2 Synopsis: Embedded HTTP Server
5 Lucu is an embedded HTTP server library.
7 It's not a replacement for Apache nor lighttpd. It is intended
8 to be used to build an efficient web-based RESTful application
9 which runs behind a reverse-proxy so it doesn't have some
10 functionalities like logging, client filtering and such.
15 Author: PHO <pho at cielonegro dot org>
16 Maintainer: PHO <pho at cielonegro dot org>
17 Stability: experimental
18 Homepage: http://cielonegro.org/Lucu.html
19 Bug-Reports: http://static.cielonegro.org/ditz/Lucu/
21 Tested-With: GHC == 7.0.3
27 data/CompileMimeTypes.hs
30 examples/HelloWorld.hs
32 examples/ImplantedSmall.hs
36 examples/mise-rafturai.html
37 examples/small-file.txt
39 Source-Repository head
41 Location: git://git.cielonegro.org/Lucu.git
43 Flag build-lucu-implant-file
44 Description: Build the lucu-implant-file program.
53 base-unicode-symbols == 0.2.*,
54 base64-bytestring == 0.1.*,
55 blaze-builder == 0.3.*,
56 blaze-textual == 0.2.*,
59 containers-unicode-symbols == 0.3.*,
61 haskell-src-exts == 1.11.*,
66 stringsearch == 0.3.*,
70 transformers == 0.2.*,
75 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Abortion
76 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Authentication
77 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Config
78 Network.HTTP.Lucu.ETag
79 Network.HTTP.Lucu.HttpVersion
80 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Httpd
81 Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEType
82 Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEType.DefaultExtensionMap
83 Network.HTTP.Lucu.MIMEType.Guess
84 Network.HTTP.Lucu.MultipartForm
85 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Parser.Http
86 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Parser
87 Network.HTTP.Lucu.RFC2231
88 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Request
89 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource
90 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Tree
91 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Response
92 Network.HTTP.Lucu.StaticFile
93 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Utils
96 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Abortion.Internal
97 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Chunk
98 Network.HTTP.Lucu.ContentCoding
99 Network.HTTP.Lucu.DefaultPage
100 Network.HTTP.Lucu.HandleLike
101 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Headers
102 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Interaction
103 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Postprocess
104 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Preprocess
105 Network.HTTP.Lucu.RequestReader
106 Network.HTTP.Lucu.Resource.Internal
107 Network.HTTP.Lucu.ResponseWriter
108 Network.HTTP.Lucu.SocketLike
113 Executable lucu-implant-file
114 if flag(build-lucu-implant-file)
119 Main-Is: ImplantFile.hs
128 --Executable HelloWorld
129 -- Main-Is: HelloWorld.hs
130 -- Hs-Source-Dirs: ., examples
131 -- ghc-options: -fglasgow-exts -Wall -funbox-strict-fields -O3 -prof -auto-all
133 --Executable Multipart
134 -- Main-Is: Multipart.hs
135 -- Hs-Source-Dirs: ., examples
136 -- ghc-options: -XBangPatterns -fglasgow-exts -Wall -funbox-strict-fields -prof -auto-all