]> gitweb @ CieloNegro.org - Lucu.git/shortlog
2009-11-09 phoFix for insane memory usage RELEASE-0_4
2009-11-03 phoRelease 0.3.3
2009-07-08 phoFixed stack-overflow bugs RELEASE-0_3_2
2009-07-05 phoVoker57's fix for getRemoteAddr' only works on little...
2009-06-30 voker57Fixed reversed IP adress
2009-06-03 phoRelease 0.3 RELEASE-0_3
2009-06-03 phoSSL Support
2009-02-20 phoRelease 0.2.1 RELEASE-0_2_1
2009-02-20 phoLucu now *requires* base >= 4.
2009-01-20 phoNo need to define our own methods for Exception Abortion
2009-01-16 phoFixed breakage on GHC 6.10.1
2008-11-09 phoapplication/x-wavpack ==> audio/x-wavpack
2008-07-20 phoAdded NEWS
2008-04-16 phoAdded COPYING
2008-04-04 phoSlight cabal change
2008-02-17 phoUse HsOpenSSL instead of Crypto
2008-02-02 phofixed a bug of getQueryForm
2008-01-23 phofix for interface change of Codec.Binary.Base64
2008-01-22 phoupdates for new Crypto and dataenc package
2008-01-10 phoforgot to re-export AuthChallenge and AuthCredential
2008-01-10 phoadded facilities for basic authentication (not tested)
2008-01-07 phobugfix
2007-11-06 phoFixed two bugs
2007-11-05 phoSmall fixes
2007-11-05 phoNew cabal format
2007-11-05 phoExodus to GHC 6.8.1
2007-10-18 phoabortPurely should be exported by default as well as...
2007-10-18 phoSmall fix
2007-10-06 phoImplemented fallback handler.
2007-10-06 phomultipart/form-data and more
2007-10-06 phoSlight changes
2007-10-06 phoOptimization
2007-10-04 phoAdded new example.
2007-10-03 phoDoc fix
2007-10-03 phoDoc fix, optimization, and more.
2007-10-03 phoThe parser now returns unboxed tuple.
2007-10-03 phoDoc fix
2007-10-03 phoAdded an example of lucu-implant-file.
2007-10-03 phoImplemented the lucu-implant-file but not tested it...
2007-10-03 phoSmall fix
2007-10-03 phoSay good bye to the ugliness of "text" </> "plain".
2007-10-02 phoAdded new actions to the Resource.
2007-09-06 phoSlight speed improvement and bugfix
2007-09-05 phoSlight speed improvement
2007-08-25 phoMoved hidden modules from Exposed-Modules to Other...
2007-07-17 phoSupplession of unneeded imports
2007-07-09 phoOptimized as possible as I can.
2007-06-10 phogetRemoteAddr and getRemoteAddr'
2007-06-03 phoBugfix of Utils.parseWWWFormURLEncoded
2007-05-19 phogetRequestURI should always return an absolute URI
2007-05-03 phoCabal
2007-05-03 phoDocumentation
2007-05-03 phoMore documentation
2007-04-26 phoTransfer-Encoding is always overwritten / foundEntity...
2007-04-25 phoDocumentation of Resource
2007-04-22 pho"driftTo Done" was trying to change the response header...
2007-04-20 phoMore documentation
2007-04-20 pho</> is better than +/+
2007-04-20 phoDocumentation
2007-04-19 phoAdded inputForm
2007-04-15 phoChanged type of abortA
2007-04-14 phoCleanUp of Setup.hs
2007-04-14 phoSecurityCheck
2007-04-14 phoMakefiles
2007-04-12 phoNetwork.HTTP.Lucu
2007-04-12 phostaticDir
2007-04-09 phostaticFile
2007-04-08 phodata/mime.types
2007-04-07 phoETag and Last Modified
2007-04-07 phoChunked input now works!
2007-04-01 phoNon-chunked input
2007-04-01 phoMany improvements
2007-03-31 phoYay! Deadlock problem has finally been solved!
2007-03-31 phochunked output
2007-03-29 phoMany improvements
2007-03-25 phoMany improvements: still in early development
2007-03-21 phoInitial Import