, UnicodeSyntax
--- |Aborting the computation of 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Resource'
--- in any 'Prelude.IO' monads or arrows.
+-- |Aborting the computation of 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Rsrc' in any 'IO'
+-- monads.
module Network.HTTP.Lucu.Abortion
( Abortion
, mkAbortion
-- |Throw an 'Abortion' in a 'MonadIO', including the very
--- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Resource' monad.
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Rsrc' monad.
abort ∷ MonadIO m ⇒ Abortion → m a
{-# INLINE abort #-}
abort = liftIO ∘ throwIO
import Text.XML.HXT.Arrow.XmlState
-- |'Abortion' is an 'Exception' that aborts the execution of
--- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Resource' monad with a 'StatusCode',
--- additional response headers, and an optional message text.
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Rsrc' monad with a 'StatusCode', additional
+-- response headers, and an optional message text.
--- 1. If the 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Resource' is in the /Deciding
--- Header/ or any precedent states, throwing an 'Abortion' affects
--- the HTTP response to be sent to the client.
+-- 1. If the 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Rsrc' is in the /Deciding Header/ or
+-- any precedent states, throwing an 'Abortion' affects the HTTP
+-- response to be sent to the client.
-- 2. Otherwise it's too late to overwrite the HTTP response so the
-- only possible thing the system can do is to dump the exception
-- 'isError' so you can abuse this exception for redirections as well
-- as error reporting e.g.
--- > abort $ mkAbortion MovedPermanently
--- > [("Location", "http://example.net/")]
--- > "It has been moved to example.net"
+-- @
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.abort' '$' 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.mkAbortion' 'MovedPermanently'
+-- [(\"Location\", \"http://example.net/\")]
+-- ('Just' \"It's been moved to example.net.\")
+-- @
data Abortion = Abortion {
aboStatus ∷ !SomeStatusCode
, aboHeaders ∷ !Headers
-- |Authentication challenge to be sent to clients with
-- \"WWW-Authenticate\" header field. See
--- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.setWWWAuthenticate'.
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.setWWWAuthenticate'.
data AuthChallenge
= BasicAuthChallenge !Realm
deriving (Eq)
type Realm = Ascii
-- |Authorization credential to be sent by client with
--- \"Authorization\" header. See
--- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.getAuthorization'.
+-- \"Authorization\" header. See 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.getAuthorization'.
data AuthCredential
= BasicAuthCredential !UserID !Password
deriving (Show, Eq)
, cnfDumpTooLateAbortionToStderr = True
, cnfExtToMIMEType = defaultExtensionMap
+-- FIXME: use data-default.
-- |Container type for the 'ResourceMapper' type class.
data ResourceMap = ∀α. ResourceMapper α ⇒ RMap α
--- |'ResourceTree' is an opaque structure which is a map from resource
--- path to 'Resource'.
+-- |'ResourceTree' is an opaque structure which a map from resource
+-- 'Path' to 'ResourceNode'.
-- @
-- 'fromList' [ ([] , 'nonGreedy' '$' 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.StaticFile.staticFile' \"\/usr\/include\/stdio.h\" ) -- \/
newtype ResourceTree = Tree (M.Map Path ResourceNode)
deriving Monoid
--- |FIXME: doc
+-- |A node of 'Resource' located somewhere in a 'ResourceTree'. Such
+-- nodes are either 'greedy' or 'nonGreedy'.
data ResourceNode
= Greedy { nResource ∷ !Resource }
| NonGreedy { nResource ∷ !Resource }
-- Say a client is trying to access \"\/aaa\/bbb\/ccc\' while there is
-- no resource node at the path. If there are greedy resource nodes at
-- \"\/aaa\/bbb\", \"\/aaa\" or \"/\" they will be chosen instead as a
--- fallback. Greedy resource nodes are searched in depth-first order.
+-- fallback. Greedy resource nodes are searched in depth-first
+-- order, just like CGI scripts.
greedy ∷ Resource → ResourceNode
{-# INLINE CONLIKE greedy #-}
greedy = Greedy
--- |FIXME: doc
+-- |Make a normal, non-greedy resource node.
nonGreedy ∷ Resource → ResourceNode
{-# INLINE CONLIKE nonGreedy #-}
nonGreedy = NonGreedy
getRequestVersion = reqVersion <$> getRequest
-- |This is an analogy of CGI PATH_INFO. 'getPathInfo' always returns
--- @[]@ if the corresponding
--- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Tree.Resource' is not greedy. See:
--- 'getResourcePath'
+-- @[]@ if the corresponding 'Resource' is not greedy. See
+-- 'getResourcePath'.
-- Note that the returned path components are URI-decoded.
getPathInfo ∷ Rsrc [Strict.ByteString]
-- |Write a chunk in 'Strict.ByteString' to the response body. You
-- must first declare the response header \"Content-Type\" before
--- applying this function. See: 'setContentType'
+-- applying this function. See 'setContentType'.
putChunk ∷ Strict.ByteString → Rsrc ()
putChunk = putBuilder ∘ BB.fromByteString
-- can be safely applied to an infinitely long 'Lazy.ByteString'.
-- Note that you must first declare the response header
--- \"Content-Type\" before applying this function. See:
--- 'setContentType'
+-- \"Content-Type\" before applying this function. See
+-- 'setContentType'.
putChunks ∷ Lazy.ByteString → Rsrc ()
putChunks = putBuilder ∘ BB.fromLazyByteString
getRequest = niRequest <$> getInteraction
-- |Get the path of this 'Rsrc' (to be exact, 'Resource') in the
--- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Tree.ResTree'. The result of this
+-- corresponding 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.ResourceTree'. The result of this
-- action is the exact path in the tree even when the 'Resource' is
--- greedy.
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.greedy'.
-- Example:
--- > main = let tree = mkResTree [ (["foo"], resFoo) ]
--- > in runHttpd defaultConfig tree []
--- >
--- > resFoo = emptyResource {
--- > resIsGreedy = True
--- > , resGet = Just $ do requestURI <- getRequestURI
--- > resourcePath <- getResourcePath
--- > pathInfo <- getPathInfo
--- > -- uriPath requestURI == "/foo/bar/baz"
--- > -- resourcePath == ["foo"]
--- > -- pathInfo == ["bar", "baz"]
--- > ...
--- > }
+-- @
+-- main :: 'IO' ()
+-- main = let tree :: 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.ResourceTree'
+-- tree = 'fromList' [ (["foo"], 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.greedy' resFoo) ]
+-- in 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.runHttpd' 'defaultConfig' $ 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.resourceMap' tree
+-- resFoo :: 'Resource'
+-- resFoo = 'singleton'
+-- ( 'GET'
+-- , do requestURI <- 'getRequestURI'
+-- resourcePath <- 'getResourcePath'
+-- pathInfo <- 'getPathInfo'
+-- -- 'Network.URI.uriPath' requestURI '==' \"/foo/bar/baz\"
+-- -- resourcePath == ["foo"]
+-- -- pathInfo == ["bar", "baz"]
+-- ...
+-- )
+-- @
getResourcePath ∷ Rsrc Path
getResourcePath = niResourcePath <$> getInteraction
-- |@'setHeader' name value@ declares the value of the response header
-- @name@ as @value@. Note that this function is not intended to be
-- used so frequently: there should be specialised functions like
--- 'setContentType' for every common headers.
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.setContentType' for every common headers.
-- Some important headers (especially \"Content-Length\" and
-- \"Transfer-Encoding\") may be silently dropped or overwritten by
-- infinitely long stream of octets.
-- Note that you must first declare the response header
--- \"Content-Type\" before applying this function. See:
--- 'setContentType'
+-- \"Content-Type\" before applying this function. See
+-- 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.setContentType'.
putBuilder ∷ Builder → Rsrc ()
putBuilder b = liftIO ∘ atomically ∘ go =≪ getInteraction
A.toAsciiBuilder "\x0D\x0A" ⊕
printHeaders resHeaders
--- |@'isInformational' sc@ returns 'True' iff @sc < 200@.
+-- |@'isInformational' sc@ returns 'True' iff @sc '<' 200@.
isInformational ∷ StatusCode sc ⇒ sc → Bool
{-# INLINE isInformational #-}
isInformational = satisfy (< 200)
--- |@'isSuccessful' sc@ returns 'True' iff @200 <= sc < 300@.
+-- |@'isSuccessful' sc@ returns 'True' iff @200 '<=' sc '<' 300@.
isSuccessful ∷ StatusCode sc ⇒ sc → Bool
{-# INLINE isSuccessful #-}
isSuccessful = satisfy (\ n → n ≥ 200 ∧ n < 300)
--- |@'isRedirection' sc@ returns 'True' iff @300 <= sc < 400@.
+-- |@'isRedirection' sc@ returns 'True' iff @300 '<=' sc '<' 400@.
isRedirection ∷ StatusCode sc ⇒ sc → Bool
{-# INLINE isRedirection #-}
isRedirection = satisfy (\ n → n ≥ 300 ∧ n < 400)
--- |@'isError' sc@ returns 'True' iff @400 <= sc@
+-- |@'isError' sc@ returns 'True' iff @400 '<=' sc@
isError ∷ StatusCode sc ⇒ sc → Bool
{-# INLINE isError #-}
isError = satisfy (≥ 400)
--- |@'isClientError' sc@ returns 'True' iff @400 <= sc < 500@.
+-- |@'isClientError' sc@ returns 'True' iff @400 '<=' sc '<' 500@.
isClientError ∷ StatusCode sc ⇒ sc → Bool
{-# INLINE isClientError #-}
isClientError = satisfy (\ n → n ≥ 400 ∧ n < 500)
--- |@'isServerError' sc@ returns 'True' iff @500 <= sc@.
+-- |@'isServerError' sc@ returns 'True' iff @500 '<=' sc@.
isServerError ∷ StatusCode sc ⇒ sc → Bool
{-# INLINE isServerError #-}
isServerError = satisfy (≥ 500)
$ liftIO (LBS.readFile path) ≫= putChunks
-- | @'staticDir' dir@ is a 'Resource' which maps all files in @dir@
--- and its subdirectories on the filesystem to the resource tree.
+-- and its subdirectories on the filesystem to the resource tree. Thus
+-- having 'Network.HTTP.Lucu.nonGreedy' 'staticDir' in a tree makes no
+-- sense.
-- Note that 'staticDir' currently doesn't have a directory-listing
-- capability. Requesting the content of a directory will end up being
(SomeStatusCode α) == (SomeStatusCode β) = α ≈ β
infix 4 ≈, ≉
--- |Two 'StatusCode's @a@ and @b@ are said to be equivalent iff
--- @'numericCode' a '==' 'numericCode' b@.
+-- |Equivalence of 'StatusCode's. Two 'StatusCode's @a@ and @b@ are
+-- said to be equivalent iff @'numericCode' a '==' 'numericCode' b@.
(≈) ∷ (StatusCode α, StatusCode β) ⇒ α → β → Bool
f = dropWhile isSpace
infixr 5 ⊲
--- | (B2;) = ('<|')
+-- | (⊲) = ('<|')
(⊲) ∷ Sequence α a ⇒ a → α → α
(⊲) = (<|)
infixl 5 ⊳
--- | (B3;) = ('|>')
+-- | (⊳) = ('|>')
(⊳) ∷ Sequence α a ⇒ α → a → α
(⊳) = (|>)
infixr 5 ⋈
--- | (C8;) = ('><')
+-- | (⋈) = ('><')
-- U+22C8, BOWTIE
(⋈) ∷ Sequence α a ⇒ α → α → α
helloWorld ∷ Resource
- = C.fromList
- [ ( GET
- , do setContentType [mimeType| text/plain |]
- putChunk "getRemoteCertificate = "
- cert ← do cert ← getRemoteCertificate
- case cert of
- Just c → liftIO $ Lazy.pack <$> printX509 c
- Nothing → return "Nothing"
- putChunks cert
- )
- ]
+ = C.singleton
+ ( GET
+ , do setContentType [mimeType| text/plain |]
+ putChunk "getRemoteCertificate = "
+ cert ← do cert ← getRemoteCertificate
+ case cert of
+ Just c → liftIO $ Lazy.pack <$> printX509 c
+ Nothing → return "Nothing"
+ putChunks cert
+ )
genCert ∷ KeyPair k ⇒ k → IO X509
genCert pkey