, DomainName
, DomainLabel
- , SomeRR(..)
- , RecordType(..)
+ , RecordType
, RecordClass(..)
+ , SomeRR(..)
+ , SomeRT(..)
, CNAME(..)
, HINFO(..)
data Question
= Question {
qName :: !DomainName
- , qType :: !RecordType
+ , qType :: !SomeRT
, qClass :: !RecordClass
deriving (Show, Eq)
putQ :: Question -> Put
putQ q
= do putDomainName $ qName q
- put $ qType q
+ putSomeRT $ qType q
put $ qClass q
getQ :: DecompTable -> Get (Question, DecompTable)
getQ dt
= do (nm, dt') <- getDomainName dt
- ty <- get
+ ty <- getSomeRT
cl <- get
let q = Question {
qName = nm
return (q, dt')
-type DomainName = [DomainLabel]
-type DomainLabel = BS.ByteString
+newtype DomainName = DN [DomainLabel] deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
+type DomainLabel = BS.ByteString
+nameToLabels :: DomainName -> [DomainLabel]
+nameToLabels (DN ls) = ls
+labelsToName :: [DomainLabel] -> DomainName
+labelsToName = DN
data RecordClass
= IN
| AnyClass -- Only for queries
deriving (Show, Eq)
-class (Typeable rr, Show rr, Eq rr) => ResourceRecord rr where
- rrName :: rr -> DomainName
- rrType :: rr -> RecordType
- rrClass :: rr -> RecordClass
- rrTTL :: rr -> TTL
- rrPutData :: rr -> Put
- rrGetData :: DecompTable -> DomainName -> RecordClass -> TTL -> Get (rr, DecompTable)
- toRR :: rr -> SomeRR
- fromRR :: SomeRR -> Maybe rr
- toRR rr = SomeRR rr
- fromRR (SomeRR rr') = cast rr'
+data RecordType rt dt => ResourceRecord rt dt
+ = ResourceRecord {
+ rrName :: !DomainName
+ , rrType :: !rt
+ , rrClass :: !RecordClass
+ , rrTTL :: !TTL
+ , rrData :: !dt
+ }
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
-putRR :: ResourceRecord rr => rr -> Put
+putRR :: forall rt dt. RecordType rt dt => ResourceRecord rt dt -> Put
putRR rr = do putDomainName $ rrName rr
- put $ rrType rr
+ putRecordType $ rrType rr
put $ rrClass rr
putWord32be $ rrTTL rr
- let dat = runPut $ rrPutData rr
+ let dat = runPut $
+ putRecordData (undefined :: rt) (rrData rr)
putWord16be $ fromIntegral $ LBS.length dat
putLazyByteString dat
-getRR :: DecompTable -> Get (SomeRR, DecompTable)
-getRR dt
- = do (nm, dt') <- getDomainName dt
- ty <- get
- cl <- get
- ttl <- G.getWord32be
- case ty of
- CNAME -> do (rr, dt'') <- rrGetData dt' nm cl ttl
- return (toRR (rr :: CNAME), dt'')
- HINFO -> do (rr, dt'') <- rrGetData dt' nm cl ttl
- return (toRR (rr :: HINFO), dt'')
- AXFR -> onlyForQuestions "AXFR"
- MAILB -> onlyForQuestions "MAILB"
- MAILA -> onlyForQuestions "MAILA"
- AnyType -> onlyForQuestions "ANY"
- where
- onlyForQuestions name
- = fail (name ++ " is only for questions, not an actual resource record.")
-data SomeRR = forall rr. ResourceRecord rr => SomeRR rr
- deriving Typeable
-instance ResourceRecord SomeRR where
- rrName (SomeRR rr) = rrName rr
- rrType (SomeRR rr) = rrType rr
- rrClass (SomeRR rr) = rrClass rr
- rrTTL (SomeRR rr) = rrTTL rr
- rrPutData (SomeRR rr) = rrPutData rr
- rrGetData _ _ _ _ = fail "SomeRR can't directly be constructed."
- toRR = id
- fromRR = Just
-instance Eq SomeRR where
- (SomeRR a) == (SomeRR b) = Just a == cast b
+getRR :: forall rt dt. RecordType rt dt => DecompTable -> rt -> Get (ResourceRecord rt dt, DecompTable)
+getRR dt rt
+ = do (nm, dt1) <- getDomainName dt
+ G.skip 2 -- record type
+ cl <- get
+ ttl <- G.getWord32be
+ G.skip 2 -- data length
+ (dat, dt2) <- getRecordData (undefined :: rt) dt1
+ let rr = ResourceRecord {
+ rrName = nm
+ , rrType = rt
+ , rrClass = cl
+ , rrTTL = ttl
+ , rrData = dat
+ }
+ return (rr, dt2)
+data SomeRR = forall rt dt. RecordType rt dt => SomeRR (ResourceRecord rt dt)
instance Show SomeRR where
show (SomeRR rr) = show rr
+instance Eq SomeRR where
+ (SomeRR a) == (SomeRR b) = Just a == cast b
+putSomeRR :: SomeRR -> Put
+putSomeRR (SomeRR rr) = putRR rr
+getSomeRR :: DecompTable -> Get (SomeRR, DecompTable)
+getSomeRR dt
+ = do srt <- lookAhead $
+ do getDomainName dt -- skip
+ getSomeRT
+ case srt of
+ SomeRT rt -> getRR dt rt >>= \ (rr, dt') -> return (SomeRR rr, dt')
type DecompTable = IntMap BS.ByteString
type TTL = Word32
-data CNAME = CNAME' !DomainName !RecordClass !TTL !DomainName
- deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
-instance ResourceRecord CNAME where
- rrName (CNAME' n _ _ _) = n
- rrType _ = CNAME
- rrClass (CNAME' _ c _ _) = c
- rrTTL (CNAME' _ _ t _) = t
- rrGetData dt n c t = do (d, dt') <- getDomainName dt
- return (CNAME' n c t d, dt')
- rrPutData (CNAME' _ _ _ d) = putDomainName d
-data HINFO = HINFO' !DomainName !RecordClass !TTL !BS.ByteString !BS.ByteString
- deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable)
-instance ResourceRecord HINFO where
- rrName (HINFO' n _ _ _ _) = n
- rrType _ = HINFO
- rrClass (HINFO' _ c _ _ _) = c
- rrTTL (HINFO' _ _ t _ _) = t
- rrGetData dt n c t = do cpu <- getCharString
- os <- getCharString
- return (HINFO' n c t cpu os, dt)
- rrPutData (HINFO' _ _ _ c o) = do putCharString c
- putCharString o
getDomainName :: DecompTable -> Get (DomainName, DecompTable)
getDomainName = flip worker []
- worker :: DecompTable -> [DomainLabel] -> Get ([DomainLabel], DecompTable)
+ worker :: DecompTable -> [DomainLabel] -> Get (DomainName, DecompTable)
worker dt soFar
= do (l, dt') <- getDomainLabel dt
case BS.null l of
- True -> return (reverse (l : soFar), dt')
+ True -> return (labelsToName (reverse (l : soFar)), dt')
False -> worker dt' (l : soFar)
getDomainLabel :: DecompTable -> Get (DomainLabel, DecompTable)
| Length !Int
putDomainName :: DomainName -> Put
-putDomainName = mapM_ putDomainLabel
+putDomainName = mapM_ putDomainLabel . nameToLabels
putDomainLabel :: DomainLabel -> Put
putDomainLabel l
= do putWord8 $ fromIntegral $ BS.length l
P.putByteString l
+class (Show rt, Show dt, Eq rt, Eq dt, Typeable rt, Typeable dt) => RecordType rt dt | rt -> dt where
+ rtToInt :: rt -> Int
+ putRecordType :: rt -> Put
+ putRecordData :: rt -> dt -> Put
+ getRecordData :: rt -> DecompTable -> Get (dt, DecompTable)
+ putRecordType = putWord16be . fromIntegral . rtToInt
+data SomeRT = forall rt dt. RecordType rt dt => SomeRT rt
+instance Show SomeRT where
+ show (SomeRT rt) = show rt
+instance Eq SomeRT where
+ (SomeRT a) == (SomeRT b) = Just a == cast b
+putSomeRT :: SomeRT -> Put
+putSomeRT (SomeRT rt) = putRecordType rt
+getSomeRT :: Get SomeRT
+getSomeRT = do n <- liftM fromIntegral G.getWord16be
+ case IM.lookup n defaultRTTable of
+ Nothing
+ -> fail ("Unknown resource record type: " ++ show n)
+ Just srt
+ -> return srt
+data CNAME = CNAME deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
+instance RecordType CNAME DomainName where
+ rtToInt _ = 5
+ putRecordData _ = putDomainName
+ getRecordData _ = getDomainName
+data HINFO = HINFO deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
+instance RecordType HINFO (BS.ByteString, BS.ByteString) where
+ rtToInt _ = 13
+ putRecordData _ (cpu, os) = do putCharString cpu
+ putCharString os
+ getRecordData _ dt = do cpu <- getCharString
+ os <- getCharString
+ return ((cpu, os), dt)
data RecordType
= A
| NS
| MAILA -- Obsolete
| AnyType
deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Binary Message where
put m = do put $ msgHeader m
putWord16be $ fromIntegral $ length $ msgAuthorities m
putWord16be $ fromIntegral $ length $ msgAdditionals m
mapM_ putQ $ msgQuestions m
- mapM_ putRR $ msgAnswers m
- mapM_ putRR $ msgAuthorities m
- mapM_ putRR $ msgAdditionals m
+ mapM_ putSomeRR $ msgAnswers m
+ mapM_ putSomeRR $ msgAuthorities m
+ mapM_ putSomeRR $ msgAdditionals m
get = do hdr <- get
nQ <- liftM fromIntegral G.getWord16be
nAns <- liftM fromIntegral G.getWord16be
nAth <- liftM fromIntegral G.getWord16be
nAdd <- liftM fromIntegral G.getWord16be
- (qs , dt1) <- replicateM' nQ getQ IM.empty
- (anss, dt2) <- replicateM' nAns getRR dt1
- (aths, dt3) <- replicateM' nAth getRR dt2
- (adds, _ ) <- replicateM' nAdd getRR dt3
+ (qs , dt1) <- replicateM' nQ getQ IM.empty
+ (anss, dt2) <- replicateM' nAns getSomeRR dt1
+ (aths, dt3) <- replicateM' nAth getSomeRR dt2
+ (adds, _ ) <- replicateM' nAdd getSomeRR dt3
return Message {
msgHeader = hdr
, msgQuestions = qs
toEnum 5 = Refused
toEnum _ = undefined
instance Enum RecordType where
fromEnum A = 1
fromEnum NS = 2
toEnum 254 = MAILA
toEnum 255 = AnyType
toEnum _ = undefined
instance Enum RecordClass where
fromEnum IN = 1
toEnum 255 = AnyClass
toEnum _ = undefined
-instance Binary RecordType where
+instance Binary RecordClass where
get = liftM (toEnum . fromIntegral) G.getWord16be
put = putWord16be . fromIntegral . fromEnum
-instance Binary RecordClass where
- get = liftM (toEnum . fromIntegral) G.getWord16be
- put = putWord16be . fromIntegral . fromEnum
\ No newline at end of file
+defaultRTTable :: IntMap SomeRT
+defaultRTTable = IM.fromList $ map toPair $
+ [ SomeRT CNAME
+ ]
+ where
+ toPair :: SomeRT -> (Int, SomeRT)
+ toPair srt@(SomeRT rt) = (rtToInt rt, srt)