--- /dev/null
+#include <bindings.dsl.h>
+#include <apr_tables.h>
+module Bindings.APR.Tables where
+import Bindings.APR
+import Bindings.APR.Pools
+#opaque_t apr_table_t
+#starttype struct apr_array_header_t
+# field pool , Ptr <apr_pool_t>
+# field elt_size, CInt
+# field nelts , CInt
+# field nalloc , CInt
+# field elts , Ptr CChar
+#starttype struct apr_table_entry_t
+# field key, Ptr CChar
+# field val, Ptr CChar
+# field key_checksum, <apr_uint32_t>
+#ccall apr_table_elts , Ptr <apr_table_t> -> IO (Ptr <apr_array_header_t>)
+#ccall apr_is_empty_table, Ptr <apr_table_t> -> IO CInt
+#ccall apr_is_empty_array, Ptr <apr_array_header_t> -> IO CInt
+#ccall apr_array_make , Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr <apr_array_header_t>)
+#ccall apr_array_push , Ptr <apr_array_header_t> -> IO (Ptr ())
+-- It's impossible to wrap around APR_ARRAY_IDX and APR_ARRAY_PUSH as
+-- they take C types as their arguments.
+#ccall apr_array_pop , Ptr <apr_array_header_t> -> IO (Ptr ())
+#ccall apr_array_clear , Ptr <apr_array_header_t> -> IO ()
+#ccall apr_array_cat , Ptr <apr_array_header_t> -> Ptr <apr_array_header_t> -> IO ()
+#ccall apr_array_copy , Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> Ptr <apr_array_header_t> -> IO (Ptr <apr_array_header_t>)
+#ccall apr_array_copy_hdr, Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> Ptr <apr_array_header_t> -> IO (Ptr <apr_array_header_t>)
+#ccall apr_array_append , Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> Ptr <apr_array_header_t> -> Ptr <apr_array_header_t> -> IO (Ptr <apr_array_header_t>)
+#ccall apr_array_pstrcat , Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> Ptr <apr_array_header_t> -> CChar -> IO (Ptr CChar)
+#ccall apr_table_make , Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> CInt -> IO (Ptr <apr_table_t>)
+#ccall apr_table_copy , Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> Ptr <apr_table_t> -> IO (Ptr <apr_table_t>)
+#ccall apr_table_clone , Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> Ptr <apr_table_t> -> IO (Ptr <apr_table_t>)
+#ccall apr_table_clear , Ptr <apr_table_t> -> IO ()
+#ccall apr_table_get , Ptr <apr_table_t> -> Ptr CChar -> IO (Ptr CChar)
+#ccall apr_table_set , Ptr <apr_table_t> -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> IO ()
+#ccall apr_table_setn , Ptr <apr_table_t> -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> IO ()
+#ccall apr_table_unset , Ptr <apr_table_t> -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> IO ()
+#ccall apr_table_merge , Ptr <apr_table_t> -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> IO ()
+#ccall apr_table_mergen, Ptr <apr_table_t> -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> IO ()
+#ccall apr_table_add , Ptr <apr_table_t> -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> IO ()
+#ccall apr_table_addn , Ptr <apr_table_t> -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> IO ()
+#ccall apr_table_overlay, Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> Ptr <apr_table_t> -> Ptr <apr_table_t> -> IO (Ptr <apr_table_t>)
+#callback apr_table_do_callback_fn_t, Ptr () -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr CChar -> IO CInt
+-- It's impossible to wrap around apr_table_do and apr_table_vdo as
+-- they take varargs.
+#ccall apr_table_overlap , Ptr <apr_table_t> -> Ptr <apr_table_t> -> CUInt -> IO ()
+#ccall apr_table_compress, Ptr <apr_table_t> -> CUInt -> IO ()
--- /dev/null
+#include <bindings.dsl.h>
+#include <apr_user.h>
+module Bindings.APR.User where
+import Bindings.APR.ErrNo
+import Bindings.APR.Pools
+#integral_t apr_uid_t
+#integral_t apr_gid_t
+# ccall apr_uid_current , Ptr <apr_uid_t> -> Ptr <apr_gid_t> -> Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> IO <apr_status_t>
+# ccall apr_uid_name_get , Ptr (Ptr CChar) -> <apr_uid_t> -> Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> IO <apr_status_t>
+# ccall apr_uid_get , Ptr <apr_uid_t> -> Ptr <apr_gid_t> -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> IO <apr_status_t>
+# ccall apr_uid_homepath_get, Ptr (Ptr CChar) -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> IO <apr_status_t>
+# cinline apr_uid_compare , <apr_uid_t> -> <apr_uid_t> -> IO <apr_status_t>
+# ccall apr_gid_name_get , Ptr (Ptr CChar) -> <apr_gid_t> -> Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> IO <apr_status_t>
+# ccall apr_gid_get , Ptr <apr_gid_t> -> Ptr CChar -> Ptr <apr_pool_t> -> IO <apr_status_t>
+# cinline apr_gid_compare , <apr_gid_t> -> <apr_gid_t> -> IO <apr_status_t>
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