-- * Construction
, (∅)
+ , empty
, singleton
-- * Basic Interface
, rightBytes ∷ !L.ByteString
, rightRem ∷ !Remnant
- deriving (Eq, Show)
+ deriving Show
+instance Eq BitString where
+ a == b = leftRem a' ≡ leftRem b' ∧
+ leftBytes a' ≡ leftBytes b' ∧
+ rightRem a' ≡ rightRem b'
+ where
+ a' = normalise a
+ b' = normalise b
+normalise ∷ BitString → BitString
+normalise bs
+ | remLen (leftRem bs) ≡ 8
+ = normalise $ bs {
+ leftRem = remEmpty
+ , leftBytes = L.cons (remByte $ leftRem bs) $ leftBytes bs
+ }
+ | remLen (rightRem bs) ≡ 8
+ = normalise $ bs {
+ rightBytes = L.cons (remByte $ rightRem bs) $ rightBytes bs
+ , rightRem = remEmpty
+ }
+ | otherwise
+ = bs {
+ leftBytes = leftBytes bs `L.append` (L.reverse $ rightBytes bs)
+ , rightBytes = L.empty
+ }
data Remnant
= Remnant {
(# r', S.Nothing #)
- w' = (remByte r `shiftR` 1)
+ w' = (remByte r `shiftL` 1)
if b then 1 else 0
unconsRem ∷ Remnant → (# S.Maybe Bool, Remnant #)
unconsRem r
| remNull r = (# S.Nothing, remEmpty #)
- | otherwise = let !b = remByte r `testBit` 1
+ | otherwise = let !b = remByte r `testBit` 0
!r' = Remnant {
remLen = remLen r - 1
, remByte = remByte r `shiftR` 1
| otherwise
= (# S.Nothing, remEmpty #)
--- | /O(1)/ The empty 'BitString'.
+-- | /O(1)/ The same as 'empty'.
(∅) ∷ BitString
-(∅) = BitString {
- leftRem = remEmpty
- , leftBytes = L.empty
- , rightBytes = L.empty
- , rightRem = remEmpty
- }
+(∅) = empty
+-- | /O(1)/ The empty 'BitString'.
+empty ∷ BitString
+empty = BitString {
+ leftRem = remEmpty
+ , leftBytes = L.empty
+ , rightBytes = L.empty
+ , rightRem = remEmpty
+ }
-- | /O(1)/ Convert a 'Bool' into a 'BitString'.
singleton ∷ Bool → BitString
-- | /O(1)/ Test whether a 'BitString' is empty.
null ∷ BitString → Bool
null bs
- = remLen (leftRem bs) ≡ 0
+ = remNull (leftRem bs)
L.null (leftBytes bs)
L.null (rightBytes bs)
- remLen (rightRem bs) ≡ 0
+ remNull (rightRem bs)
-- | /O(n)/ Return the number of bits in a 'BitString'.
length ∷ Integral n ⇒ BitString → n