import Distribution.Simple
main = defaultMain
-import Data.Maybe
-import Distribution.PackageDescription
-import Distribution.Setup
-import Distribution.Simple
-import Distribution.Simple.Configure
-import Distribution.Simple.LocalBuildInfo
-import System.IO
-import System.Exit
-import System.Directory
-import System.Process
-import Control.Monad
-import Control.Exception
-buildInfoName = "Kirschbaum.buildinfo"
-cgiName = "Kirschbaum.cgi"
-main = defaultMainWithHooks defaultUserHooks {preConf = preConf, postConf = postConf}
- where
- preConf :: [String] -> ConfigFlags -> IO HookedBuildInfo
- preConf args flags
- = do try (removeFile buildInfoName)
- return emptyHookedBuildInfo
- postConf :: [String] -> ConfigFlags -> PackageDescription -> LocalBuildInfo -> IO ExitCode
- postConf args flags _ localbuildinfo
- = do binfo <- pkgConfigBuildInfo (configVerbose flags)
- let default_binfo = emptyBuildInfo {extraLibs = ["xml2", "xslt", "exslt"]}
- writeHookedBuildInfo buildInfoName (Just emptyBuildInfo,
- [(cgiName, fromMaybe default_binfo binfo)])
- return ExitSuccess
-message :: String -> IO ()
-message s = putStrLn $ "configure: " ++ s
-rawSystemGrabOutput :: Int -> FilePath -> [String] -> IO String
-rawSystemGrabOutput verbose path args
- = do when (verbose > 0) $
- putStrLn (path ++ concatMap (' ':) args)
- (inp,out,err,pid) <- runInteractiveProcess path args Nothing Nothing
- exitCode <- waitForProcess pid
- if exitCode /= ExitSuccess then
- do errMsg <- hGetContents err
- hPutStr stderr errMsg
- exitWith exitCode else
- return ()
- hClose inp
- hClose err
- hGetContents out
-mergeBuildInfo :: BuildInfo -> BuildInfo -> BuildInfo
-mergeBuildInfo b1 b2 = BuildInfo {
- buildable = buildable b1 || buildable b2,
- ccOptions = ccOptions b1 ++ ccOptions b2,
- ldOptions = ldOptions b1 ++ ldOptions b2,
- frameworks = frameworks b1 ++ frameworks b2,
- cSources = cSources b1 ++ cSources b2,
- hsSourceDirs = hsSourceDirs b1 ++ hsSourceDirs b2,
- otherModules = otherModules b1 ++ otherModules b2,
- extensions = extensions b1 ++ extensions b2,
- extraLibs = extraLibs b1 ++ extraLibs b2,
- extraLibDirs = extraLibDirs b1 ++ extraLibDirs b2,
- includeDirs = includeDirs b1 ++ includeDirs b2,
- includes = includes b1 ++ includes b2,
- installIncludes = installIncludes b1 ++ installIncludes b2,
- options = options b1 ++ options b2,
- ghcProfOptions = ghcProfOptions b1 ++ ghcProfOptions b2
- }
-libXml2ConfigBuildInfo :: Int -> IO (Maybe BuildInfo)
-libXml2ConfigBuildInfo verbose
- = do mb_libxml2_config_path <- findProgram "xml2-config" Nothing
- case mb_libxml2_config_path
- of Just libxml2_config_path
- -> do message "configuring libxml2 library"
- res <- rawSystemGrabOutput verbose libxml2_config_path ["--libs"]
- let (lib_dirs, libs, ld_opts) = splitLibsFlags (words res)
- res <- rawSystemGrabOutput verbose libxml2_config_path ["--cflags"]
- let (inc_dirs, cc_opts) = splitCFlags (words res)
- let bi = emptyBuildInfo {
- extraLibDirs = lib_dirs,
- extraLibs = libs,
- ldOptions = ld_opts,
- includeDirs = inc_dirs,
- ccOptions = cc_opts
- }
- return $ Just bi
- Nothing
- -> do message "This package will be built using default settings for libxml2 library"
- return Nothing
-libXsltConfigBuildInfo :: Int -> IO (Maybe BuildInfo)
-libXsltConfigBuildInfo verbose
- = do mb_libxslt_config_path <- findProgram "xslt-config" Nothing
- case mb_libxslt_config_path
- of Just libxslt_config_path
- -> do message "configuring libxslt library"
- res <- rawSystemGrabOutput verbose libxslt_config_path ["--libs"]
- let (lib_dirs, libs, ld_opts) = splitLibsFlags (words res)
- res <- rawSystemGrabOutput verbose libxslt_config_path ["--cflags"]
- let (inc_dirs, cc_opts) = splitCFlags (words res)
- let bi = emptyBuildInfo {
- extraLibDirs = lib_dirs,
- extraLibs = libs,
- ldOptions = ld_opts,
- includeDirs = inc_dirs,
- ccOptions = cc_opts
- }
- return $ Just bi
- Nothing
- -> do message "This package will be built using default settings for libxslt library"
- return Nothing
-pkgConfigBuildInfo :: Int -> IO (Maybe BuildInfo)
-pkgConfigBuildInfo verbose
- = do mb_libxslt_config_path <- findProgram "pkg-config" Nothing
- case mb_libxslt_config_path
- of Just libxslt_config_path
- -> do message "configuring libxml2, libxslt and libexslt library"
- let modules = ["libxml-2.0", "libxslt", "libexslt"]
- res <- rawSystemGrabOutput verbose libxslt_config_path (modules ++ ["--libs"])
- let (lib_dirs, libs, ld_opts) = splitLibsFlags (words res)
- res <- rawSystemGrabOutput verbose libxslt_config_path (modules ++ ["--cflags"])
- let (inc_dirs, cc_opts) = splitCFlags (words res)
- let bi = emptyBuildInfo {
- extraLibDirs = lib_dirs,
- extraLibs = libs,
- ldOptions = ld_opts,
- includeDirs = inc_dirs,
- ccOptions = cc_opts
- }
- return $ Just bi
- Nothing
- -> do message "This package will be built using default settings for libxslt library"
- return Nothing
-splitLibsFlags :: [String] -> ([String], [String], [String])
-splitLibsFlags [] = ([], [], [])
-splitLibsFlags (arg:args)
- = case arg
- of ('-':'L':lib_dir) -> let (lib_dirs, libs, ld_opts) = splitLibsFlags args
- in (lib_dir:lib_dirs, libs, ld_opts)
- ('-':'l':lib) -> let (lib_dirs, libs, ld_opts) = splitLibsFlags args
- in (lib_dirs, lib:libs, ld_opts)
- ld_opt -> let (lib_dirs, libs, ld_opts) = splitLibsFlags args
- in (lib_dirs, libs, ld_opt:ld_opts)
-splitCFlags :: [String] -> ([String], [String])
-splitCFlags [] = ([], [])
-splitCFlags (arg:args)
- = case arg
- of ('-':'I':inc_dir) -> let (inc_dirs, c_opts) = splitCFlags args
- in (inc_dir:inc_dirs, c_opts)
- c_opt -> let (inc_dirs, c_opts) = splitCFlags args
- in (inc_dirs, c_opt:c_opts)
\ No newline at end of file