
--- length of @bs@ isn't multiple of 8.
--- > fromByteString . toByteString = id
--- But the following always holds true.
--- > toByteString . fromByteString = id
--- Note that @bs@ must have a finite length.
-toByteString ∷ BitString → L.ByteString
-toByteString bs
- = L.concat [ remToStr $ leftRem bs
- , leftBytes bs
- , L.reverse $ rightBytes bs
- , remToStr $ rightRem bs
- ]
--- | /O(n)/ @'take' n bs@ returns the prefix of @bs@ of length
--- @n@. @bs@ must have at least @n@ bits.
-take ∷ Integral n ⇒ n → BitString → BitString
-take n xs = case splitAt n xs of
- (taken, _) → taken
--- | /O(n)/ @'drop' n bs@ returns the suffix of @bs@ after the first
--- @n@ bits. @bs@ must have at least @n@ bits.
-drop ∷ Integral n ⇒ n → BitString → BitString
-drop n xs = case splitAt n xs of
- (_, dropped) → dropped
--- | /O(n)/ @'splitAt' n bs@ is equivalent to @('take' n bs, 'drop' n
--- bs)@.
-splitAt ∷ Integral n ⇒ n → BitString → (BitString, BitString)
-splitAt n bs
- = case splitRemAt n $ leftRem bs of
- (# S.Just h, lr' #)
- -- The leftRem has enough bits.
- → let !h' = BitString {
- leftRem = h
- , leftBytes = L.empty
- , rightBytes = L.empty
- , rightRem = remEmpty
- }
- in
- (h', bs { leftRem = lr' })
- (# S.Nothing, _ #)
- → let !bytesToTake = (n - fromIntegral (remLen $ leftRem bs)) `div` 8
- !amortised = leftBytes bs `L.append` (L.reverse $ rightBytes bs)
- -- 0 ≤ bitsToTake < 8 - remLen (leftRem bs)
- -- ∴ remLen (leftRem bs) + bitsToTake < 8
- !bitsToTake = n - bytesToTake ⋅ 8 - fromIntegral (remLen $ leftRem bs)
- in
- case (# bytesToTake, L.uncons amortised #) of
- (#_, Just (!w, amor') #)
- -- There is at least one byte in the byte pool
- -- (amortised).
- → let !h1 = leftRem bs
- (# h2, lr' #)
- = case splitRemAt bitsToTake $ byteToRem w of
- (# S.Just h2', lr'' #) → (# h2', lr'' #)
- (# S.Nothing , _ #) → error "internal error"
- !h = h1 `appendRem` h2
- (bytes, lb')
- = L.splitAt (fromIntegral bytesToTake) amor'
- in
- if L.length bytes ≡ fromIntegral bytesToTake then
- -- The byte pool actuall has at least
- -- bytesToTake bytes.
- let !h' = BitString {
- leftRem = h
- , leftBytes = bytes
- , rightBytes = L.empty
- , rightRem = remEmpty
- }
- !bs' = BitString {
- leftRem = lr'
- , leftBytes = lb'
- , rightBytes = L.empty
- , rightRem = rightRem bs
- }
- in
- (h', bs')
- else
- error "splitAt: not enough bits"
- (# 0, Nothing #)
- -- No bytes are in the byte pool but the
- -- rightRem may have enough bits.
- → case splitRemAt bitsToTake $ rightRem bs of
- (# S.Just h, rr' #)
- → let !h' = BitString {
- leftRem = leftRem bs
- , leftBytes = L.empty
- , rightBytes = L.empty
- , rightRem = h
- }
- !bs' = BitString {
- leftRem = remEmpty
- , leftBytes = L.empty
- , rightBytes = L.empty
- , rightRem = rr'
- }
- in
- (h', bs')
- (# S.Nothing, _ #)
- → error "splitAt: not enough bits"
- (# _, Nothing #)
- -- No bytes are in the byte pool but more than 8
- -- bits are requested. The rightRem can't have
- -- that many bits.
- → error "splitAt: not enough bits"