cnf :: Config
cnf = Config {
cnfServerAddress = SockAddrInet 9090 iNADDR_ANY
+ , cnfAllowTransfer = True
findZone :: DomainName -> Maybe Zone
, soaExpirationLimit = 3600000
, soaMinimumTTL = 3600
- , zoneRecordNames = return [ mkDN ""
- , mkDN ""
+ , zoneRecordNames = return [ mkDN ""
, mkDN ""
, mkDN ""
import Control.Exception
import Control.Monad
import Data.Binary
+import Data.Binary.Get
+import Data.Binary.Put
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Dynamic
import Network.DNS.Named.ResponseBuilder
import Network.DNS.Named.Zone
import System.Posix.Signals
+import System.IO
runNamed :: Config -> (DomainName -> IO (Maybe Zone)) -> IO ()
udpListen :: IO ()
udpListen = do -- FIXME: we should support IPv6 when the network package supports it.
so <- socket AF_INET Datagram defaultProtocol
- print cnf
bindSocket so $ cnfServerAddress cnf
udpLoop so
udpLoop so
tcpListen :: IO ()
- tcpListen = putStrLn "FIXME: tcpListen is not implemented yet."
+ tcpListen = do so <- socket AF_INET Stream defaultProtocol
+ bindSocket so $ cnfServerAddress cnf
+ listen so 255
+ tcpLoop so
+ tcpLoop :: Socket -> IO ()
+ tcpLoop so
+ = do (so', _) <- accept so
+ h <- socketToHandle so' ReadWriteMode
+ hSetBuffering h $ BlockBuffering Nothing
+ _handlerTID <- forkIO $ tcpHandler h
+ tcpLoop so
udpHandler :: Socket -> BS.ByteString -> SockAddr -> IO ()
udpHandler so packet cameFrom
_sent <- NB.sendTo so (packMessage (Just 512) msg') cameFrom
return ()
+ tcpHandler :: Handle -> IO ()
+ tcpHandler h
+ = do lenB <- LBS.hGet h 2
+ if LBS.null lenB then
+ -- Got EOF
+ hClose h
+ else
+ do let len = runGet getWord16be lenB
+ packet <- BS.hGet h $ fromIntegral len
+ msg <- evaluate $ unpackMessage packet
+ msg' <- handleMessage msg
+ `onException`
+ do let servfail = mkErrorReply ServerFailure msg
+ packet' = packMessage Nothing servfail
+ len' = fromIntegral $ BS.length packet'
+ LBS.hPut h $ runPut $ putWord16be len'
+ BS.hPut h packet'
+ hClose h
+ let packet' = packMessage Nothing msg'
+ len' = fromIntegral $ BS.length packet'
+ LBS.hPut h $ runPut $ putWord16be len'
+ BS.hPut h packet'
+ hFlush h
+ tcpHandler h
handleMessage :: Message -> IO Message
handleMessage msg
= case validateQuery msg of
= matchType rr && matchClass rr
handleAXFR :: SomeQ -> Zone -> IO (Builder ())
- handleAXFR (SomeQ _q) _zone
- = fail "FIXME: not implemented yet"
+ handleAXFR (SomeQ q) zone
+ | qName q == zoneName zone &&
+ isJust (zoneSOA zone) &&
+ cnfAllowTransfer cnf
+ = do names <- zoneRecordNames zone
+ allRecords <- liftM concat $ mapM (zoneResponder zone) names
+ return $ do addAnswer $ fromJust $ zoneSOARecord zone
+ addAnswer $ fromJust $ zoneNSRecord zone
+ mapM_ addAnswer allRecords
+ addAnswerNonuniquely $ fromJust $ zoneSOARecord zone
+ | otherwise
+ = return $ return ()
validateQuery :: Message -> ResponseCode