import Control.Applicative
import Data.Ascii (AsciiBuilder)
import Data.Attoparsec.Char8
+import Data.Convertible.Base
+import Data.Tagged
import Data.Time
-import qualified Data.Time.RFC1123.Internal as RFC1123
+import Data.Time.RFC1123
import Data.Time.RFC733
import Data.Time.Asctime
import Prelude.Unicode
-- (RFC 2616).
httpDateAndTime ∷ Parser UTCTime
- = choice [ zonedTimeToUTC <$> try RFC1123.rfc1123DateAndTime
+ = choice [ zonedTimeToUTC <$> try rfc1123DateAndTime
, zonedTimeToUTC <$> try rfc733DateAndTime
, localTimeToUTC utc <$> asctime
-- |Convert a 'UTCTime' to RFC 1123 date and time string.
toAsciiBuilder ∷ UTCTime → AsciiBuilder
-toAsciiBuilder = RFC1123.toAsciiBuilder ∘ ut2zt
+toAsciiBuilder = untag' ∘ cs ∘ ut2zt
+ untag' ∷ Tagged RFC1123 AsciiBuilder → AsciiBuilder
+ {-# INLINE CONLIKE untag' #-}
+ untag' = untag
ut2zt ∷ UTCTime → ZonedTime
+ {-# INLINE ut2zt #-}
ut2zt = utcToZonedTime gmt
gmt ∷ TimeZone
+ {-# INLINE CONLIKE gmt #-}
gmt = TimeZone 0 False "GMT"
- UnicodeSyntax
+ FlexibleInstances
+ , MultiParamTypeClasses
+ , OverloadedStrings
+ , TemplateHaskell
+ , UnicodeSyntax
-- |This module provides functions to parse and format RFC 1123 date
-- and time formats.
-- > year ::= 4DIGIT
module Data.Time.RFC1123
- ( -- * Formatting
- toAscii
- , toAsciiBuilder
- -- * Parsing
- , fromAscii
+ ( RFC1123
, rfc1123DateAndTime
-import Data.Ascii (Ascii)
+import Control.Applicative
+import Data.Ascii (Ascii, AsciiBuilder)
import qualified Data.Ascii as A
-import qualified Data.Attoparsec.Char8 as P
+import Data.Attoparsec.Char8
+import Data.Convertible.Base
+import Data.Monoid.Unicode
+import Data.Tagged
import Data.Time
-import Data.Time.RFC1123.Internal
+import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
+import Data.Time.HTTP.Common
+import Data.Time.RFC822
import Prelude.Unicode
--- |Convert a 'ZonedTime' to RFC 1123 date and time string.
-toAscii ∷ ZonedTime → Ascii
-toAscii = A.fromAsciiBuilder ∘ toAsciiBuilder
+-- FIXME: doc
+data RFC1123
--- |Parse an RFC 1123 date and time string. When the string can't be
--- parsed, it returns @'Left' err@.
-fromAscii ∷ Ascii → Either String ZonedTime
-fromAscii = P.parseOnly p ∘ A.toByteString
- where
- p = do zt ← rfc1123DateAndTime
- P.endOfInput
- return zt
+instance ConvertSuccess ZonedTime (Tagged RFC1123 Ascii) where
+ {-# INLINE convertSuccess #-}
+ convertSuccess = (A.fromAsciiBuilder <$>) ∘ cs
+instance ConvertSuccess ZonedTime (Tagged RFC1123 AsciiBuilder) where
+ {-# INLINE convertSuccess #-}
+ convertSuccess = Tagged ∘ toAsciiBuilder
+instance ConvertAttempt (Tagged RFC1123 Ascii) ZonedTime where
+ {-# INLINE convertAttempt #-}
+ convertAttempt = parseAttempt' rfc1123DateAndTime ∘ untag
+-- |Parse an RFC 1123 date and time string.
+rfc1123DateAndTime ∷ Parser ZonedTime
+rfc1123DateAndTime = dateTime
+dateTime ∷ Parser ZonedTime
+dateTime = do weekDay ← optionMaybe $
+ do w ← shortWeekDayNameP
+ _ ← string ", "
+ return w
+ gregDay ← date
+ case weekDay of
+ Nothing
+ → return ()
+ Just givenWD
+ → assertWeekDayIsGood givenWD gregDay
+ (tod, timeZone) ← rfc822Time
+ let lt = LocalTime gregDay tod
+ zt = ZonedTime lt timeZone
+ return zt
+date ∷ Parser Day
+date = do day ← read2
+ _ ← char ' '
+ month ← shortMonthNameP
+ _ ← char ' '
+ year ← read4
+ _ ← char ' '
+ assertGregorianDateIsGood year month day
+toAsciiBuilder ∷ ZonedTime → AsciiBuilder
+toAsciiBuilder zonedTime
+ = let localTime = zonedTimeToLocalTime zonedTime
+ timeZone = zonedTimeZone zonedTime
+ (year, month, day) = toGregorian (localDay localTime)
+ (_, _, week) = toWeekDate (localDay localTime)
+ timeOfDay = localTimeOfDay localTime
+ in
+ shortWeekDayName week
+ ⊕ A.toAsciiBuilder ", "
+ ⊕ show2 day
+ ⊕ A.toAsciiBuilder " "
+ ⊕ shortMonthName month
+ ⊕ A.toAsciiBuilder " "
+ ⊕ show4 year
+ ⊕ A.toAsciiBuilder " "
+ ⊕ show2 (todHour timeOfDay)
+ ⊕ A.toAsciiBuilder ":"
+ ⊕ show2 (todMin timeOfDay)
+ ⊕ A.toAsciiBuilder ":"
+ ⊕ show2 (floor (todSec timeOfDay) ∷ Int)
+ ⊕ A.toAsciiBuilder " "
+ ⊕ untag (cs timeZone ∷ Tagged RFC822 AsciiBuilder)
+deriveAttempts [ ([t| ZonedTime |], [t| Tagged RFC1123 Ascii |])
+ , ([t| ZonedTime |], [t| Tagged RFC1123 AsciiBuilder |])
+ ]
+++ /dev/null
- OverloadedStrings
- , UnicodeSyntax
- #-}
--- |Internal functions for "Data.Time.RFC1123".
-module Data.Time.RFC1123.Internal
- ( rfc1123DateAndTime
- , toAsciiBuilder
- )
- where
-import Data.Ascii (AsciiBuilder)
-import qualified Data.Ascii as A
-import Data.Attoparsec.Char8
-import Data.Convertible.Base
-import Data.Monoid.Unicode
-import Data.Tagged
-import Data.Time
-import Data.Time.Calendar.WeekDate
-import Data.Time.HTTP.Common
-import Data.Time.RFC822
--- |Parse an RFC 1123 date and time string.
-rfc1123DateAndTime ∷ Parser ZonedTime
-rfc1123DateAndTime = dateTime
-dateTime ∷ Parser ZonedTime
-dateTime = do weekDay ← optionMaybe $
- do w ← shortWeekDayNameP
- _ ← string ", "
- return w
- gregDay ← date
- case weekDay of
- Nothing
- → return ()
- Just givenWD
- → assertWeekDayIsGood givenWD gregDay
- (tod, timeZone) ← rfc822Time
- let lt = LocalTime gregDay tod
- zt = ZonedTime lt timeZone
- return zt
-date ∷ Parser Day
-date = do day ← read2
- _ ← char ' '
- month ← shortMonthNameP
- _ ← char ' '
- year ← read4
- _ ← char ' '
- assertGregorianDateIsGood year month day
--- |Convert a 'ZonedTime' to RFC 1123 date and time string.
-toAsciiBuilder ∷ ZonedTime → AsciiBuilder
-toAsciiBuilder zonedTime
- = let localTime = zonedTimeToLocalTime zonedTime
- timeZone = zonedTimeZone zonedTime
- (year, month, day) = toGregorian (localDay localTime)
- (_, _, week) = toWeekDate (localDay localTime)
- timeOfDay = localTimeOfDay localTime
- in
- shortWeekDayName week
- ⊕ A.toAsciiBuilder ", "
- ⊕ show2 day
- ⊕ A.toAsciiBuilder " "
- ⊕ shortMonthName month
- ⊕ A.toAsciiBuilder " "
- ⊕ show4 year
- ⊕ A.toAsciiBuilder " "
- ⊕ show2 (todHour timeOfDay)
- ⊕ A.toAsciiBuilder ":"
- ⊕ show2 (todMin timeOfDay)
- ⊕ A.toAsciiBuilder ":"
- ⊕ show2 (floor (todSec timeOfDay) ∷ Int)
- ⊕ A.toAsciiBuilder " "
- ⊕ untag (cs timeZone ∷ Tagged RFC822 AsciiBuilder)
{-# INLINE convertSuccess #-}
convertSuccess = Tagged ∘ toAsciiBuilder
+-- |FIXME: move this to RFC822.Internal
instance ConvertSuccess TimeZone (Tagged RFC822 Ascii) where
{-# INLINE convertSuccess #-}
convertSuccess = (A.fromAsciiBuilder <$>) ∘ cs
+-- |FIXME: move this to RFC822.Internal
instance ConvertSuccess TimeZone (Tagged RFC822 AsciiBuilder) where
{-# INLINE convertSuccess #-}
convertSuccess tz
_ ← char ' '
assertGregorianDateIsGood year month day
--- |Parse the time and time zone of an RFC 822 date and time string.
+-- |FIXME: move this to RFC822.Internal
rfc822Time ∷ Parser (TimeOfDay, TimeZone)
rfc822Time = do tod ← hms
_ ← char ' '
import Data.Time.Asctime
import qualified Data.Time.HTTP as HTTP
import Data.Time.RFC733
-import qualified Data.Time.RFC1123 as RFC1123
+import Data.Time.RFC1123
import System.Exit
import Prelude.Unicode
import Test.QuickCheck
∷ Tagged RFC733 Ascii))
-- RFC1123
- , property ( RFC1123.fromAscii "Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT"
- ≡ Right referenceZonedTime )
+ , property ( fromAttempt (ca (Tagged "Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT" ∷ Tagged RFC1123 Ascii))
+ ≡ Just referenceZonedTime
+ )
- , property ( "Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT"
- ≡ RFC1123.toAscii referenceZonedTime )
+ , property ( (Tagged "Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT" ∷ Tagged RFC1123 Ascii)
+ ≡ cs referenceZonedTime
+ )
- , property $ \zt → Right zt ≡ RFC1123.fromAscii (RFC1123.toAscii zt)
+ , property $ \zt → Just zt ≡ fromAttempt (ca (cs (zt ∷ ZonedTime)
+ ∷ Tagged RFC1123 Ascii))
, property $ \ut → Right ut ≡ HTTP.fromAscii (HTTP.toAscii ut )
, property $ \ut → Right ut ≡ HTTP.fromAscii (untag (cs (ut2lt ut) ∷ Tagged Asctime Ascii))
, property $ \ut → Right ut ≡ HTTP.fromAscii (untag (cs (ut2zt ut) ∷ Tagged RFC733 Ascii))
- , property $ \ut → Right ut ≡ HTTP.fromAscii (RFC1123.toAscii (ut2zt ut))
+ , property $ \ut → Right ut ≡ HTTP.fromAscii (untag (cs (ut2zt ut) ∷ Tagged RFC1123 Ascii))
- Data.Time.RFC1123.Internal
ascii == 0.0.*,