# We don't want to discard rare weapons or armors even if they aren't
# ego.
!worthless weapons:blade of chaos
-weapons:blade of chaos
weapons:falcon sword
weapons:poison needle
shields:mirror shield#%all!k
armors:black clothes
+# Shovels are never useful after the very beginning of the game.
+?:[AND [GEQ $MONEY 1000] [NOT [EQU $CLASS Weaponsmith]]]
+!dwarven pick
+!orcish pick
# Discard boring weapons and armors depending on the player level.
# TODO: Move the Weaponsmith to the class-specific file.
?:[AND [GEQ $LEVEL 10] [NOT [EQU $CLASS Weaponsmith]]]
!average armors
?:[AND [GEQ $LEVEL 25] [NOT [EQU $CLASS Weaponsmith]]]
+!average weapons:blade of chaos
!good weapons
!good armors
?:[AND [GEQ $LEVEL 30] [NOT [EQU $CLASS Weaponsmith]]]
+!good weapons:blade of chaos
# We don't need "Sword of Slay Human" but we may need "Sword of
# Slaying".
~ego weapons:of slaying
!ego weapons:slay
+# Armors of Olog-Hai are almost useless, because all they have is a
+# single element resistance. The same goes for Dwarven.
+!ego armors:of Dwarven
+!ego armors:of Olog-Hai
# Unidentified weapons are potentially useful. Pick them all.
unidentified weapons
unidentified armors
+# Pick known bad-ego items. They may not be worth using but
+# potentially are.
+ego:of demon
# Potions
# Pick useful ones.
+identified:ring of chaos resistance#%all
identified:ring of nether resistance#%all
identified:ring of speed#!k!s!d
ring of extra#!k
;; jaspace
(require-if-present 'jaspace)
+;; json
+(require-if-present 'json-par)
+(if (featurep 'json-par)
+ (add-hook 'json-mode-hook #'json-par-mode))
;; pkgdiff
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/sandbox/_editors/emacs-pkgdiff")
(autoload 'pkgvi "pkgdiff" "Edit a copy of specified file." t)
(autoload 'cleite "cleite" "Cleite RSS Aggregator -- Emacs Interface" t)
;; javascript
-(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.js$" . javascript-mode))
-(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.json$" . javascript-mode))
+(add-to-list 'auto-mode-alist '("\\.js\\'" . javascript-mode))
;; typescript
(autoload 'typescript-mode "typescript-mode"
("melpa" . "https://melpa.org/packages/"))))
- (elscreen-fr color-theme-modern elscreen elscreen-multi-term projectile elixir-mode flycheck-haskell flycheck-inline flycheck-rust undo-tree auto-complete typescript-mode cargo toml-mode rust-mode)))
+ (json-par nim-mode elscreen-fr color-theme-modern elscreen elscreen-multi-term projectile elixir-mode flycheck-haskell flycheck-inline flycheck-rust undo-tree auto-complete typescript-mode cargo toml-mode rust-mode)))
'(projectile-mode t nil (projectile))
'(rcirc-server-alist (quote (("irc1.ymir.jp" :nick "PHO`cons" nil nil))))
'(riece-layout "default")